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Logi Report Server Report Home Directory Overview

This topic describes the directories in the Logi Report Server installation root, including what they contain, what they are used for, and how to set their location.

The following table lists the server report home directories:

Directory Contents Directory Location Configurability
_uninst Files for uninstalling Logi Report Server. Fixed.
bin Command, configuration, and properties files. Fixed.
db Demo reports' database. Fixed.
derby The Derby program and database resources. Fixed.
dynamicclasses UDS jar/zip files. For more information, see Loading User Data Source Classes at Runtime.
font TTF font location for resources on Logi Report Server. For more information, see Customizing TTF Font Location for Resources.
gisinfo Report related Geographic Information files. Fixed.
help Help documentations, API Javadoc, and sample code introducing the functions, features, and usage of Logi Report. Fixed.
history Version files and parameter files. For more information, see Storage of Versions on Disk.
jreports Demo reports.

When you schedule a task to disk, this directory is the destination root of the server resource tree.

lib Library files that Logi Report requires at runtime. Fixed.
logs Log files. For more information, see Configuring Logi Report Logging System.
ntservice Files for C program and for writing a Windows NT-service to run Logi Report Server. Fixed.
prestart File that reads customized configuration for launching the Server Console from the Start menu. Fixed.
profiling Profiling related files. Fixed.
properties Default location for Logi Report Server realm database. You can specify the directory location using the URL option in the Administration > Configuration > Server DB > Realm DB > Configuration tab on the Server Console.
public_html Standalone web app folder. Fixed.
realm Realm files. Fixed. You should not create subfolders in the realm directory because Server may create a realm when it starts.
resources Language packages for specifying Logi Report Server UI language. Fixed.
scratchdir Output files of compiled JSPs. You can specify the directory location by the servlet.jspservlet.initArgs property in the file in <install_root>\bin.
script_files Script files for creating and deleting system database tables. Fixed.
style CSS style files and style group files. You can specify the directory location by stylePath in the report.ini file in <install_root>\bin.
temp Server temp result files and engine temp files. Fixed for the server temp result files.

For the engine temp files, you can specify the directory location by tempPath in the report.ini file in <install_root>\bin.

templates Templates for web reports. Fixed.

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