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Menu Tabs

Designer has the following menu tabs: Home, File, View , Insert, Format, Report, and Window. This topic introduces the options on each tab and their functions.

The following table lists the options on each menu tab.

Menu Tab Command Subcommand Description
Home Catalog Manager   Select to open the Catalog Manager.
  New Page Report Select to create a page report.
    Page Report Tab Select to create a report tab in the current page report.
    Web Report Select to create a blank web report.
    Library Component Select to create a library component.
    Query Select to create a query.
    Business View Select to create a business view.
    Data Source Select to create a data source in the current catalog which connects to the specified connection. For more information, see Connecting to Your Data Sources.
  Open   Select to display the Open Report dialog box to open a report.
  Save   Select to save the active report.
  Page Setup   Select to open the Page Setup dialog box to set up page properties.
  Print   Select to print the current report result.
  Preview As   Select to preview the report result in the specified format.
  Paste   Select to take an object from the clipboard and place it into the report.
  Cut   Select to erase an object and place it in the clipboard.
  Copy   Select to copy an object and place it in the clipboard.
  Delete   Select to erase an object from the report.
  Undo   Select to reverse a previous action.
  Redo   Select to redo an action. It is the counter-operation of Undo.
  Find   Select to find a specific DBField in the current report.
  Freeze   Select to freeze fields in a table. After you select the option, Designer stops the fields in a table from accepting any mouse or keyboard events.
  Split/Merge   This option works for cells in a table or tabular. When you select one cell, Designer enables the Split option for splitting the cell into two or more cells, when you select two or more cells, Designer enables the Merge opton for merging the cells into one cell.
  Font Face button Font Face   Select the font face of the text in the specified objects.
  Font Size button Font Size   Select the font size of the text in the specified objects.
  Style button Style   Select the style group to apply to the specified objects.
  Bold button Bold   Select to apply the bold style to the text in the specified objects.
  Italic button Italic   Select to italicize the text in the specified objects.
  Underline button Underline   Select to add a horizontal line under the text in the specified objects.
  Strikethrough button Strikethrough   Select to draw a line through the text in the specified objects.
  Background Color button Background Color   Select to specify the background color of the selected objects in the color palette.
  Foreground Color button Foreground Color   Select to specify the foreground color of the selected objects in the color palette.
  Conditional Formatting button Conditional Formatting   Select to open the Conditional Formatting dialog box to add conditional formatting to the specified object.
  Insert   Select to insert the specified object into the current report. The objects are also available on the Insert tab.
  Align Align Left Select to shift the specified objects to the left.
    Align Right Select to shift the specified objects to the right.
    Align Top Select to shift the specified objects to the top.
    Align Bottom Select to shift the specified objects to the bottom.
    Vertical Center Select to align the specified objects in the center vertically.
    Horizontal Center Select to align the specified objects in the center horizontally.
    Distribute Vertical Select to space the specified objects evenly in a vertical direction.
    Distribute Horizontal Select to space the specified objects evenly in a horizontal direction.
  Arrange Move Backward Select to place the specified objects that overlap one or more objects behind the current overlapping object.
    Move To Back Select to place the specified objects that overlap one or more objects behind all the overlapping objects.
    Move Forward Select to bring the specified objects that overlap one or more objects to the front of the current overlapping object.
    Move To Front Select to bring the specified objects that overlap one or more objects to the front of all the overlapping objects.
  Position Static Select to place the specified objects to the default location. Similar to "flow" since it does not overlap objects, Designer lays out the objects one after the other in the order you insert them.
    Relative Select to place the specified objects to "flow" relating to its surrounding objects.
