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Launching and Accessing Server Monitor

This topic introduces how you can launch Server Monitor and access it from a web browser.

This topic contains the following sections:

Starting Server Monitor

After you have installed Server Monitor, it generates a batch file MonitorServer.bat automatically in <install_root>\bin. You can start Server Monitor by running this batch file.

To successfully start Server Monitor, you should meet these requirements:

  • Copy rmi.auth from <adminserver_install_root>\bin of the admin Server (the Server you want to monitor) to <monitor_install_root>\bin, or remove rmi.auth from <adminserver_install_root>\bin, or add -Djrs.rmi.auth_file=%authFileName% to MonitorServer.bat to specify the authentication file.
  • Make sure that the server.rmimonitor.enable property in the file in the <adminserver_install_root>\bin directory is set to true. The default value is true.
  • If you installed the admin Server and Server Monitor on different computers, you need to specify the right host and port of the admin Server in Server Monitor side via the two properties in the file in the <monitor_install_root>\bin directory before starting Server Monitor: RMI host name or IP address of the admin Server.

    admin.server.port=The RMI port number of the admin Server.

    The default values of these two properties are for the admin Server that you installed in the same computer.

    Note iconServer Monitor generates the file when you run MonitorServer.bat for the first time after installation.

  • Start the admin Server.

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Accessing Server Monitor Services

After you start the Server Monitor, you can access Server Monitor via browsers in one of these ways:


Use the service port number from your file to access the services of Server Monitor. The default format of the accessing URL is: http://MonitorHost:MonitorServicerPort/monitor/index.jsp. For example, if you installed Server Monitor and Server on one computer, you could use http://localhost:8848.

From Server UI

You can also access Server Monitor by selecting Monitor from the Server Console > Administration > Other drop-down menu. To do this, you need to make sure that:

  • The property in the file in <server_install_root>\bin is set to true. The default value is true.
  • You are an administrator or have the privilege to access the Administration page of the Server Console.

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