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Appendix 1: Formula Functions

Logi Report provides different types of the built-in functions to help you write your formulas. This topic describes the usage of each function with examples.

Select the following links to view the formula functions of different types:

Array Functions

You can use the Array functions to summarize field data in several different ways.

Function Description Argument Return Value Example
  • Any(array_variable);
  • Any(field_variable);
This function checks whether there is at least one element in the argument that is true. If there is, it returns "true"; if there isn't, it returns "false".
  • array_variable - Refers to an array.
  • field_variable - A special variable in formula. It refers to a group of values of a database field or of a formula field.
A Boolean value.

Boolean x = Any([false, false, false, true, false, false])

Boolean x = Any(@isExcellent)

Boolean x = Any(@formula) ("@formula" is a formula which returns a Boolean array.)

Boolean x = Any(@@ctf1) ("@@ctf1" is a crosstab formula which returns a Boolean array.)

  • Average(array_variable);
  • Average(field_variable);
  • Average(field_variable, groupby);
This function returns the average value of a group of values referred to by the first argument. The second argument, if there is one, returns the group-by field name.
  • array_variable - Refers to an array whose element is of the Number or Currency value.
  • field_variable  - A special variable in formula. It refers to a group of values of a database field or of a formula field. Whatever source they come from, database or formula, they should be of the Number or Currency data type.
  • groupby - Can be a constant String which indicates the group-by field name or a field variable on which grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a report.
The result type relies on the first argument. It can be of the Number or Currency data type, if the data type of each element in the first argument is also of the Number or Currency data type respectively.

Number x = Average([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0]; Number y = Average(x)

Currency x = Average([$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67])

Currency x[] = [$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67]; Currency y = Average(x)

Number x = Average(@dbfield)

Number x = Average(@formula)

Number x = Average(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = Average(@dbfield, @"group_field")

Number x = Average(@dbfield, @parameter)

Currency x = Average(@dbfield)

Currency x = Average(@formula)

Currency x = Average(@formula, "group_field")

Currency x = Average(@formula, @"group_field")

Currency x = Average(@formula, @parameter)

  • Count(array_variable);
  • Count(field_variable);
  • Count(field_variable, groupby);
This function counts the number of a group of values referred to by the first argument. The second argument, if there is one, returns the group-by field name.
  • array_variable - Refers to an array.
  • field_variable - A special variable in Formula. It refers to a group of values of a database field or of a formula field.
  • groupby - Can be a constant String to indicate the group-by field name or a field variable on which the grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a report.
A Number value.

Number x = Count([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0]; 
Number y = Count(x)

Number x = Count(["str1","str2","str3","str4","str5","str6"])

Number x = Count(@dbfield).

Number x = Count(@formula)

Number x = Count(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = Count(@formula, @"group_field")

Number x = Count(@dbfield, @parameter)

  • DistinctCount(array_variable);
  • DistinctCount(field_variable);
  • DistinctCount(field_variable, groupby);
This function counts the number of distinct values referred to by the first argument together. The second argument, if there is one, gives the group-by field name.
  • array_variable - Refers to an array whose element should be a Number.
  • field_variable - A special variable in formula. It refers to a group of values from a database or formula field.
  • groupby - Can be a constant String to indicate the group-by field name or a field variable on which grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a report.
A Number value.

Number x = DistinctCount([1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 4.5, 4.5, 67.0]) // result is 4

Number x[6] = [1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 4.5, 4.5, 67.0];
Number y = DistinctCount(x)

Number x = DistinctCount(@dbfield)

Number x = DistinctCount(@formula)

Number x = DistinctCount(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = DistinctCount(@formula, @"group_field")

Number x = DistinctCount(@dbfield, @parameter)

  • Every(array_variable);
  • Every(field_variable);
This function checks whether each element in the argument is true. If yes, it returns "true"; if not, it returns "false".
  • array_variable - Refers to an array
  • field_variable - A special variable in formula. It refers to a group of values of a database field or of a formula field.
A Boolean value.

Boolean x = Every([false, false, false, true, false, false])

Boolean x = Every(@isExcellent)

Boolean x = Every(@formula) ("@formula" is a formula which returns a Boolean array.)

