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Configuring Server Profile

This topic describes the options on the three tabs in the server profile: Change Password, Customize Server Preferences, and Customize Profile, and how you can search for options conveniently.

Administrators can define initial settings of Logi Report Server and customize features for all users by configuring the server profile on the Administration > Server Profile > Customize Server Preferences and Customize Profile pages of the Server Console. Any users can also configure their own profiles on the My Profile page of the Server Console.

There are three subjects in the server profile: Change Password, Customize Server Preferences, and Customize Profile. The Change Password subject is available on the My Profile page only. You can change the password for signing in to Logi Report Server. The Customize Server Preferences subject contains options for customizing the Logi Report Server web pages and server features, and has three further categories: General, Export Formats, and Advanced. The Customize Profile subject is for customizing common features of Page Report Studio, Web Report Studio, and JDashboard and their individual features and preferences as well.

On the My Profile > Customize Server Preferences and Customize Profile pages (excluding the Features sub tab in the Page Report Studio/Web Report Studio/JDashboard tab), you can search for the options you need using the Search box. Type the text you want to search for, and Server lists the options whose key values contain the matched text (You can define the key values of the options using the <Value></Value> tags in the file keywords.xml in the <install_root>\resources\server\languages\en\properties and <install_root>\resources\server\languages\en-us\properties directories. You can customize the key values in any languages). In the search result list, select an option, and Server displays the page containing the option and highlights the matched text. When there are more than 10 results, you can select the More link at the end to show all the other results. After typing text in the Search box, you can also select the arrow Search Options in the box to specify the following search options. To cancel the search, clear the text or select the delete button Delete button.

  • Highlight All
    Select if you want to highlight all matched text.
  • Match Case
    Select if you want to search for text that meets the case of the typed text.
  • Match Whole Word
    Select if you want to search for text that matches the whole option name as defined in the <UIName></UIName> tags in keywords.xml. You can customize the <UIName></UIName> tags if you want. When you select this option, Server ignores the key values of the options.

You can also use URL commands to change the user password or load the Server Preferences page directly.

The following table describes the profile options.

Option Description
Change Password
Logged in User's Password The password of the currently signed-in user.
User ID The ID of the current user.
New Password The new password.
Confirm New Password Type the new password again.
Customize Server Preferences
Allow users to modify preferences from user console Select if you want to allow users to modify the server preferences on the My Profile page of the Server Console. Available only on the Administration > Server Profile > Customize Server Preferences page of the Server Console.
Home Page Select the default home page for the Server Console: the Start Page, a dashboard (available when you have the JDashboard license), or the Server Console page.
Default Format for Viewing Report The default format for viewing reports. By default, Web/Page Studio is selected, which means that page reports open in Page Report Studio and web reports in Web Report Studio.

If the property Default Format for Viewing Report of a page report tab or web report has been set to a specific format when the report was designed in Logi Report Designer, the value in Designer has higher priority than the one here.

Default View for Page Report Studio The default view of Page Report Studio when running page reports in Page Report Studio by selecting report names or via URL:
  • Basic View
    Page Report Studio runs in Basic View by default. You can switch to Interactive View if it is available.
  • Basic View Only
    Select if you want Page Report Studio to run in Basic View only. You cannot switch to Interactive View.
  • Interactive View
    Select if you want Page Report Studio to run in Interactive View by default. You can switch to Basic View if it is available.
Default Mode for Web Report Studio The default mode of Web Report Studio when running web reports in Web Report Studio by selecting report names or via URL:
  • View Mode
    Web Report Studio runs in View Mode by default. You can switch to Edit Mode if it is available.
  • View Mode Only
    Select if you want Web Report Studio to run in View Mode only. You cannot switch to Edit Mode.
  • Edit Mode
    Select if you want Web Report Studio to run in Edit Mode by default. You can switch to View Mode if it is available.
Default Mode for JDashboard The default mode for viewing dashboards in JDashboard. You can choose between View Mode and Edit Mode. The option is available when you have the JDashboard license.
Use Major Sort as Default Server uses major sort as the default sort rule when sorting summary tables in Web Report Studio or JDashboard, which is to sort data by the last sort condition only. Clear this option if you want to apply minor sort, which is to sort lower groups based on the sort result of all its higher-level groups.
Open All Reports and Dashboards in New Window By default, Server displays Web Report Studio, Page Report Studio, and JDashboard in a new window. Clear this option if you want to embed them in the current window.

