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Web Options Dialog Box

You can use the Web Options dialog box to define web options of a web control. This topic describes the options in the dialog box.

Designer displays the Web Options dialog box when you right-click a web control in the configuration panel of a library component and select Web Options from the shortcut menu, and provides you with different options in the dialog box according to the type of the web control:

You see these button for all the web control types:


Select to apply your settings and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to apply all changes and leave the dialog box open.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

Text Field Options

You see the following options for the Text Field web control:

Web Options dialog box - Text Field


Specify the type of the text field.

  • Standard
    Select to display the text field as a standard text field.
  • Password
    Select to display the text field as a password text field, which means that the value specified in the text field is hidden using asterisks.


Specify the name of the text field.


Select the value of the text field.

Tool Tip

Specify the tool tip of the text field, which displays when users hover the mouse over the text field at runtime.

Display Width

Specify the display width of the text field.

Max Length

Specify the maximum length of the string that is allowed in the text field.

Read Only

Select to make the field read-only to others.


Select if you want to disable the text field.

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Checkbox Options

You see the following options for the Checkbox web control:

Web Options dialog box - Checkbox


Specify the name of checkbox.


Select the value of the checkbox.

Tool Tip

Specify the tool tip of the checkbox, which displays when users hover the mouse over the checkbox at runtime.

Initially Checked

Specify whether the checkbox is selected by default.


Select if you want to disable the checkbox.

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Drop-down List Options

You see the following options for the Drop-down List web control:

Web Options dialog box - Drop-down List

Add button Add button

Select to add a new item in the drop-down list.

Trash Can button Remove button

Select to delete the specified item from the drop-down list.

Move Up button Move Up button

Select to move the specified item higher in the drop-down list.

Move Down button Move Down button

Select to move the specified item lower in the drop-down list.

Item Label

This column shows the display text or format that you select for the item values.


This column shows the values that you specify for the items. You can either type the value in the cell or select the ellipsis Ellipsis button to specify a field to control the value using the Insert Fields dialog box.


Specify the value to be selected in the drop-down list by default.

Use Runtime Value

Designer does not support the option for a Drop-down List web control in a library component.


Select if you want to disable the drop-down list.

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List Options

You see the following options for the List web control:

Web Options dialog box - List

Add button Add button

Select to add a new item in the list.

Trash Can button Remove button

Select to delete the specified item from the list.

Move Up button Move Up button

Select to move the specified item higher in the list.

Move Down button Move Down button

Select to move the specified item lower in the list.

Item Label

This column shows the display text or format that you select for the item values.


This column shows the values that you specify for the items. You can either type the value in the cell or select the ellipsis Ellipsis button to specify a field to control the value using the Insert Fields dialog box.


Specify the value to be selected in the list by default.

Allow Multiple Selections

Select to allow selecting multiple items in the list at the same time.

Use Runtime Value

Designer does not support the option for a List web control in a library component.


Select if you want to disable the list.


Specify to display the list as Text, Button, Checkbox, or Radio Button. When you select Radio Button, Designer disables the Allow Multiple Selections option.


Select to display items in one column vertically in the list, and add a vertical scroll bar in the list if it cannot completely display all the items within the specified height.


Select to display items horizontally following the Z order in the list.

Item Width

Designer enables this option when you select Horizontal. You can use it to specify the width of each item in the list.

Item Height

Specify the height of each item in the list.

Horizontal Gap

Designer enables this option when you select Horizontal. You can use it to specify the horizontal gap between two adjacent items in the list.

Vertical Gap

Specify the vertical gap between two adjacent items in the list.

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