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Filter Dialog Box Properties

You can use the Filter dialog box to set criteria for filtering records in a report. This topic describes the properties in the dialog box.


Select to switch between advanced mode or basic mode.

You see these elements in both modes:

Apply to

Select the data component to which you want to apply the filter.


Select to apply any changes you made here and exit the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to apply any changes you made here and regenerate the filter result.


Select to restore this dialog box to its opening status.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

Basic Mode

You can create simple filter conditions using the AND/OR logic.

Filter dialog - Basic mode

Delete Condition Line Remove button

Select to delete the current condition line.


Select the field you want to filter.


Select the operator to compose the filter expression.


Specify the value of the field. You can either type the value manually in the text box or select a value from the list.


Select a logic operator.

  • AND
    Select to connect this line with the next line using the AND logic.
  • OR
    Select to connect this line with the next line using the OR logic.
  • END
    Select to end the whole condition expression.

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Advanced Mode

You can build more complex filter conditions by grouping conditions.

Filter dialog - Advanced mode

Add Condition

Select to add a new condition line. Each condition line contains an expression which is composed of a field, an operator, and a value.


Select to delete the selected condition lines or groups.


Select to make the selected condition lines become a group. A group can only have one logic operator to connect all its condition lines. For example, a group contains three conditions lines, which are expression A, B, and C, and the group's logic operator is OR, then the group's expression is: A OR B OR C.

You can also add condition lines to an existing group. Select the condition lines and the group while selecting Ctrl, and then select Group.


Select to move the selected condition lines and groups out of a group or disband a group.


Select to move the selected condition line or group higher.


Select to move the selected condition line or group lower.


Specify the logic operator of a condition group. Each time you select the logic button, Server displays the next item following the order below.

  • AND
    Connect all the condition lines and groups in the group using the AND logic.
  • OR
    Connect all the condition lines and groups in the group using the OR logic.
    Connect all the condition lines and groups in the group using the AND NOT logic.
  • OR NOT
    Connect all the condition lines and groups in the group using the OR NOT logic.


Select the field you want to filter.


Select the operator to compose the filter expression.


Specify the value of the field. You can either type the value manually in the text box or select a value from the list.

Condition Expression

Server displays the SQL statement of the filter condition.

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