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Select Time Interval Dialog Box

You can use the Select Time Interval dialog box to specify how to create the group elements based on the specified DBField whose data type is Timestamp/DateTime in a business view. This topic describes the options in the dialog box.

Designer displays the Select Time Interval dialog box when you drag a DBField of the Timestamp/DateTime data type from the Resource Objects panel to the Business View panel in the Business View Editor dialog box.

Select Time Interval dialog box

You see the following options in the dialog box:

For Each Year

Select to create a group element that uses the expression Year(@MappingName) to retrieve years of the DBField as its values. The data type of the group element is Integer.

For Each Quarter

Select to create a group element that uses the expression Quarter(@MappingName,Integer) to retrieve quarters of the DBField as its values. The data type of the group element is Integer.

For Each Month

Select to create a group element that uses the expression Month(@MappingName) to retrieve months of the DBField as its values. The data type of the group element is Integer.

For Each Week

Select to create a group element that uses the expression WeekOfYear(@MappingName) to retrieve weeks of the DBField as its values. The data type of the group element is Integer.

For Each Day

Select to create a group element that uses the expression Day(@MappingName) to retrieve days of the DBField as its values. The data type of the group element is Integer.

Keep Original

Select to create a group element based on the DBField itself.

Auto Create Hierarchy

Select to create a hierarchy which contains the specified group elements. Designer disables the option when you do not select any of the above options.

  • Hierarchy Name
    Specify the name of the hierarchy.


Select to create the specified group elements in the business view and close the dialog box.


Select to cancel adding the specified DBField as group element to the business view and close the dialog box.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

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