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Installing Server by Deploying a WAR File

This topic describes how you can install Server by building a WAR File on Windows and then deploy it to Linux/UNIX.

You may need to install Server into application servers in the cloud when you do not even own a machine of the type the application servers are installed to. For example, you use Tomcat on UNIX in a cloud environment but only have Windows machines locally. You can then install Server on Windows, make a WAR file, and deploy it to the Java application server on UNIX.

  1. Install Server on the local Windows machine.
  2. Create a WAR via the following command line while specifying the report home. The report home uses the path on UNIX on the target machine.

    makewar.bat -Dreporthome=/opt/reporthome

  3. Add any JDBC drivers that are required into the jreport.war/WEB-INF/lib directory.
  4. Visit your application server from the local machine using a browser, for example, for Tomcat the local machine URL is http://<hostname>:8080/ (8080 is the default port of Tomcat), and deploy the WAR using your application server user interface.
  5. Sign in to the Server Console by the URL http://<hostname>:8080/jreport (assuming the war file is jreport.war) as an administrator to configure the server database.
  6. Restart Server and access the Server Console to see if you can run reports.

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