Boolean x = Every(@@ctf1) ("@@ctf1" is a crosstab formula which returns a Boolean array.)

  • Maximum(array_variable);
  • Maximum(field_variable);
  • Maximum(field_variable, groupby);
This function picks up the maximum value from a group of values referred to by the first argument. The groupby argument specifies the group-by field name.
  • array_variable - Refers to an array whose element can be any data type.
  • field_variable - A special variable in formula. It refers to a group of values from a database or formula field.
  • groupby - Can be a constant String to indicate the group-by field name or a field variable on which grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a report.
The result type relies on the first argument. It may be Number, Currency, String, Date, Time, DateTime, or Boolean if the data type of each element in the first argument is Number, Currency, String, Date, Time, DateTime, or Boolean respectively.

Number x = Maximum([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = Maximum(x)

Number x = Maximum(@dbfield)

Date x = Maximum(@formula)

Time x = Maximum(@dbfield, "group_field")

DateTime x = Maximum(@dbfield, @"group_field")

String x = Maximum(@dbfield, @parameter)

Currency x = Maximum(@dbfield)

Boolean x = Maximum(@formula)

Date x = Maximum(@formula, "group_field")

Currency x = Maximum(@formula, @"group_field")

Currency x = Maximum(@formula, @parameter)

String x = Maximum(['1', '2', '3.0', '4.5', '45', '67'])

Date x = Maximum([toDate(1998, 1, 1), toDate(1997, 7, 1), toDate(1999, 1, 16)])

  • Minimum(array_variable);
  • Minimum(field_variable);
  • Minimum(field_variable, groupby);
This function picks up the minimum value from a group of values referred to by the first argument together. The second argument, if there is one, gives the group-by field name.
  • array_variable - Refers to an array whose element can be any data type.
  • field_variable - A special variable in formula. It refers to a group of values from a database or formula field.
  • groupby - Can be a constant String to indicate the group-by field name or a field variable on which grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a report.
The result type relies on the first argument. It may be Number, Currency, String, Date, Time, DateTime, or Boolean if the data type of each element in the first argument is Number, Currency, String, Date, Time, DateTime, or Boolean respectively.

Number x = Minimum([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = Minimum(x)

Number x = Minimum(@dbfield)

Date x = Minimum(@formula)

Time x = Minimum(@dbfield, "group_field")

DateTime x = Minimum(@dbfield, @"group_field")

String x = Minimum(@dbfield, @parameter)

Currency x = Minimum(@dbfield)

Boolean x = Minimum(@formula)

Date x = Minimum(@formula, "group_field")

Currency x = Minimum(@formula, @"group_field")

Currency x = Minimum(@formula, @parameter)

String x = Minimum(['1', '2', '3.0', '4.5', '45', '67'])

Date x = Minimum([toDate(1998, 1, 1), toDate(1997, 7, 1), toDate(1999, 1, 16)]

  • PopulationStdDev(array_variable);
  • PopulationStdDev(field_variable);
  • PopulationStdDev(field_variable, groupby);
This function finds the population standard deviation of a group of values referred to by the first argument. The second argument, if there is one, gives the group-by field name.
  • array_variable - Refers to an array whose element should be Number value.
  • field_variable - A special variable in formula. It refers to a group of values from a database or formula field. Whatever kind of source the data comes from, database or formula, it should be of the Number data type.
  • groupby - Can be a constant String to indicate the group-by field name or a field variable on which grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a report.
A Number value.

Number x = PopulationStdDev([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = PopulationStdDev(x)

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield)

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@formula)

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield, @"group_field")

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield, @parameter)

  • PopulationVariance(array_variable);
  • PopulationVariance(field_variable);
  • PopulationVariance(field_variable, groupby);
This function finds the population variance of a group of values referred to be the first argument. The second argument, if there is one, gives the group-by field name.
  • array_variable - Refers to an array whose element should be Number value.
  • field_variable - A special variable in formula. It refers to a group of values from a database or formula field. Whatever kind of source the data comes from, database or formula, it should be of the Number data type.
  • groupby- Can be a constant String to indicate the group-by field name or a field variable on which grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a report.
A Number value.