Note icon When you do not have the JDashboard license, the option name is Open All Reports in New Window.

Use Wizard for Web Report Studio You can create web reports using two methods: the quick start method to create a table report, which is the default method when you clear Yes, and the traditional method using a wizard when you select Yes. For more information, see Web Report Studio.
Only Display CSS Styles in Style List By default, Server displays only the CSS styles in the style list.
Display the Last Login Time By default, Server displays the time you last signed in, on the top banner of the Server Console, and records the time in the file in <install_root>\bin after it shuts down.
Display the Last Logout Time Select if you want to display the time you last signed out, on the top banner of the Server Console. Server records the time in the file in <install_root>\bin after it shuts down.
Keep Completed Tasks for The number of days Server keeps the completed tasks in the Completed list. The default value 0 means Server keeps the completed tasks until you delete them from the Completed page.
Parameter Display Size The display length in characters of the parameters that you want to apply to both the completed and active schedules.
Folder Selector Type Select the type of the tool used for selecting folder paths from the file system. This option is available on the Internet Explorer browser, and applies to local published reports only.

There are three types of folder selectors:

  • JavaScript format
    Folder selector is a dialog box generated by JavaScript.
  • VBScript format
    Folder selector is a dialog box generated by VBScript.
  • JSP format
    Folder selector is an HTML page generated by JSP. This format is available to administrators only.
Skin Format Select the skin format you want to apply to the Server Console and Page Report Studio UI: Standard, Classical, and Windows XP.
Columns Shown in _ List Select the columns you want to display as default in the following list when you sign in to Logi Report Server: Resources, Scheduled, Running, Completed, Background Tasks, Report Result Versions, Report Versions, Catalog Versions, and Result Versions.
Show Loading Icon When Refreshing By default, Server shows the loading icon when refreshing reports or dashboards.
Enable IE Navigate2 Select if you want to load resources with the IE Navigate2 method and its flags setting when viewing reports or loading URL links in Internet Explorer.
Export Formats
Logi Report Result The default properties for exporting a report to a result file.
  • Zip Result
    Select if you want to compress the result and make its size smaller.
Page Report Result The default properties for exporting a report in the Page Report Result format.
  • Resolution
    The resolution of the result to zoom in/out, in DPI. Server obtains the default value from the operation system, which is the resolution of your monitor, for example, 72 DPI on UNIX or 96 on Windows. You can set a higher/lower value to zoom in/out.
HTML The default properties for exporting a report in HTML. For more information, see HTML.
PDF The default properties for exporting a report in PDF.
  • Keep Scrollable Chart Status
    Select to keep the current data status of scrollable charts.

  • Clipping Area
    Select to hide the content that extends beyond a specific area due to limited space.

For more information, see PDF.

Excel The default properties for exporting a report in Excel. For more information, see Excel.
Text The default properties for exporting a report in Text. For more information, see Text.
RTF The default properties for exporting a report in RTF. For more information, see RTF.
XML The default properties for exporting a report in XML. For more information, see XML.
PostScript The default properties for exporting a report in PostScript. For more information, see PostScript.
Enable Waiting Page By default, Server shows the waiting page. You can select Customize to customize the waiting page in the Customize Waiting Page dialog box. The option is available on the Administration > Server Profile > Customize Server Preferences page of the Server Console.
Specify Default Language Select Yes and then select a language if want to use the language as the Server environment language . Server displays all UI text and messages in the specified language. The available languages come from the qualified language packages you defined in <install_root>\resources\server\languages. By default, there are two built-in English language packages: en and en-us. You can add more language packages following NLS at Application Level.
  • Language
    Select the environment language of Logi Report Server.
  • Reset All Users' Preference
    Select if you want to reset all users' default language to the one you selected from the Language drop-down list. The option is only available on the Administration > Server Profile page of the Server Console.
Enable NLS Select Yes and then select the default language and encoding if you want to enable the NLS feature for when directly running reports and dashboards. The option is only available on the My Profile page of the Server Console.
  • Default Language
    Select the default language in which you want to display reports and dashboards.
  • Default Encoding
    Select the default encoding for reports and dashboards.
Time Zone Setting

