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Quick Schedule Dialog Box Properties

This topic describes how you can use the Quick Schedule dialog box to schedule a report task based on the current web report in Web Report Studio. Server displays the dialog box when you select the Quick Schedule button Quick Schedule button on the toolbar in the View Mode of Web Report Studio.

Quick Schedule dialog

Schedule Name

Specifies the name for the schedule task.

Time Type

Specifies when the task will be performed.

  • Immediately
    Specifies to run the task as soon as you select OK in the dialog box.
  • Periodically
    Specifies the time for when the task is to be performed on a repeated basis.
    • Date
      • Daily
        Performs the task every day.
      • Weekly
        Performs the task every week on a specific weekday.
        • On
          Specifies a week day.
      • Monthly
        Performs the task every month on a specific day.
        • On
          Specifies a day of a month.
    • Time At
      Specifies the exact time at which the task is to be performed.

Publish To

Specifies to publish the report result to one of the following locations:

  • E-mail
    Specifies to publishing the report result to email.
    • To
      Specifies the address you want to send the email to.
    • CC
      Specifies the address you want to copy to.
    • BCC
      Specifies the address you want to secretly copy to.
    • Subject
      Specifies the subject of the email.
    • Comments
      Specifies the contents of the email or comments to the contents.
    • E-mail Result in
      Specifies whether to send the report result in the mail body.
      • HTML
        The report result will be shown in HTML format in the mail body. The comments that you input for the email will be overwritten by the report result.
      • Text
        The report result will be shown in plain text format in the mail body with no other information such as color and images. The comments that you input for the email will be positioned in front of the report result.
    • Attachment in
      Specifies whether to send the report result as an attachment.
      • Web Report Result
        Sends the report result in a static web report result file (WST file) as attachment in the email.
      • PDF
        Sends the report result in a PDF file as attachment in the email.
      • HTML
        Sends the report result in an HTML file as attachment in the email.
      • Excel
        Sends the report result in an Excel file as attachment in the email.
      • Text
        Sends the report result in a Text file as attachment in the email.
      • RTF
        Sends the report result in an RTF file as attachment in the email.
      • XML
        Sends the report result in an XML file as attachment in the email.
      • PostScript
        Sends the report result in a PostScript file as attachment in the email.
  • Version System
    Specifies to publish the report result to the Logi Report Server versioning system.
    • Format
      Specifies in which format to publish the report result.
      • Web Report Result
        Publishes the report result to a static web report result file (WST file). WST files can be exported to HTML, PDF, Text, Excel, XML, RTF, and Postscript formats via Logi Report Server.
      • PDF
        Publishes the report result to the versioning system in PDF format.
      • HTML
        Publishes the report result to the versioning system in HTML format.
      • Excel
        Publishes the report result to the versioning system in Excel format.
      • Text
        Publishes the report result to the versioning system in Text format.
      • RTF
        Publishes the report result to the versioning system in RTF format.
      • XML
        Publishes the report result to the versioning system in XML format.
      • PostScript
        Publishes the report result to the versioning system in PostScript format.
  • FTP
    Specifies to send the report result to an FTP site.
    • Host Address
      The domain name or IP address of the FTP site. It cannot be null.
    • Port
      The port of the FTP server. It is optional, and by default 21 is used for Standard FTP and Explicit FTPS, 22 for SCP and SFTP, and 990 for Implicit FTPS.
    • User Name
      The username is valid to the authentication of the FTP server that can access the FTP site. If not specified, "anonymous" will be used as the username by default.
    • Password
      The password is valid to the authentication of the FTP server that enables the username to access the FTP site.
    • Account
      The account of the FTP user if there exists.
    • Folder Location
      The location where to put the report result file on the FTP server. If not specified, the root path "/" of the FTP server will be used by default.
    • Protocol Type
      Specifies the protocol type used for publishing the report result to FTP.
    • Format
      Specifies in which format to send the report result to the FTP site.
      • Web Report Result
        Sends the report result in a static web report result file (WST file) to the specified FTP site.
      • PDF
        Sends the report result in a PDF file to the specified FTP site.
      • HTML
        Sends the report result in an HTML file to the specified FTP site.
      • Excel
        Sends the report result in an Excel file to the specified FTP site.
      • Text
        Sends the report result in a Text file to the specified FTP site.
      • RTF
        Sends the report result in an RTF file to the specified FTP site.
      • XML
        Sends the report result in an XML file to the specified FTP site.
      • PostScript
        Sends the report result in a PostScript file to the specified FTP site.


Closes this dialog box and applies the settings.


Cancels the scheduling task and closes this dialog box.

Help button

Displays the help document about this feature.

Close button

Cancels the scheduling task and closes this dialog box.

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