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Configuring Connections

This topic describes the priority among the different ways of setting catalog connections and how they work using examples.

Normally, a report is fixed to a specific catalog connection after you create the report. You can change the connection by applying a dynamic connection, by editing the configuration file datasource.xml to connect to another JDBC or JNDI data source, or by setting a runtime connection via the Server API/URL.

The connection priority is:

Runtime configuration of connection > dynamic connection > datasource.xml > catalog connection

If the approach with higher priority fails to get the connection, the one with the next lower priority will be used.

Assuming that a catalog has two databases named as data source 1 and data source 2. See the following examples:

  • You set the connection by API without specifying a data source name. Both data source 1 and data source 2 will use the new setting.
  • You set a new connection A by specifying the data source name "data source 2". The result is: data source 1 has no change and data source 2 will use the connection A.
  • You set two connections by API, a new connection A by specifying the data source name "data source 2" and a new connection B without specifying a data source name. The result is: data source 1 will use the connection B and data source 2 the connection A.
  • You set "data source 2" connection in datasource.xml and a new connection A by API by specifying the data source name "data source 2". The result is: data source 1 has no change and data source 2 will use connection A ignoring the setting in datasource.xml.
  • You set "data source 2" connection B in datasource.xml and a new connection A by API without specifying the data source name. The result is: data source 1 will use the connection A and data source 2 the connection B.
  • You set "data source 2" connection in datasource.xml and a dynamic connection for data source 2. The result is: data source 1 has no change and data source 2 will use the dynamic connection.

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For more information about configuring runtime connection via API or URL, see Changing the Runtime Database Connection and Switching the Report Database Connection via URL.

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