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Heat Map Rectangle Properties

This topic describes the properties of a Rectangle object in a heat map.

Property Description
Vertical Alignment Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Color Specifies the color of the separator line. Choose a color from the drop-down list or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Line Style Specifies the line style of separator. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Thickness Specifies the line width of the separator, in inches. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Transparency Specifies the color transparency of separators, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

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