Number x = PopulationVariance([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = PopulationVariance(x)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@formula)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield, @"group_field")

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield, @parameter)

  • StdDev(array_variable);
  • StdDev(field_variable);
  • StdDev(field_variable, groupby);
This function finds the standard deviation of a group of values referred to by the first argument. The second argument, if there is one, gives the group-by field name.
  • array_variable - Refers to an array whose element should be a Number value.
  • field_variable - A special variable in formula. It refers to a group of values from a database or formula field. Whatever kind of source the data comes from, database or formula, it should be of the Number data type.
  • groupby - Can be a constant String to indicate the group-by field name or a field variable on which grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a report.
A Number value.

Number x = StdDev([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = StdDev(x)

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield)

Number x = StdDev(@formula)

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield, @"group_field")

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield, @parameter)

  • Sum(array_variable);
  • Sum(field_variable);
  • Sum(field_variable, groupby);
This functions groups of values (referred to by the first argument) together. The second argument, if there is one, gives the group-by field name.
  • array_variable - Refers to an array whose element should be Number or Currency value.
  • field_variable - A special variable in formula. It refers to a group of values from a database or formula field. Whatever kind of source the data comes from, database or formula, it should be of the Number or Currency data type.
  • groupby - Can be a constant String to indicate the group-by field name or a field variable on which grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a report.
The result type relies on the first argument. It may be Number or Currency if the data type of each element in the first argument is Number or Currency respectively.

Number x = Sum([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = Sum(x)

Currency x = Sum([$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67])

Currency x[] = [$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67];
Currency y = Sum(x)

Number x = Sum(@dbfield)

Number x = Sum(@formula)

Number x = Sum(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = Sum(@dbfield, @"group_field")

Number x = Sum(@dbfield, @parameter)

Currency x = Sum(@dbfield)

Currency x = Sum(@formula)

Currency x = Sum(@formula, "group_field")

Currency x = Sum(@formula, @"group_field")

Currency x = Sum(@formula, @parameter)

  • UBound(array_variable);
This function returns the number of elements in an array.
  • array_variable - Refers to an Array value, expression or variable.
A Number value.

integer a[] = [1,1,1,1,1];
- Returns "5".

UBound([$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67]) - Returns "6".

This formula searches for the customer names containing the word "Java":

if(isNull(@"Customer Name"))then
return "No Data";
string s[]=StringSplit(@"Customer Name");
string s1="Java";
string s2[]=filter(s,s1);
if (UBound(s2)!=0) then
return right(s2[0],4)
return "No matching data ";

  • Variance(array_variable);
  • Variance(field_variable);
  • Variance(field_variable, groupby);
This function finds the variance of a group of values referred to by the first argument. The second argument, if there is one, gives the group-by field name.
  • array_variable - Refers to an array whose element should be Number value.
  • field_variable - A special variable in Formula, and refers to a group of values from a database or formula field. Whatever kind of source the data comes from, database or formula, it should be of the Number data type.
  • groupby - Can be a constant String to indicate the group-by field name or a field variable on which grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a report.
A Number value.

Number x = Variance([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = Variance(x)

Number x = Variance(@dbfield)

Number x = Variance(@formula)

Number x = Variance(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = Variance(@dbfield, @"group_field")

Number x = Variance(@dbfield, @parameter)

Critical icon When using the Array functions, if you assign a field_variable to a variable, for example "X", the variable "X" loses the characteristic of representing a group of values. The following formula are then incorrect.

  • Number x = @dbfield;
    Number y = Average(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.
  • Number x = @dbfield;
    Number y = Variance(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.

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Date Range Functions

You cannot use any of the Date Range functions to return a value singly.

Function Description Example
Aged0To30Days() This function returns a range of Date values that is within the previous 30 days from today. For example, if today is 10/14/99, the return range is from 09/15/99 to 10/14/99. The return value of the following statement is "Not Expired".

if (ToDate(1999,9,20) in Aged0To30Days())
return "Not Expired"
return "Expired"

Aged31To60Days() This function returns a range of Date values that is within the previous 31 to 60 days from today date. For example, if today is 10/13/99, the return range is from 08/12/99 to 09/13/99. If today is 10/13/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in Aged31To60Days()

Aged61To90Days() This function returns a range of Date values that is within the previous 61 to 90 days from today date. For example, if today is 10/13/99, the return range is from 07/13/99 to 08/11/99. If today is 10/13/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in Aged61To90Days()

AllDatesFromToday() This function returns a range of Date values that include any date from the present day to a date about 10000 years in the future Date value. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 04/15/98 to the future. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in AllDatesFromToday()

AllDatesFromTomorrow() This function returns a range of Date values that include any date from tomorrow to any future Date value. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 04/16/98 to the future. If today is 10/10/99, the return of the following statement is "false".

