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Example: Connecting to Google Cloud BigQuery via a JSON Connection

This topic presents an example about how you can set up a JSON connection to connect a catalog to Google Cloud BigQuery.

In this example, we create two parameters in the catalog and use them to provide values for the two tokens access_token and maxResults in the URL of the JSON instance file used to access Google Cloud BigQuery. The token access_token is for authorizing a Google API request, and maxResults represents the maximum record number to return. You can change the parameter values to provide dynamic values for the two tokens at runtime.

  1. Make sure is the currently open catalog file. If not, select File > Open Catalog to open it from <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleReports.
  2. Right-click the Parameters node in Data Source 1 of the catalog and select New Parameter from the shortcut menu.
  3. In the New Parameter dialog box, type pAccessToken in the Name text box.
  4. Select String from the Value Type drop-down list.
  5. Select Add Add button to add a value line, double-click in the line and then type the valid token value to access Google Cloud BigQuery, for example, ya29.Ci9dA2sA8J_wM8e5FnY9rJg551153GQWGbleO-y9aeZOky9V36Tz497HY1chApjLFg.
  6. Select OK to create the parameter.

    New Parameter dialog box

  7. Repeat the above steps to create another parameter pMaxResults of Integer type with the prompt value 2.

    New Parameter dialog box

    For more information about creating parameters, see Creating a Parameter.

  8. Right-click the Data Source 1 node and select New JSON Connection from the shortcut menu. Designer displays the JSON Connection Wizard dialog box.
  9. In the Extract JSON Schema screen, select Extract Schema from Instance Data from the Schema Source drop-down list.
  10. Type the following URL in the Instance text box:

    JSON Connection Wizard - Extract JSON Schema

  11. Select Next three times to go to the Add Table screen. Select f in the Tables box and select Add Add button to add it to the Added Tables box.
  12. Select Finish to set up the connection.

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