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Edit Sort and Filter Dialog Box

You can use the Edit Sort and Filter dialog box to predefine the sort and filter conditions for the specified data component in a page report. This topic describes the options in the dialog box.

Designer displays the Edit Sort and Filter dialog box when you select a table, chart, crosstab, or banded object in a query-based page report and select Report > Edit Sort & Filter.

Edit Sort and Filter dialog box

You see the following options in the dialog box:

Sort tab

Use this tab to define the sorting conditions.

  • Fields
    This box lists all the data fields in the dataset the data component uses, by which you can add to sort data of the data component. However, if you haven't applied the Customize Display Name feature to the dataset the data component uses, no fields are available in the box. In this case, you need to select Edit Display Name to enable the feature on the dataset first.
  • Add button Add button
    Select to add the specified fields in the Fields box as the sort-by fields.
  • Remove button Remove button
    Select to remove the selected fields from the Sort By box.
  • Sort By
    This box lists the fields by which you select to sort the report data (the sort-by fields).
    • Direction
      This column shows the sort order that you specify for the sort-by fields.
    • Name
      This column shows the field names.
  • Move Up button Move Up button
    Select to move the specified sort-by field higher in the list. The order of the sort-by fields determines the sort priority of the fields.
  • Move Down button Move Down button
    Select to move the specified sort-by field lower in the list.

Filter tab

Use this tab to define the filter conditions. Designer displays the same options in the tab as in the Edit Filter dialog box.

Edit Display Name

Select to open the Edit Display Name dialog box to add or remove display name fields.


Select to apply your settings and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

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