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in AllDatesFromTomorrow(

AllDatesToToday() This function returns a range of Date values that include all dates up through the present day. For example, if today is 4/15/98, the return range is from the past to 04/15/1998. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "true".

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in AllDatesToToday()

AllDatesToYesterday() This function returns a range of Date values that include all dates up through the previous day. For example, if today is 4/15/98, the return range is from the past to 04/14/1998. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "true".

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in AllDatesToYesterday()

Calendar1stHalf() This function returns a range of Date values that include all dates from January 1st through June 30th. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return Today() in Calendar1stHalf()

Calendar1stQtr() This function returns a range of Date values that include all dates from January 1st through to March 31st. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return Today() in Calendar1stQtr()

Calendar2ndHalf() This function returns a range of Date values that include all dates from July 1st through to December 31st. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "true".

return Today() in Calendar2ndHalf()

Calendar2ndQtr() This function returns a range of Date values that include all dates from April 1st through to June 30th. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return Today() in Calendar2ndQtr()

Calendar3rdQtr() This function returns a range of Date values that include all dates from July 1st through to September 30th. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return Today() in Calendar3rdQtr()

Calendar4thQtr() This function returns a range of Date values that include all dates from October 1st through December 31st. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "true".

return Today() in Calendar4thQtr()

Last4WeeksToSun() This function returns a range of Date values that include the four weeks previous to last Sunday. For example, if today is 4/15/95, the return range is from 3/13/95 to 4/9/95. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Last4WeeksToSun()

Last7Days() This function returns a range of Date values that include all dates from seven days ago to today (including today). For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from (include) 04/09/98 to 04/15/98. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Last7Days()

LastFullMonth() This function returns a range of Date values that include all dates from the first to the last day of the previous month. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 03/01/98 to 03/31/98. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in LastFullMonth()

LastFullWeek() This function returns a range of Date values that include all dates from the Sunday to the Saturday of the previous week. For example, if today is 04/10/95, the return range is from 04/02/95 to 04/08/95. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in LastFullWeek()

LastYearMTD() This function returns a range of Date values that fall on any date in the current month last year, up to the current date last year. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 04/01/97 to 04/15/97. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in LastYearMTD()

LastYearYTD() This function returns a range of Date values that include all dates in the last year, up to the current date last year. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 01/01/97 to 04/15/97. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "true".

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in LastYearYTD()

MonthToDate() This function returns a range of Date values that include all dates from the first day of the month to today. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 04/01/98 to 04/15/98. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "true".

return ToDate(1999, 10, 2) in MonthToDate()

Next30Days() This function returns a range of Date values that include all days in the next 30 days starting from today (including today). For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 04/15/98 to 05/15/98. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return ToDate(1999, 10, 2) in Next30Days()

Next31To60Days() This function returns a range of Date values that include all days in the next 31 to 60 days starting from today. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 05/16/98 to 06/14/98. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return ToDate(1999, 10, 2) in Next31To60Days()

Next61To90Days() This function returns a range of Date values that include all days in the next 61 to 90 days starting from today. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 06/15/98 to 07/14/98. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Next61To90Days()

Next91To365Days() This function Returns a range of Date values that include all days in the next 91 to 365 days starting from today. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 07/15/98 to 04/15/99. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Next91To365Days()

Over90Days() This function returns a range of Date values that include all days that are more than 90 days older than the current date. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from the past to 01/14/98. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "true".

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Over90Days()

WeekToDateFromSun() This function returns a range of Date values that include all days from last Sunday to today (including today). For example, if today is 04/13/95, the return range is from 04/09/95 to 04/13/95. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "false".

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in WeekToDateFromSun()

YearToDate() This function returns a range of Date values that include all days from the first day of the calendar year to today (including today). For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 01/01/98 to 04/15/98. If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is "true".

