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Running Server Monitor with WebLogic 14.1.1

This topic describes how you can run Server Monitor with WebLogic 14.1.1.

Assume that:

  • You installed WebLogic 14.1.1 to D:\bea.
  • You installed Server Monitor to C:\LogiReport\Monitor.

Step 1: Generating the WAR file

Use the tool makewar.bat/ to build the Server Monitor WAR file as defined by makewar.xml for remote integration. Both makewar.bat/ and makewar.xml are in C:\LogiReport\Monitor\bin. Server Monitor generates the WAR file monitor.war to the directory C:\LogiReport\Monitor\bin\distribute.

Step 2: Deploying the WAR file

  1. If you have not already created a WebLogic Domain for Logi Report Server, you must create one before starting the integration.
  2. Start WebLogic by running startWeblogic.cmd in D:\bea\user_projects\domains\domain_name\bin.
  3. Access the WebLogic Administrative Console using the URL http://hostname:7001/console/, where the hostname is host name or IP address, and 7001 is the port number.
  4. After you sign in, in the Domain Structure panel on the left, select Deployments.
  5. In the Summary of Deployments panel, select Install.
  6. In the Install Application Assistant panel, select upload your file(s).
  7. In the Deployment Archive section, select Browse to select your monitor.war file.
  8. Select Next.
  9. Keep selecting Next until the Finish button is enabled.
  10. Select Finish.
  11. In D:\bea\user_projects\domains\domain_name\bin, edit the file startWebLogic.cmd by adding a line: set JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dmonitor.home=C:\LogiReport\Monitor".
  12. Copy rmi.auth from <server_intall_root>\bin to C:\LogiReport\Monitor\bin.
  13. Enable RMI service for remote connection by setting the property server.rmiserver.enable=true in in <server_intall_root>\bin.
  14. Start Logi Report Server.
  15. Access Server Monitor from a web browser (the default port of WebLogic is 7001) using the URL http://hostname:7001/monitor or http://hostname:7001/monitor/monitor/index.jsp.

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