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Suppress Column Subtotals Dialog Box Properties

This topic describes how you can use the Suppress Column Subtotals dialog box to customize the subtotals of the column fields in a crosstab that you want to suppress and display.

Server displays the dialog box when you select the ellipsis button Choose button next to the Suppress Column Subtotals option in the Layout tab of the Crosstab Wizard or Insert Crosstab dialog box, or in the Layout tab for crosstab in the Web Report Wizard.

Suppress Column Subtotal dialog

Same for all

If the option is selected, the setting for the subtotal of the first column field will apply to all the subtotals of the column fields in the crosstab.


Lists the column fields excluding the one on the topmost column group level.


Specifies whether the subtotal for a column field will be suppressed. To specify the value, select in the value cell and select true or false from the drop-down list.


Applies the changes and closes the dialog box.


Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog box.

Help button

Displays the help document about this feature.

Close button

Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog box.

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