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in YearToDate()

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Date/Time Functions

Date/Time functions enable you to convert numbers to dates and dates to numbers.

Function Description Parameter Return Value Example
CurrentDate() This function returns the current date on a report.   A Date value. If today is Oct. 6,1999, the return value of the following statement is "10/06/99".


CurrentDateTime() This function returns the current date and time on a report.   A DateTime value. If today is Oct.6,1999, the current time is 5:10:27 p.m., the return value of the following statement is "1999-10-06 05:10:27 PM".


CurrentTime() This function returns the current time on a report.   A Time value. If the current time is 5:10:27 p.m., the return value of the following statement is "05:10:27 PM".


DateAdd(intervalType, nIntervals, startDateTime)

This function returns a DateTime value to which a specified number of time intervals have been added.

You can use this function to add interval of time to a DateTime. Its main feature is that the DateTime returned is always valid. For example, the function takes into account such factors as the number of days in a month and leap years. If you want to add or subtract days to a DateTime, you could use the addition and subtraction operators instead of the function with the "d" parameter. However, this function also handles other types of intervals such as adding months or hours to a DateTime.

  • intervalType - A String expression specifying the interval of time to be added.

    Possible values can be:

    • YYYY - Year
    • Q - Quarter (3-month period)
    • M - Month
    • Y - Day of year
    • D - Day
    • W - Weekday
    • WW - Week (7-day period)
    • H - Hour
    • N - Minute
    • S - Second
  • nIntervals - A Number or numeric expression specifying the number of intervals to be added. It can be positive (to get DateTimes from the future), or negative (to get DateTimes from the past).
  • startDateTime - The DateTime value to which the intervals are to be added.


  • To add days to a DateTime, you can use any of the interval type parameters "Y", "D", or "W". They all have the same effect for DateAdd.
  • DateAdd returns a DateTime value and not a Date value. However, you may need to convert this DateTime value to a Date value in certain situations (such as if you want to assign the value returned by DateAdd to a Date type variable). To convert to a Date value, use DateAdd in combination with the ToDate type conversion function. For example, the following expression returns the Date value for October 6, 1997.


A DateTime value.

DateAdd("YYYY",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one year.

DateAdd("Q",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus three months.

DateAdd("M",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one month.

DateAdd("Y",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one day.

DateAdd("D",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one day.

DateAdd("W",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one day.

DateAdd("WW",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus seven days.

DateAdd("H",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one hour.

DateAdd("N",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one minute.

DateAdd("S",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one second.

DateAdd("D",-32,ToDateTime(1999,9,28)) - Returns the DateTime value "1999-8-27 00:00:00".

DateAdd("M",1,ToDateTime(1996,1,31)) - Returns the DateTime value "1996-2-29 00:00:00". Note that DateAdd does not return the invalid value "1996-2-31 00:00:00".

DateAdd("Q",17,ToDateTime(1999,9,28)) - Returns the DateTime value "2003-12-28 00:00:00".

DateAdd("H",-400,ToDateTime(1999,9,28)) - Returns the DateTime value "1999-9-11 08:00:00". In other words, this is the result of subtracting 400 hours from 1999-9-28 00:00:00.

DateDiff(intervalType, startDateTime, endDateTime, firstDayOfWeek)


  • DateDiff(intervalType, startDateTime, endDateTime)
  • DateDiff(intervalType, startDateTime, endDateTime, firstDayOfWeek)
This function returns a number of time intervals between two specified dates.
  • intervalType - A string expression that is the interval of time you use to calculate the difference between startDateTime and endDateTime.

    Possible values can be:

    • YYYY - Year
    • Q - Quarter
    • M - Month
    • Y - Day of year
    • D - Day (both "Y" and "D" find the difference in days)
    • W - Number of weeks between startDateTime and endDateTime
    • WW - Number of firstDayOfWeek's between startDateTime and endDateTime
    • H - Hour
    • N - Minute
    • S - Second
  • startDateTime - The first DateTime value used in calculating the difference.
  • endDateTime - The second DateTime value used in calculating the difference.
  • firstDayOfWeek - An optional constant specifying the first day of the week. If not specified, the function uses jrSunday.
    • jrUseSystem - 0 (Use the current system date)
    • jrSunday - 1
    • jrMonday - 2
    • jrTuesday - 3
    • jrWednesday - 4
    • jrThursday - 5
    • jrFriday - 6
    • jrSaturday - 7
A Number value.

