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Configuring Logi Report Logging System

You can use the logging system to obtain meaningful and helpful Logi Report logging information conveniently. This topic describes how you can configure the logging system on the Server Console and using other methods.

Logi Report provides a robust, flexible, and configurable logging system that bases on log4j version 1.2.8. Logi Report also supports log4j versions from 1.2.8 to 1.3alpha7.

See the significant benefits of the Logi Report logging system:

  • You can configure it to output the logging information of different modules separately or to output them all together.
  • It is compatible with your application which is based on log4j.

When your Logi Report Server enables the Organization feature, each organization has its own log files. By default, there are some .log files in the <install_root>\logs folder, for non-organization logs. For each organization there is a specific folder using the organization name and containing a set of log files for the organization. When system admin customizes settings about server log (for example, log level), Server applies the settings to all the organizations. Organization admin cannot configure logs.

To configure the Logi Report logging system:

  1. On the system toolbar of the Server Console, navigate to Administration > Configuration > Log. Server displays the Log page.

    Log page

  2. From the Log Type drop-down list, select a log category.
    • Engine
      Select the Engine log if you want to log the events related to running reports, creating report results, and exporting reports. Server uses the Engine to run reports.
    • Page Report
      Select the Page Report log if you want to log the events related to modifying and saving page reports, including Ad Hoc and analysis features in Page Report Studio.
    • Access
      Select the Access log if you want to log which users accessed report running and task scheduling services.
    • Manage
      Select the Manage log if you want to log the events related to modifying settings on the Server Console or in the file.
    • Error
      Select the Error log if you want to log errors in any of the categories.
    • Event
      Select the Event log if you want to log the events related to the life cycle of the server instance, such as its start time and stop time.
    • Debug
      Select the Debug log if you want to log the events most likely needed for debugging purposes, for instance, the SQL statements used to query the database.
    • Performance
      Select the Performance log if you want to analyze the performance of report results or export operations.
    • Dump
      Select the Dump log if you want to log events related to when an action started or ended during the process of running tasks. For example, when the task was submitted, when the task ran, when the Engine initiated, and when the Engine stopped.
  3. From the Log Level drop-down list select the log level of the specified log type.

    The Logi Report logging system can trace both normal and abnormal situations using a log level, for example, something expected or regular such as tracing a program workflow, logging runtime information and associated elements, and something unexpected or irregular like when a URL is unreachable, a file does not exist, or a table cannot be found in a data source. Server divides log level into the following eight levels, and order them according to the amount of information logged, from the least to the most. If you want to log the least amount of information, you can set log level to FATAL. If you want to log the most amount of information, you can set log level to ALL. Setting the highest level could affect system performance as well as disk usage.

    • OFF
      Select if you do not want to use any log level.
    • FATAL
      Select the FATAL level if you want to log severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort, for example, failing to read the valid key, and exceptions that result in feature uncompleted.
    • ERROR
      Select the ERROR level if you want to log error events that may allow the application to continue running, such as failing to load a report, failing to find a catalog file, failing to parse a parameter, and failing to create a database buffer.
    • WARN
      Select the WARN level if you want to log potentially harmful situations, such as failing to find resources, or finding invalid queries or formulas with grammar errors when loading a catalog.
      Select the OUTLINE level if you want to log an outline of program workflow, and dump global variables, including a single thread, multiple threads, the time for when to begin to fetch data, and success in exporting to the specified result format.
    • INFO
      Select the INFO level if you want to log informational messages that highlight the application progress at a coarse-grained level, and important local variables, such as queries, parameters, formula values used when running reports, connection information, and SQL statements.
      Select the TRIVIAL Level if you want to log fine-grained informational events most useful in tracing an application, such as the report structure dump, or the result set dump.
    • ALL
      Select the ALL level if you want to log all the information that the other levels log.
  4. From the Additivity drop-down list select True if you want child loggers to inherit all the appenders of the ancestors.
  5. To output log content to the FileAppender that requires a layout, select File, then:
    1. From the Layout Type drop-down list select the layout type you want to use to format the log content: Pattern, HTML, XML, TTCC, or Simple.
    2. When you selected Pattern as the layout type, the Pattern Conversion option is available. Set the conversion pattern as required. The use of the following conversion characters results in slow generation of caller class or location information: %C, %F, %L and %M, so you should not use them unless execution speed is not an issue. For more information, see comments on conversion pattern in the file in the <install_root>\bin directory.
    3. In the File Name text box type the name of the log file to which you want the appender to output the log content. The suffix of the log file name is .log. By default, Server saves the log file in the <install_root>\logs directory. However, you can type the file name with an absolute path to save the file to your desired location, for example, E:/logs/Engine.log.
    4. From the Append drop-down list select False if you want to replace the old content of the specified file.
    5. From the Buffered IO drop-down list select True if you want to create a buffer for the log IO.
  6. Server selects RollingFile by default, which outputs log content to the RollingFileAppender that requires a layout. You can configure the same settings as FileAppender for the RollingFileAppender. Besides, you can specify the maximum file size of the appender in the Maximum File Size text box (the logging system will create a new rolling file when the file size exceeds the maximum file size), and specify the maximum number of the latest rolling files that the logging system can retain, in the Maximum Backup Index text box.
  7. To output log content to the DailyRollingFileAppender that requires a layout, select DailyRollingFile, configure the same settings as FileAppender, then in the Date Pattern text box specify the data pattern to generate the daily rolling file.
  8. To output log content to a remote log server, select Socket, then:
    1. In the Remote Host text box, specify the host name where the Socket Server is.
    2. In the Port text box, specify the port number on which the Socket Server listens.
    3. In the Delay text box, specify the timeout interval for when a client attempts to create a socket connection.
    4. From the Location Information drop-down list select True if you want to output the log location information to the socket stream.

    The SocketAppender does not need a layout.

  9. To output log content to a remote syslog daemon, select Syslog, then:
    1. From the Layout Type drop-down list select the layout type for formatting the log content: Pattern, HTML, XML, TTCC, or Simple.
    2. When you selected Pattern as the layout type, you can see the Pattern Conversion option. Set the conversion pattern as required.
    3. In the Syslog Host text box type the host name where the Syslog server is.
    4. From the Facility drop-down list select the facility name that the Syslog uses.
    5. From the Facility Printing drop-down list select True if you want to print the facility information.
  10. To output log content to the standard stream of Java console, select Console. Then from the Layout Type drop-down list select the layout type for formatting the log content. When you selected Pattern as the layout type, you can see the Pattern Conversion option. Set the conversion pattern as required. From the Target drop-down list select the standard IO target of the Console.
    • System.out
      Select if you to output log content to the standard output stream of the console.
    • System.err
      Select if you to output log content to the standard error stream of the console.
  11. Select Save to apply the settings.

You can also configure the log by the following ways:

  • Using the file in the <install_root>\bin directory.
  • Using command options.
    -vDebugUse this option if you want Logi Report Engine to output messages to a file and set engine log file's log level to INFO.
    -vErrorUse this option if you want Logi Report Engine to output messages to a file and set engine log file's log level to ERROR.
    -logallUse this option if you want to set all loggers' log level to INFO.
    -log[:file Name]Use this option if you want to output the Logi Report Engine messages to the file as specified and use the -vDebug level.

    Note icon Any settings that you made using the command options will override the log level setting in the file and on UI.

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