    Absolute Select to place the specified objects to the location that you specify by dragging and dropping or setting the X and Y properties.
  Zoom   Select to zoom in or out the current report using the specified percentage.
  Data   Select to show the Data panel.
  Components   Select to show the Components panel.
  Inspector   Select show the Inspector panel.
  Language View Mode Language Select the language in which to view the report result.
    NLS Editor Select to edit NLS for the current report and catalog.
  CSS Editor   Select to manage CSS styles.
File New Page Report Select to create a page report.
    Page Report Tab Select to create a report tab in the current page report.
    Web Report Select to create a blank web report.
    Library Component Select to create a library component.
    Query Select to create a query.
    Business View Select to create a business view.
    Data Source Select to create a data source in the current catalog which connects to the specified connection. For more information, see Connecting to Your Data Sources.
  Open Recent   Select to open a recently accessed report.
  Close   Select to close the active report.
  Close All   Select to close all open reports.
  Save   Select to save the active report.
  Save As   Select to save the active report with a different name in the current directory.
  Save To   Select to save the active report with a different name to another directory. This command also merges the report's resources to the other directory by either creating a new .cat file (if there is no .cat file in that directory), or merging with the existing .cat file (if a .cat file already exists in that directory).
  New Catalog   Select to create a catalog file.
  Open Catalog   Select to open a catalog file.
  Save Catalog   Select to save the open catalog file.
  Save Catalog As   Select to save the open catalog file with a different name to another directory.
  Export Security   Select to export the security of the open catalog into a security file.
  Import Logi Report Page Report Select to import report tabs to a page report from another page report in the same catalog.
  Export   Select to export the current report result to the specified format: Logi Report Result, HTML, PDF, Excel, Text, RTF, XML, PostScript, Mail, or Fax.
  Publish Publish Report to Server Select to publish reports from their original location to Server.
    Publish Component to Server Select to publish library components from their original location to Server.
    Publish Other Files to Server Select to publish other resources from their original location to Server.
    Publish to Local Directory Select to publish resources from their original location to a local directory.
  Download Download Report from Server Select to download reports on Server to a local directory.
    Download Component from Server Select to download library components on Server to a local directory.
    Download Customized Control from Server Select to download customized controls on Server to a local directory.
  Options   Select to open the Options dialog box to configure Designer to suit your requirements.
  Information Bus   Select to open the Information Bus dialog box to edit the Information Bus content saved with user information in the current catalog.
  Page Setup   Select to open the Page Setup dialog box to set up page properties.
  Print Preview   Select to switch to the view mode to preview the report result.
  Print   Select to print the current report result.
  Exit   Select to close Designer. If there are any files unsaved, Designer prompts you to save them.
View Catalog Manager   Select to open the Catalog Manager.
  Preview As   Select to preview the report result in the specified format.
  Data   Select to show the Data panel.
  Components   Select to show the Components panel.
  Inspector   Select to show the Inspector panel.
  Hidden Objects   Select to show the invisible objects in design mode. If you select this option, Designer shows all the hidden objects (with the Invisible property value being "true") in design mode however marks them with two triangles. Selecting this option may result in that you are not able to see the complete report in design mode.
  Status Bar   Select to show the status bar.
  Page Header   Select to show the page header.
  Page Footer   Select to show the page footer.
  Page Layout   Select to show the report in page layout style, which displays the page margins and enables multiple pages when running the report.
  Rulers   Select to show the vertical and horizontal rulers.
  Guidelines   Select to show guidelines.
  Margin   Select to show page margins.
  Display Attributes   Select to open the Display Attribute dialog box to specify the precision of fractional data, the unit of measurement in the report, and the resolution.
  High Precision View  

