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Color List Dialog Box

You can use the Color List dialog box to modify the color pattern for data markers in the same data series respectively in a chart, or modify the alternating color patterns for a table or crosstab. This topic describes the options in the dialog box.

Designer displays the Color List dialog box when you select Color List or Pattern List in some chart element formatting dialog boxes, or select the ellipsis Ellipsis button in the value cell of the Pattern List property in the Report Inspector.

Color List dialog box

You see the following options in the dialog box:


This box lists items to stand for the chart data markers or for the alternating color patterns of the table/crosstab. Select the items one by one to set the color pattern that each of the item stands for.

  • Add button Add button
    Select to add a new item.
  • Trash Can button Remove button
    Select to delete the specified item.
  • Move Up button Move Up button
    Select to move the specified item higher in the box.
  • Move Down button Move Down button
    Select to move the specified item lower in the box.


Specify the color of the pattern that the selected item in the Colors box represents. To edit the color, select the color indicator and select a color from the color palette or type the hexadecimal value of a color (for example, 0xff0000) in the text box.


Specify the color transparency of the pattern that the selected item in the Colors box represents.


Designer displays this button when you use the dialog box for setting color pattern for a chart. Select it to open the Advanced dialog box to specify the color pattern for certain values.


Select to apply your settings and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

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