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Subreport Properties

This topic describes the properties of a Subreport object that you can use in page reports only.

Property Name Description
General (available when the object is in a query-based page report)
Class Type Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.
Data Inherit Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This property is read only.
Dataset Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.
Instance Name Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.
Height Specifies the height of the object. Type a numeric value to change the height.

Data type: Float

Width Specifies the width of the object. Type a numeric value to change the width.

Data type: Float

X Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Type a numeric value to change the position.

Data type: Float

Y Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Type a numeric value to change the position.

Data type: Float

Background Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list or select Custom to customize a color. You can also use a formula or edit an expression that returns a color, or type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Class Specifies the name of the Class Selector to apply to the object, which you define in the CSS file of the style the report applies.

For example, if you define the CSS file as follows:

@charset "GBK";
TextField {Background: #ff0000}
TextField[Style="LabelX"]{Background: #0000FF}
TextField#W{Background: #FFFF00}
TextField.C{Background: #00FFFF}

To apply the Class Selector in the file to the object, type C in the value cell.

Data type: String

Style Specifies the style you want to apply to the object. You can specify the style in two ways:
  • Type the style which should be an Attribute Selector whose attribute is "style" in the CSS file of the style the report applies. For example, to apply the style in the above sample CSS file to the object, type LabelX in the value cell.
  • Choose a style from the drop-down list if you have specified the Style Group property for the report tab, and there are styles in the style group that are applicable to the object.

Data type: String

Cache Specifies whether to cache the dataset for this object in the data buffer so other objects which use the same dataset can share the data rather than perform their own SQL query.

Data type: Boolean

Embedded If false, the page header and footer of the subreport will not be shown.

Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV Specifies whether to include the object in the CSV output of the report.

Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel Specifies whether to include the object in the Excel output of the report.

Data type: Boolean

Export to HTML Specifies whether to include the object in the HTML output of the report.

Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF Specifies whether to include the object in the PDF output of the report.

Data type: Boolean

Export to PostScript Specifies whether to include the object in the PostScript output of the report.

Data type: Boolean

Export to Report Result Specifies whether to include the object when previewing the report in Page Report Result and running the report in Page Report Studio.

Data type: Boolean

Export to RTF Specifies whether to include the object in the RTF output of the report.

Data type: Boolean

Export to Text Specifies whether to include the object in the Text output of the report.

Data type: Boolean

Export to XML Specifies whether to include the object in the XML output of the report.

Data type: Boolean

Invisible Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report result. All formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.

Data type: Boolean

Maximum Page Number Specifies the maximum number of pages in the data buffer.

Data type: Integer

Position Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Record Location Specifies the calculation point for the properties of the object that are controlled by formulas. This property takes effect only when the object is in a banded object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • default - Select to calculate the values of the properties in the default location where the object is placed.
  • page header - Select to calculate the values of the properties in the banded page header panel.
  • page footer - Select to calculate the values of the properties in the banded page footer panel.

For more information, see Example 2: Showing a Label on Every Page Except the Last.

Data type: Enumeration

Records per Page Specifies the number of records in each page in the data buffer.

Data type: Integer

Subreport Data Source Name Displays the name of the data source used by the subreport. If nothing is displayed, the default data source will be used. This property is read only.
Subreport Query Name Displays the name of the query used by the subreport. This property is read only.
Subreport Security Name Displays the security name (record level security) used by the subreport. This property is read only.
Suppress Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report result. All formulas and calculations will be skipped if the property is set to true.

Data type: Boolean

Note icon When you set both the Invisible and Suppress properties of an object to true, Suppress has the higher priority.

Suppress When Empty Specifies whether to display the object in the report result when no record is returned to it.

Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No Records Specifies whether to display the object in the report result when no record is returned to its parent data component.

Data type: Boolean

Column Index Designer displays this property when the object is in a query-based page report. You can use it to specify the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container in the Excel and CSV outputs of the report, measured in cells.

Data type: Integer

Note icon This property takes effect only when the Columned property of the report tab is "true" and Position of the object is not "static".

On New Sheet Specifies whether to put the subreport in a new sheet in the Excel output of the report.

Data type: Boolean

Row Index Designer displays this property when the object is in a query-based page report. You can use it to specify the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container in the Excel and CSV outputs of the report, measured in cells.

Data type: Integer

Note icon This property takes effect only when the Columned property of the report tab is "true" and Position of the object is not "static".

Sheet Name Specifies the name of the new sheet in which the subreport will be put in the Excel output. Make sure the name specified here isn't used by any other sheets.

It is meaningful to specify the property value when On New Sheet is set to true.

Data type: String

Note icon Excel does not support using the following characters in the sheet name: "|", ":", "/", "?", "\", "*", "]", "[", and the single quotation mark (') as the last character in the sheet name. If you use any one of them in the value of the property, Excel replaces it by "_".

Sheet Name Postfix Specifies how to add postfix number to the sheets in which the subreport will be put in the Excel output. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • Add postfix number to every page - Specifies to add the postfix number to every sheet for the subreport (Subreport1, Subreport2, Subreport3, Subreport4...).
  • Add postfix number only to additional pages - Specifies to add the postfix number to the subreport sheets starting from the second one (Subreport, Subreport1, Subreport2, Subreport3...).

It is meaningful to specify the property value when On New Sheet is set to true.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Color Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list or select Custom to customize a color. You can also use a formula or edit an expression that returns a color, or type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Border Thickness Specifies the width of the border. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Left Line Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Right Line Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Top Line Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Anchor Display Value Specifies a string or formula to display for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC Browser. By default it is the value of the specified object. The TOC Anchor property must be set to true for this property to take effect.

Data type: String

TOC Anchor Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC Browser for the report.

Data type: Boolean

Accessibility (available when the object is in a query-based page report)
External CSS Class Selector Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Type a valid class name from the CSS file.

Data type: String

External ID It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object, which must be unique in the report.

Data type: String

External Style It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for the object.

Data type: String

Language It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of the object's attribute values and text content.

Data type: String

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In a report, when the subreport needs to be run more than once, set the property Cache to true. The data of the subreport will be cached in the data buffer. When the subreport is run the next time, the subengine will retrieve the data from the data buffer instead of DBMS, and if sublink exists, it will also be calculated in the data buffer, thus improving the engine performance.

When a data buffer is defined in the subengine, the data buffer is divided into many pages and records are allocated in the pages. You can use the properties Records per Page and Maximum Page Number to set the number of the records in one page and the maximum number of pages in the data buffer. If enough physical memory is available and you know the total number of records in the subreport, to achieve better performance, you can set Records per Page approximate to the total number of records.

Note icon The Cache property does not work in the following cases:

  • When parameters are used in the subreport.
  • When HDS is used by the subreport.
  • When dynamic query is used by the subreport.

On New Sheet

This property is used to specify where the subreport will be put in the Excel output of the report.

  • If you want to put the subreport in the same worksheet together with the primary report, set the value to false.
  • If you want to put the subreport in a new worksheet in the Excel output, set the property value to true, then specify a name for the new worksheet in the Sheet Name property's value cell.

When On New Sheet is true, in the Excel output file you will find that the primary report is exported into the first worksheet, and there are some links on it. You can select the links to go to the subreport in the second worksheet of the Excel file.

Note icon If the subreport is cut into several pages, that is to say you have defined some page settings on the subreport, the links in the primary report are subreport1_0, subreport1_1, subreport1_2, and so on. You can select the link to see the corresponding part you want.

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