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SOAP Web Service Data Source Dialog Box

You can use the SOAP Web Service Data Source dialog box to create or edit a web service data source in a catalog. This topic describes the options in the dialog box.

Designer displays the SOAP Web Service Data Source dialog box when you select SOAP Web Service and select OK in the New Data Source dialog box, or in the Catalog Manager, right-click a data source and select New SOAP Web Service Connection from the shortcut menu or right-click an existing web service connection and select Edit Connection from the shortcut menu.

SOAP Web Service Data Source dialog box

You see the following options in the dialog box:

Get WSDL file

Specify where to get the WSDL file to create the web service data source.

  • Local File
    Select to get the WSDL file from your local disk. Select Browse to specify the file.
  • URI
    Select to get the WSDL file through a URI. Type the URI string in the text box.
    • User Name
      Specify the user name for accessing the WSDL file through the URI.
    • Password
      Specify the password for accessing the WSDL file through the URI.

Time Zone and Locale

You can specify the default time zone and locale for the web service data source in this box.

  • Default Time Zone
    Specify the default time zone for the web service data source.
  • Locale
    Select the locale for the web service data source.

Qualified Name Pattern

You can specify whether to use catalog or schema in data manipulation in this box.

  • Unqualified Name
    Select to include neither catalog nor schema in data manipulation.
  • 2-Part Names
    Select to use schema in data manipulation.
  • 3-Part Names
    Select to use both catalog and schema in data manipulation.

Time Out

Specify how long to wait to get the WSDL file.

Security Configuration

Select to open the Security Configuration Setting dialog box to configure security for the web service data source.


Select to show or hide the additional settings for creating the web service data source.


Select to apply your settings and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

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