DateDiff("D", ToDateTime(1999,10,7), ToDateTime(1999,10,10)) - Returns "3". This example uses DateDiff with the "D" or "Y" interval type parameter to find the number of days between two dates.

The following examples use DateDiff with the "YYYY" interval type parameter to find the number of years difference between two dates. This use of DateDiff is the same as finding the difference between the year of endDateTime and the year of startDateTime.

  • DateDiff("YYYY", ToDateTime(1999,10,7), ToDateTime(2005,2,10)) - Returns "6".
  • DateDiff("YYYY", ToDateTime(1999,12,31), ToDateTime(2000,1,1)) - Returns "1" (a 1 year difference), even though there is only a 1 day difference between the dates.
  • DateDiff("YYYY", ToDateTime(1999,1,1), ToDateTime(1999,12,31)) - Returns "0" (a 0 year difference), even though there is a 364 days difference.

Suppose that for the above examples, the first date is the date that you bought a mutual fund, and the second date is the date you sold it. The mutual fund company must send you an annual report for every year in which you owned units in the fund. You would then get 7, 2, and 1 annual reports respectively, in the above cases.

The following examples use DateDiff with the "Q" parameter to find the number of quarters (3 month periods) difference between two dates.

  • DateDiff("Q", ToDateTime(1999,10,6), ToDateTime(2003,5,20)) - Returns "14".
  • DateDiff("Q", ToDateTime(1999,3,31), ToDateTime(1999,4,1)) - Returns "1". The two dates are in adjacent quarters.
  • DateDiff("Q", ToDateTime(1999,1,1), ToDateTime(1999,3,31)) - Returns "0". The two dates are in the same quarter.

Suppose the mutual fund company in the "YYYY" example mailed out quarterly reports. It would need to mail out 15, 2, and 1 quarterly reports respectively, in the above cases.

DateDiff("M", ToDateTime(1999,3,15), ToDateTime(1999,7,13)) - Returns "4". This example uses DateDiff with the "M" parameter to find the number of months difference between two dates.

The following examples use DateDiff with the "W" parameter to calculate the number of weeks between two dates. For example, if startDateTime is on a Tuesday, DateDiff counts the number of Tuesdays between startDateTime and endDateTime, not including the initial Tuesday of startDateTime. Note however that it counts endDateTime if it is on a Tuesday.

  • DateDiff("W", ToDateTime(1999,10,19), ToDateTime(1999,10,25)) - Returns "0".
  • DateDiff("W", ToDateTime(1999,10,19), ToDateTime(1999, 10,26)) - Returns "1".
DatePart(intervalType, inputDateTime, firstDayOfWeek, firstWeekOfYear)


  • DatePart(intervalType, inputDateTime)
  • DatePart(intervalType, inputDateTime, firstDayOfWeek)
  • DatePart(intervalType, inputDateTime, firstDayOfWeek, firstWeekOfYear)
  • DatePart(intervalType, inputTime)
  • DatePart(intervalType, inputTime, firstDayOfWeek)
  • DatePart(intervalType, inputTime, firstDayOfWeek, firstWeekOfYear)
This function returns a number that specifies a given part of a given date.
  • intervalType - A String expression that specifies the part of a date to be returned.

    Possible values can be:

    • YYYY - Extracts the year
    • Q - Quarter (the result is 1, 2, 3 or 4)
    • M - Month (the result is from 1 to 12)
    • Y - Day of year (1 to 365 or 366 in a leap year)
    • D - Day part of the date (1 to 31)
    • W - Day of week (1 to 7 with the result depending on firstDayOfWeek)
    • WW - Week of year (1 to 53 with firstDayOfWeek and firstWeekOfYear determining the exact days of the first calendar week of the year)
    • H - Extracts the hour part of the given DateTime (0 to 23)
    • N - Minute part (0 to 59)
    • S - Second part (0 to 59)
  • inputDateTime - The DateTime value whose part is extracted.
  • firstDayOfWeek - An optional constant used to specify the first day of the week. If not specified, the function uses jrSunday.
    • jrUseSystem - 0 (Use the current system date)
    • jrSunday - 1
    • jrMonday - 2
    • jrTuesday - 3
    • jrWednesday - 4
    • jrThursday - 5
    • jrFriday - 6
    • jrSaturday - 7
  • firstWeekOfYear - An optional constant specifying the first week of the year. If not specified, the function assumes the first week is the one in which Jan. 1 occurs (jrFirstJan1).
    jrUseSystem0Starts with week in which system date occurs.
    jrFirstJan11Starts with week in which January 1 occurs (default).
    jrFirstFourDays2Starts with the first week that has at least four days in the new year.
    jrFirstFullWeek3Starts with first full week of the year.

