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Web Service Connection Properties

This topic describes the properties of a Web Service Connection object in a catalog.

Property Name Description
Date Format Specifies the default format for Date type data.

Data type: String

Default Specifies whether the connection is the default connection in the current data source. By default, the first connection you create in a data source is the default connection of the data source. A data source can have zero or one default connection.

Data type: Boolean

Description Specifies the description of the connection.

Data type: String

Name Specifies the name of the connection. By default, the name is the same as the connection URL.

Data type: String

Name Pattern Specifies whether to use catalog or schema in data manipulation. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • unqualified name - Select to include neither catalog nor schema in data manipulation. Example: SELECT t.c FROM t
  • 2-part names - Select to use schema in data manipulation. Example: SELECT schema.t.c FROM schema.t
  • 3-part names - Select to use both catalog and schema in data manipulation. Example: SELECT catalog.schema.t.c from catalog.schema.t

Data type: Enumeration

Password Specifies the password for accessing the WSDL file through the WSDL URI.

Data type: String

Time Format Specifies the default format for Time type data.

Data type: String

Time Out Specifies how long to wait to get the WSDL file, in seconds.

Data type: Integer

Timestamp Format Specifies the default format for Timestamp type data.

Data type: String

URI Shows the URI to get the WSDL file. This property is read only.
User Specifies the user name for accessing the WSDL file through the WSDL URI.

Data type: String

Security Configuration
Client Key Alias Name Shows the alias name which is used as client signature in the key store. This property is read only.
Client Key Alias Password Shows the password for the alias name which is used as client signature in the key store. This property is read only.
Key Store File Shows the URI to get the key store file. This property is read only.
Key Store Password Shows the password to open the key store file. This property is read only.
Key Store Type Shows the type for the key store. This property is read only.
Security Password Shows the password for the user name token to be used. This property is read only.
Security User Name Shows the user name for the user name token to be used. This property is read only.
Server Key Alias Name Shows the alias name used to get the server-side certification or public key in the key store. This property is read only.
Server Key Alias Password Shows the password for the alias name used to get the server-side certification or public key in the key store. This property is read only.

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