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Customize Page Report Tab Status Dialog Box

You can use the Customize Page Report Tab Status dialog box to specify the report tabs in specific page reports you want to open by default when users run the page reports in Page Report Studio. This topic describes the options in the dialog box.

Designer displays the Customize Page Report Tab Status dialog box when you right-click the name of a report tab on the report tab bar and select Customize Status from the shortcut menu.

Customize Page Report Tab Status dialog box

You see the following options in the dialog box:

Page Report

This drop-down list contains all the currently open page reports. Select a page report to specify the status of the report tabs in it.

  • Sort icon Sort icon
    Select to display the Sort drop-down menu to specify how to sort the page reports in the drop-down list.
    • Ascending
      Select to sort the page reports in the ascending order.
    • Descending
      Select to sort the page reports in the descending order.
    • No Sort
      Select to list the page reports based on the order you open them. It is the default order.

    The change of sort order is a one-off action which Designer does not remember after you exit the dialog box, meaning, each time when you open the dialog box, Designer always applies No Sort to the page reports.

  • Search iconSearch icon
    Select to open the search box to search for the required page report. To start searching, type the text you want to search for in the search box and Designer lists the page reports containing the matched text.

    You can use the following options in the search box:

    • More Search Option button Drop-down icon
      Select to list more search options.
      • Highlight All
        Select to highlight all the matched text.
      • Match Case
        Select to search for text that meets the case of the text you type.
      • Match Whole Word
        Select to search for text that looks the same as the text you type.
    • Close button Delete icon
      Select to close the search box and cancel the search.
  • Close button Close icon
    Select to close the drop-down list.

Report Tab

This box lists the report tabs in the selected page report. Select the report tabs to open by default when users run the page report in Page Report Studio. You should select at least one report tab in a page report.

  • Display Name
    This column shows the display names of the report tabs.
  • Instance Name
    This column shows the instance names of the report tabs.
  • Description
    This column shows the descriptions of the report tabs if any.


Select to apply your settings and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

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