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MongoDB Connection Wizard Dialog Box

You can use the MongoDB Connection Wizard dialog box to set up or edit a MongoDB connection in a catalog in order to get data from a MongoDB database. This topic describes the options in the dialog box.

Designer displays the MongoDB Connection Wizard dialog box when you select MongoDB and select OK in the New Data Source dialog box, or in the Catalog Manager, right-click a data source and select New MongoDB Connection from the shortcut menu, or right-click an existing MongoDB connection and select Edit Connection from the shortcut menu.

The dialog box contains the following screens:

You see these buttons in all the screens:


Select to go back to the previous screen.


Select to go to the next screen.


Select to finish your work and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

MongoDB Connection Information Screen

Use this screen to specify in which way to connect to the MongoDB server. You cannot change the connecting way when you use the dialog box for editing an existing MongoDB connection.

MongoDB Connection Wizard - MongoDB Connection Information


Select to connect to the MongoDB server by host and port.

  • Host
    Specify the host for connecting to the MongoDB server.
  • Port
    Specify the port number for connecting to the MongoDB server.
  • User
    Specify the user ID for connecting to the MongoDB server.
  • Password
    Specify the password of the user for connecting to the MongoDB server.


Select to connect to the MongoDB server by the specified URI.


Select to open the New Parameter dialog box to create a parameter in the current catalog data source. You can then reference the parameter to dynamically specify the host, user ID, password, or URI.

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Connection Options Screen

Designer displays the Connection Options screen when you specify to connect to the MongoDB server by host and port. You can use it to specify the conditional replica set members and options for the MongoDB connection.

MongoDB Connection Wizard - Connection Options

Replica Set Members

This box lists all the replica set members of the MongoDB connection.

  • Add button Add button
    Select to add a new replica set member.
  • Trash Can button Remove button
    Select to delete the specified replica set member.
  • Host
    This column shows the URIs that you specify for the replica set members.
  • Port
    This column shows the port numbers that you specify for the replica set members.


You can specify the options of the MongoDB server in the box, which are name=value pairs separated by "&".

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Collection Filter Screen

Use this screen to specify the filter condition for the collections in the MongoDB database.

MongoDB Connection Wizard - Collection Filter


This box lists all the available collections in the MongoDB database.


Specify the filter condition for each collection to get the required collection structure; otherwise, Designer applies the first ten records to parse metadata.

Apply the Filter to Run Reports

Select to apply the filter conditions to the reports which use the collections at runtime.

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Add Schema Screen

Use this screen to add the collections that you want to transform to relational schemas. Designer does not display this screen when you use the dialog box for editing an existing MongoDB connection.

MongoDB Connection Wizard - Add Schema


This box lists the collections in the MongoDB database, which you can select to transform to relational schemas.

Added Schemas

This box lists the schemas that Designer transforms from the selected collections.

Add button Add button

Select to add the specified collections in the Collections box to transform to relational schemas.

Remove button Remove button

Select to remove the specified schemas from the Added Schemas box.

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Add Table Screen

Use this screen to add tables that Designer transforms from the MongoDB database to the connection. Designer does not display this screen when you use the dialog box for editing an existing MongoDB connection.

MongoDB Connection Wizard - Add Table


This box lists the tables that Designer transforms from the MongoDB database, which you can add to the MongoDB connection.

Added Tables

This box lists the tables that you add to use in the MongoDB connection.

Add button Add button

Select to add the specified tables in the Tables box to use in the MongoDB connection.

Remove button Remove button

Select to remove the specified tables from the Added Tables box.

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