You can change the time zone for displaying date and time on Logi Report Server UI and in reports and parameters. Choose from the following:

  • VM Time Zone
    Server uses the time zone of your machine where you installed Logi Report Server.
  • User Specified Time Zone
    Select if you want to use another time zone. Then select one from the Time Zone drop-down list.
  • Use Setting in Server Profile
    You see this option when you are accessing My Profile. Select Use Setting in Server Profile if you want to use the time zone that the server administrator defined in the Server Profile.

Server uses the submitter's real-time time zone setting to run a scheduled task.

Specify Date Time Format Select the default date and time formats in which you want to display date and time on the Server Console, for example, the last modified time of a report, and the time when a schedule task finished.
Override Style Group Select the default style group that you want to apply when running reports on Server, including direct running, advanced running, and scheduled running. Page Report Studio also exports reports with this default style group if you do not specify another one.
Identify Server Preference You can manually select a clustered server to perform a task when scheduling a report. The option is available only in the Cluster environment.
Use Accessible Version Select if you want to set the accessible version of Logi Report Server as the default portal instead of the Server Console. In the accessible version, Server displays reports in HTML with accessibility attributes, and outputs tables and crosstabs as HTML data tables. With the help of a reader agent, you can navigate through the server resource to view the target report. For more information, select Making HTML and PDF Report Results and Server Console Accessible.
Enable Saving Parameter Values Select Yes if you want to save parameter values for reuse when specifying parameter values to run reports or dashboards. You need to further choose a way of saving the parameter values: Manually or Automatically. When you switch from one to the other and then select OK, Server clears all parameter values you saved.

For a report/dashboard that has multiple parameters, Server saves the values of all the parameters you specified at a time together as a group for the report/dashboard. The group is also called a list. Selecting a group as the value will apply the values in the group to all the corresponding parameters in the report/dashboard.

  • Manually
    Select if you want to manually save the parameter values you are going to reuse frequently and manage the saved values. Then in cases when you are asked to specify parameter values, Server also provides the options for using saved parameter values, saving the specified values, and deleting the saved values.
  • Automatically
    Select if you want Server to save submitted parameter values on a user-report or user-dashboard basis.

    The automatically saved parameter value groups will be available in the value drop-down list of each of those parameters next time when the same user is asked to specify parameter values for the same report or dashboard. Selecting a group from any of the parameters' value lists will apply the saved group of values to all the parameters. A parameter value group in the value lists is a one-row values' set. It lists the values of the parameters in one row with blank to separate between parameters, and the values are in an order same as the display order of the parameters.

