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Deleting Resources

This topic describes how you can remove resources including folders that you no longer need, from the server resource tree in the Resources page of the Server Console. You can delete one or more resources at a time.

  1. Browse to the folder where the resources are.
  2. Select the required resources. To delete all the resources, select the top checkbox.
  3. Right-click in any selected resource row and select Delete from the shortcut menu.

If you just want to delete a single resource, put the mouse pointer over the resource row and select the Delete button Delete button on the floating toolbar to delete it.

Note icon

  • You can delete Shared web reports from the My Shared folder if you are their owners.
  • You cannot delete the built-in resource folders.
  • Deleting resources or folders removes them from disk and also deletes any relevant versions that belong to them. You cannot retrieve resources and folders after you delete them.

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