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CSS Style Definition Dialog Box

You can use the CSS Style Definition dialog box to edit the specified style. This topic describes the options in the dialog box.

Designer displays the CSS Style Definition dialog box when you select Edit in the CSS Editor dialog box, or select OK after selecting an existing CSS file in the New CSS Style dialog box.

CSS Style Definition dialog box

You see the following options in the dialog box:


This option shows the style that you are editing.

All Properties

This box lists all the available properties that you can add to the style.

Selected Properties

This box lists the properties that you select to apply in the style.

  • Name
    This column shows the names of the properties.
  • Value
    This column shows the values that you specify for the properties.
  • Important
    This column shows whether the properties are important or not.

Add button Add button

Select to add the specified property in the All Properties box to apply in the style.

Add All button Add All button

Select to add all the properties in the All Properties box to apply in the style.

Remove button Remove button

Select to remove the specified property in the Selected Properties box from the style.

Remove All button Remove All button

Select to remove all the properties in the Selected Properties box from the style.


Select to apply the changes and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

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