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Editing NLS at Report Level

Designer provides two editors for you to edit NLS at report level: Data Mapping Editor and NLS Editor. This topic introduces how you can use the editors to create NLS resources and apply them to reports. It also describes how you can display formula result in the language you want, localize the page navigation links in HTML report outputs, and presents an example about creating an NLS report.

You can edit NLS for reports using the following editors:

  • Data Mapping Editor
    With the Data Mapping Editor, you can create data mapping files to map data values for resources in a catalog to other languages, so that when you use the resources in reports, you can display their values in the mapped languages.
  • NLS Editor
    Using the NLS Editor, you can translate the language-dependent text in a report and the current catalog to any language you want, and modify the format and font properties for the objects in the catalog and the objects used in the report, and store the information in a NLS property file.

Note icon You cannot edit NLS on shape maps.

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