Select to display reports in high precision when shifting from design mode to view mode. If you do not select the option, Designer adopts low precision. For more information about high/low precision, see Precision Sensitive.

Designer selects this option by default. You can also set its default value in the Options dialog box (File > Options > General > High Precision View).

  Data Buffer   Select to open the Data Buffer Information dialog box to view the information about data buffer usage in the current report and its subreports.
  Language View Mode Language Select in which to view the report result.
    NLS Editor Select to edit NLS for the current report and catalog.
  CSS Editor   Select to manage CSS styles.
Insert DBField   Select to insert a DBField into the current report.
  Formula   Select to insert a formula field into the current report.
  Summary   Select to insert a summary field into the current report.
  Parameter   Select to insert a parameter field into the current report.
  Group   Select to create and edit the criteria by which to group the fields of a table or banded object. You can access the same dialog box by right-clicking the table or banded object and selecting the wizard for it. For more information, see Grouping the Data.
  Label   Select to insert a label into the current report.
  Text Box   Select to insert a text box into the current report.
  Image   Select to insert an image into the current report.
  Barcode   Select to insert a barcode into the current report.
  Rank   Select to insert a rank object into the current report.
  Table   Select to insert a table into the current report.
  Crosstab   Select to insert a crosstab into the current report.
  Chart   Select to insert a chart into the current report.
  KPI   Select to insert a KPI into the current report.
  Tabular   Select to insert a tabular into the current report.
  Banded Object   Select to insert a banded object into the current report.
  Subreport   Select to insert a subreport into the current report.
  Map Shape Map Select to insert a shape map into the current report.
    Geographic Map Select to insert a geographic map into the current report.
  UDO   Select to insert a user-defined object (UDO) into the current report. Designer provides two built-in UDOs, JRotator and JHyperLink.
  Special Fields   Select to insert the specified special field which is not fetched from the database into the current report.
  Drawing Objects   Select to draw a line, box, arc, oval, or round box in the current report.
  Web Controls   Select to insert the specified web control into the current report.
  Multimedia Objects   Select to insert the specified multimedia object into the current report. You can insert applets, Windows Media files, and RealMedia files.
  Page Break   Select to insert a page break before or after the current page.
  Page Panel   Select to insert a page panel after the current page.
Format Align Left button Align Left   Select to shift the specified objects to the left.
  Align Right button Align Right   Select to shift the specified objects to the right.
  Align Top button Align Top   Select to shift the specified objects to the top.
  Align Bottom button Align Bottom   Select to shift the specified objects to the bottom.
  Vertical Center button Vertical Center   Select to align the specified objects in the center vertically.
  Horizontical Center button Horizontal Center   Select to align the specified objects in the center horizontally.
  Distribute Vertical button Distribute Vertical   Select to space the specified objects evenly in a vertical direction.
  Distribute Horizontal button Distribute Horizontal   Select to space the specified objects evenly in a horizontal direction.
  Align Box button Align Box   Select how to align the content in the specified objects.
  Move Backward button Move Backward   Select to place the specified objects that overlap one or more objects behind the current overlapping object.
  Move To Back button Move To Back   Select to place the specified objects that overlap one or more objects behind all the overlapping objects.
  Move Forward button Move Forward   Select to bring the specified objects that overlap one or more objects to the front of the current overlapping object.
  Move To Front button Move To Front   Select to bring the specified objects that overlap one or more objects to the front of all the overlapping objects.
  Position   Select the position of the specified objects.
  Font Face Box button Font Face   Select the font face of the text in the specified objects.
  Font Size Box button Font Size   Select the font size of the text in the specified objects.
  Style button Style   Select the style group to apply to the specified objects.
  Bold button Bold   Select to apply the bold style to the text in the specified objects.
  Italic button Italic   Select to italicize the text in the specified objects.
  Underline button Underline   Select to add a horizontal line under the text in the specified objects.
  Strikethrough button Strikethrough   Select to draw a line through the text in the specified objects.
  Background Color button Background Color   Select to specify the background color of the selected objects in the color palette.
  Foreground Color button Foreground Color   Select to specify the foreground color of the selected objects in the color palette.
  Conditional Formatting button Conditional Formatting   Select to open the Conditional Formatting dialog box to add conditional formatting to the specified object.
  Left button Left   Select to align the content of the specified objects to the left boundary of the objects.
  Center button Center   Select to align the content of the specified objects to the center of the objects.
  Right button Right   Select to align the content of the specified objects to the right boundary of the objects.
  Right button Justify   Select to adjust the horizontal spacing of the specified objects so as to align the content evenly along both the left and right margins in the objects.
  Select All   Select to select all the objects in the current report.
Report Manage Dataset   Select to manage the datasets in the current page report.
  Edit Display Name   Select to customize the display names of data fields in datasets created on query resources in the current page report.
  Edit Sort & Filter   Select to predefine sort and filter conditions for tables, charts, crosstabs, and banded objects that use query resources in the current page report.
  Bursting   Select to edit the current page report to become a bursting report. The page report must have groups to enable bursting.
  Manage Page Reports   Select to manage the page reports in the current catalog by organizing them into folders.
  Parameter Order   Select to customize the display order of parameters at report level.
  Bind Data   Select to bind a data resource to the current report body.
  Manage Customized Control   Select to manage customized controls.
Window Cascade   Select to cascade the design windows of the open reports.
  Tile Horizontally   Select to tile the design windows of the open reports horizontally.
  Tile Vertically   Select to tile the design windows of the open reports vertically.
  Switch Windows   Select to open the design window of the specified report. Designer marks the name of the currently open report with a tick. You can select another report to activate its design window.

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Color Palette

When editing the color of an object in Designer, you work with the color palette.

Color palette

The color palette contains several color swatches and three buttons: Automatic, More Colors, and More Fill Effects. The Automatic button indicates the default color of the selected object. Selecting it restores the color of the object to its default value. The More Fill Effects button is not always available in the color palette. It only appears when the selected object supports fill effect.

To specify a color using the color palette, select a color swatch in the color palette. If you want to customize a color for a wider range, select More Colors and specify the color in the Pick a Color dialog box.

When the More Fill Effects button is available, you can select it to specify a fill effect in the Fill Effects dialog box.

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