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Stored Procedure Properties

This topic describes the properties of a Stored Procedure object in a catalog.

Property Name Description
Connection Name Specifies the connection to execute the stored procedure.

Data type: String

Description Specifies the description of the stored procedure.

Data type: String

Maximum Duration Specifies the maximum elapsed time allowed to fetch data from the data source when the stored procedure runs, measured in seconds. By default, the property value is blank, meaning the time is unlimited. For more information, see Limiting the Query Run Time and Number of Records.

Data type: Integer

Maximum Rows Specifies the maximum number of rows to be fetched from the data source when the stored procedure runs. By default, the property value is blank, meaning the number is unlimited. For more information, see Limiting the Query Run Time and Number of Records.

Data type: Integer

Name Specifies the mapped name of the stored procedure in the catalog.

Data type: String

Procedure Name Specifies the stored procedure name in the raw database.

Data type: String

Qualifier Specifies the name of the database catalog for the stored procedure.

Data type: String

Read Only Specifies whether the stored procedure is read only. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • default - Select to apply the setting from the database.
  • read & write - Select to allow users to access the database in read-write mode.
  • read only - Select to allow users to access the database in read-only mode. This option can speed up the transaction of the catalog.

Data type: Enumeration

Schema Specifies the stored procedure schema.

Data type: String

Transaction Mode Specifies the transaction mode for the stored procedure. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • default
    Select to apply the setting from the database.
  • none
    Select to not use transactions for the stored procedure.
  • read uncommitted
    Select to allow dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads to occur for the stored procedure. This mode can speed up the transaction of the catalog.
  • read committed
    Select to prevent dirty reads, and allow non-repeatable reads and phantom reads to occur for the stored procedure.
  • repeatable read
    Select to prevent dirty reads and non-repeatable reads, and allow phantom reads to occur for the stored procedure.
  • serializable
    Select to prevent dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads for the stored procedure.

Data type: Enumeration

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