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Category Options Dialog Box Properties

This topic describes how you can use the Category Options dialog box to set the sort order of the category values and define the number of the category values to show in a chart. Server displays the dialog box when you select the Top N button Top N button above the category box in the Chart Wizard, Insert Chart dialog box, Convert to Chart dialog box, or To Chart dialog box, or in the Bind Data screen of chart in the Web Report Wizard.

Category Options dialog

Category Order

Specifies in which order data on the category axis of a chart will be displayed.

  • Ascend
    Lists data in an ascending order.
  • Descend
    Lists data in a descending order.
  • No Sort
    Keeps the data in their original order in database.

Category Selection

Specifies the number of the category values that will be displayed in the chart.

  • Select
    Specifies the Select N condition to define the number of the category values that will be displayed.
    • All
      If selected, all category values will be displayed.
    • Top N
      If selected, specify a number in the field to the right and the first N category values will be displayed.
    • Bottom N
      If selected, specify a number in the field to the right and the last N category values will be displayed.
  • Based On
    If the option is selected, you can select a field added to the value axis of the chart to sort the category values based on this field, or select Custom Sort to customize the sort manner in the Custom Sort dialog box.
  • Remaining Categories In
    Enabled when Top N or Bottom N is selected from the Select drop-down list. Select this option and then type a character string in the text box to group all the category values beyond the top/bottom N range.
  • Overall Series
    Specifies whether to calculate the top or bottom N category values based on the series values. Enabled when Top N or Bottom N is selected from the Select drop-down list.
  • Skip First
    If you type a number M in the Skip First text box, the first M category values in the chart will be skipped and the Select N condition will take effect beginning with M+1. The skipped values will be included in the Remaining Categories group together with all the category values beyond the top/bottom N range.


Accepts the changes and closes the dialog box.


Discards the changes and closes the dialog box.

Help button

Displays the help document about this feature.

Close button

Ignores the setting and closes this dialog box.

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