Note icon

  • The DatePart function with the "YYYY" intervalType parameter is the same as the Year function. Similarly, the DatePart function with the "M", "D", "W", "H", "N" and "S" intervalType argument is the same as the functions Month, Day, Weekday (or DayOfWeek), Hour, Minute and Second respectively. On the other hand, there is no easy alternative to using the DatePart function for the "Q", "Y", and "WW" intervalType parameters.
  • The firstDayOfWeek parameter affects the DatePart function when the interval type parameter is "W" or "WW". For all other intervalType parameter values, they are ignored.
  • The firstWeekOfYear parameter affects the DatePart function only when the intervalType argument is "WW". For all other intervalType argument values, they are ignored.
A Number value.

DatePart("D", ToDateTime(1999,8,15)) - Returns "15".

DatePart("M", ToDateTime(1999,8,15)) - Returns "8".

DatePart("N", ToDateTime(1999,8,15,10,35,0)) - Returns "35".

DatePart("Q", ToDateTime(1999, 9,29)) - Returns "3" since September 29 is in the third quarter of the year.

DatePart("WW", ToDateTime(1997, 9,14)) - Returns "38" since 1997-9-14 is in the 38th week of 1997.

DateTimeTo2000(Datetime, Number)
  • 2 digit years(xx)
    If the Year value is greater than the windowing number, 19 is appended before the 2 digits (19xx). If the Year value is less than or equal to the windowing number, 20 is appended (20xx).
  • 4 digit years(19xx)
    If the last two digits in the Year value are greater than the windowing number, the Year is retained as found in the Date field (19xx). If the two digits in the Year value are less than or equal to the windowing number, the first two digits are changed to 20 (20xx). If the first two digits in the year field are 20, the Year is retained as found in the Date field (20xx).
  • DateTime - Accepts only valid DateTime fields, with either 2 digit or 4 digit years.
  • Number - A number between 0 and 99 corresponding with the desired windowing year.

Note icon If the year is less than or equal to 1899, and greater than or equal to 100, there is no change to the date.

A Date field with a four digit year.

DateTimeTo2000(ToDateTime(1998, 12, 12, 3, 2, 1), 99) - Returns "2098-12-12 3:02:01". Here the window value is greater than the year, and so the year is changed to "20XX".

DateTimeTo2000(ToDateTime(1995, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1), 94) - Returns "1995-01-02 3:02:01". Here the window value is less than the year, and so it will not change the year.

These are examples of dates that are not affected by this function:

  • DateTimeTo2000(ToDateTime(1899, 12, 12, 5, 6, 7), 99) - Returns "1899-12-12 5:06:07".
  • DateTimeTo2000(ToDateTime(999, 12, 12, 5, 6, 7), 99) - Returns "999-12-12 5:06:07".

Some databases maintain the year of a Date as a two-digit field. These samples simulate that Date field:

  • DateTimeTo2000(ToDateTime(93, 12, 12, 5, 6, 7), 96) - Returns "2093-12-12 5:06:07".
  • DateTimeTo2000(ToDateTime(98, 12, 12, 5, 6, 7), 50) - Returns "1998-12-12 5:06:07".
DateTimeToDate(Datetime a) This function evaluates the specified DateTime value and returns only the date.
  • a - A DateTime value.
A Date value. If the current date is Oct. 17, 1999 and the current time is 12:27:15, the return value of the following statement is "10/17/99".


