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Split Cell Dialog Box Properties

This topic describes how you can use the Split Cell dialog box to specify the number of rows and columns that you want to split a tabular cell into. Server displays the dialog box when you select a tabular cell and select Menu > Format > Split.

Split Cell dialog

Split Cell Into

Specifies the number of rows and columns to split the selected tabular cell into.

  • Number of Rows
    Specifies the number of rows the tabular cell will be split into. Type a positive integer in the text box to specify the number.
  • Number of Columns
    Specifies the number of columns the tabular cell will be split into. Type a positive integer in the text box to specify the number.


Closes this dialog box and splits the tabular cell.


Cancels to split the cell and closes this dialog box.

Help button

Displays the help document about this feature.

Close button

Ignores the setting and closes this dialog box.

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