  • Maximum Number of Auto Complete Parameters List
    For both manually and automatically saved parameter value groups or lists for a report/dashboard, there is a number restriction. By default, it is 3, which means the manually saved parameter value lists or auto saved lists for a report or dashboard can be no more than three. When the saved lists exceed the maximum number or if you change the current number to a smaller one, Server removes the oldest lists.
Enable Setting Default Parameter Values For By default, Server displays the Save as default option on the parameter page, which enables you to customize the default parameter values for reports or dashboards on a user-report or user-dashboard basis.
  • Page Report
    You can set default parameter values for page reports.
  • Web Report
    You can set default parameter values for web reports.
  • Dashboard
    You can set default parameter values for dashboards in JDashboard. The option is available when you have the JDashboard license.
Enable Hiding Initial Parameter Dialog For By default, Server displays the Do not show this screen again option in the Enter Parameter Values dialog box or the Re-enable Parameter Screen option in the Parameter Settings dialog box or the Parameter panel, which enables you to hide the initial parameter dialog box brought by actions on the Server Console to run a report on a user-report basis.
  • Page Report
    You can hide the initial parameter dialog box for running page reports.
  • Web Report
    You can hide the initial parameter dialog box for running web reports.
Enable Setting Default On-screen Filter Values For You can customize the default on-screen filter values of a report/dashboard on a user-report/dashboard basis. The option is available only on the Administration > Server Profile page of the Server Console.
Case-Sensitive Login User Name Username for signing into the Server Console is case sensitive by default. Clear the option if you do not want the usernames to be case sensitive. The option is available only on the Administration > Server Profile > Customize Server Preferences page of the Server Console.
Customize Profile
Specify Date Time Format Select the default Date, Time, and Timestamp formats in which you want to display date and time in Page Report Studio, Web Report Studio, and JDashboard, for example, the last modified time or print time of a report, and the date values in the query filter value list.
  • Date Format
    Select the default format for the date values.
  • Time Format
    Select the default format for the time values.
  • Timestamp Format
    Select the default format for the timestamp values.
Sort on Column Headers You can sort data in tables by selecting the sort buttons on table column headers in Web Report Studio and JDashboard.
Filter on Column Headers Select if you want to filter data in tables by selecting the filter buttons on table column headers in Web Report Studio and JDashboard.
Show Sort/Filter Status on Column Headers Select if you want to display the sort/filter button with the current sort/filter status on the table column headers after you apply sort/filter conditions to the columns.
Save Sort Criteria Server selects the Save Sort Criteria option by default in the save dialog box when saving a report/dashboard to a report/dashboard version or as a new report/dashboard, and saves the sort defined in a report/dashboard by default when saving the report/dashboard.
Save Filter Criteria Server selects Save Filter Criteria by default in the save dialog box when saving a report/dashboard to a report/dashboard version or as a new report/dashboard, and saves the filter defined in a report/dashboard by default when saving the report/dashboard.
Expand All Nodes of Business View Server expands the nodes of business view resource trees in Web Report Studio by default. It is best suited for business views containing a few folders and data fields. Clear this option if you have many resources to view, and if you would like all folders to collapse by default in the resource tree.

After you expand or collapse nodes in a resource tree, Web Report Studio remembers the changes and applies them anywhere you view the resource tree, within the report session.

Enable Partial Report Result Select the option and then select Partial Data from the Default Setting drop-down list, if you want to retrieve partial data only when running reports in Page Report Studio and Web Report Studio. You can further specify the default number of records you want to retrieve. By default, Server retrieves the first 5000 records. Server displays a report data mode drop-down list on the toolbar of Page Report Studio and Web Report Studio, with which you can switch to show full report data. When a report contains a large amount of data, it is helpful to retrieve only a specific number of records for performance concern.
Table Pipeline Server enables table pipeline to speed up the rendering performance of tables involving millions of data records in Web Report Studio and JDashboard.
  • Table Block Refresh Time
    The time interval in seconds for refreshing the table data to update partial data before the tables are fully ready.
Add Labels for Crosstab Rows and Columns Select if you want Server to automatically provide the labels or display names for the group objects you add as rows and columns, in the crosstab wizard in Page Report Studio and Web Report Studio.
Add Labels for Crosstab Summaries Select if you want Server to automatically provide the labels or display names for the aggregation objects you add as summaries, in the crosstab wizard in Page Report Studio and Web Report Studio.
Display Crosstab Summaries Vertically Server displays summaries vertically in crosstabs in Page Report Studio and Web Report Studio.
Quick Schedule from Web/Page Studio You can schedule report tasks in the View Mode of Web Report Studio and in the Basic View of Page Report Studio.
Show Status When Using Cube Data Select if you want to view information about whether a data component applies an in-memory cube and the reason if not, in Web Report Studio and JDashboard.
Enable Background Task for Reports Select if you want to run reports in the background and keep open reports as background tasks.
Page Report Studio
You can customize preferences and features of Page Report Studio.
Web Report Studio
You can customize preferences and features of Web Report Studio.
You can customize preferences and features of JDashboard. The tab is available when you have the JDashboard license.

In addition, administrators can customize the allowed image types when report users insert images from the local file system into reports or dashboards in Page Report Studio, Web Report Studio, and JDashboard. To do this, on the system toolbar of the Server Console, navigate to Administration > Configuration > Upload. Server displays the Upload page. Select the required image types and then select Save. The setting takes effect after Server restarts.

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