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Design/View Area

This topic introduces the Design/View area of Designer.

Design/View Area

The Design/View area, or report designing window, comprises of the following parts:

Title bar

The title bar shows the report file name, and three icons for you to minimize, maximize, and close the active report.

Design tab

The Design tab, which is also called the report editor, is for laying out your report. You can use rulers, grids, and guidelines to position objects. You can customize the appearance of the tab via the Options dialog box.

View tab

The View tab is for previewing the report layout and result. The report may not display exactly as users would see it on Server. Interactive objects such as parameter and filter objects are not active and report links are not active. In this tab, there is a toolbar which consists of the following icons:

  • First Page button First Page
    Select to display the first page of the report.
  • Previous Topic button Previous Page
    Select to display the previous page of the report.
  • Next Topic button Next Page
    Select to display the next page of the report.
  • Last Page button Last Page
    Select to display the last page of the report.
  • TOC button TOC
    Select to show the Table of Contents.
  • Refresh Data button Refresh Data
    Select to refresh the data with the same parameters.
  • Refetch Data button Refetch Data
    Select to refetch data to rerun the report with different parameters.
  • Stop button Stop
    Select to stop Designer from generating the report.
  • Back button Back
    Select to navigate to the last view.
  • Forward button Forward
    Select to navigate forward.
  • Drag Tool button Drag Tool
    Select to drag the page up and down. Select the icon, then place your mouse pointer on any blank area of the report. When the mouse pointer becomes a small hand, you can drag the page.
  • Zoom In Tool button Zoom In Tool
    Select to zoom in to see more detail. Select the icon, then select in the border of the report repeatedly to zoom in.
  • Zoom Out Tool button Zoom Out Tool
    Select to zoom out to see the overall view of the page. Select the icon, then select in the border of the report repeatedly to zoom out.

Report tab bar

The report tab bar is for switching between the report tabs in a page report. It also provides a shortcut menu that enables you to rename, duplicate, and remove the report tabs. For more information, see Managing Report Tabs with the Report Tab Bar.

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