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Opening Multiple Page Reports in One Session

You can open multiple reports in Page Report Studio in one session. This topic describes how you can view multiple frames in one window using a demo.

Each time you run a page report, it opens in a new window. Also, when working in the embedded mode, you can assign frames to the reports, so that you can view more than one page report in one window at the same time.

In order to illustrate how to view multiple frames in one window, Server provides a demo for you. Follow the steps:

  1. Go to <install_root>\help\samples\JSPSamples\OpenMultipleReports.
  2. Copy the two JSP files in the folder to <install_root>\public_html\jinfonet.
  3. Access Server using http://localhost:8888/jinfonet/test.jsp.
  4. From the left panel, browse to the report you want to open and select its name. Server displays it in the corresponding frame.


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