DateTimeToSeconds(Datetime a) This function evaluates the specified value and converts the time to the number of seconds from 00:00:00 to the specified time.
  • a - A DateTime value.
An Integer value. If the current date is Oct. 17, 1999 and the current time is 12:27:15, the return value of the following statement is "44835".


DateTimeToTime(Datetime a) This function evaluates the specified DateTime value and returns only the time.
  • a - A DateTime value.
A Time value. If the current date is Oct. 17, 1999 and the current time is 12:27:15, the return value of the following statement is "12:27:15".


DateTo2000(date, number)
  • 2 digit years(xx)
    If the Year value is greater than the windowing number, 19 is appended before the 2 digits (19xx). If the Year value is less than or equal to the windowing number, 20 is appended (20xx).
  • 4 digit years(19xx)
    If the last two digits in the Year value are greater than the windowing number, the Year is preserved as found in the date field (19xx). If the last two digits in the Year value are less than or equal to the windowing number, the first two digits are changed to 20 (20xx). If the first two digits in the year field are 20, the Year is preserved as found in the date field (20xx).
  • date - Accepts only valid Date fields, with either 2 digit or 4 digit years.
  • number - A number between 0 and 99 corresponding with the desired windowing year.

Note icon

  • If the year is less than or equal to 1899 and greater or equal to 100, there is no change to the date.
  • Whether your database dates are interpreted as two digit years or 4 digit years (19xx) is dependent on the database driver you are using. The result of the formula is the same in either case.
A Date field with a four digit year.

DateTo2000(ToDate(1993,12,12), 99) - Returns "2093/12/12" because the window value is greater than the year, and so the date is changed to 20XX.

DateTo2000(ToDate(1993,12,12), 92) - Returns "1993/12/12" because the window value is less than the year, and so the year is not changed.

DateTo2000(ToDate(1899,12,12), 99) - Returns "1899/12/12". This is an example of a date that is not affected by this function

DateTo2000(ToDate(100,12,12), 99) - Returns "100/12/12". This is an example of a date that is not affected by this function.

Some databases maintain the year of a date as a two-digit field. The following simulates this type of date field:

  • DateTo2000(ToDate (98,12,12), 99) - Returns "2098/12/12".
  • DateTo2000(ToDate (98,12,12), 97) - Returns "1998/12/12".
  • DateTo2000(ToDate (9,12,12), 10) - Returns "2009/12/12".
  • DateTo2000(ToDate (1,12,12), 0) - Returns "1901/12/12".
Day() This function returns the day of the month.   An Integer value. If today is Oct. 17, 1999, the return value of the following statement is "17".


Day(Date a) This function extracts the day portion of a specified Date value.
  • a - A Date value.
An Integer value. If the current date is Oct. 17, 1999, the return value of the following statement is "17".


Day(Datetime a) This function extracts the day portion of a specified Date value.
  • a - A DateTime value.
An Integer value. If the current date is Oct. 17, 1999 and the current time is 12:27:15, the return value of the following statement is "17".


DayOfWeek() This function returns the day of the week.   An Integer value. If today is Thursday, the return value of the following statement is "5".


DayOfWeek(Date a) This function extracts the day portion of a specified Date value, and indicates which day of the week.
  • a - A Date value.
An Integer value. If today is Oct. 17, 1999 and today is Sunday, the return value of the following statement is "1".


DayOfWeek(Datetime a) This function extracts the day portion of a specified Date value, and indicates which day of the week.
  • a - A DateTime value.
An Integer value. If the current date is Oct. 17, 1999, current time is 12:27:15 and today is Sunday, the return value of the following statement is "1" (Sunday is the first day of the week).


DayOfYear() This function returns the day of the year.   An Integer value. If today is Oct. 17, 1999, the return value of the following statement is "290".


DTSTo2000(DateString, Number)
  • 2 digit years(xx)
    If the Year value is greater than the windowing number, 19 is appended before the 2 digits(19xx). If the Year value is less than or equal to the windowing number, 20 is appended (20xx).
  • 4 digit years(19xx)
    If the last two digits in the Year value are greater than the windowing number, the Year is retained as found in the Date field (19xx). If the two digits in the Year value are less than or equal to the windowing number, the first two digits are changed to 20 (20xx). If the first two digits in the year field are 20, the Year is retained as found in the Date field (20xx).


  • Date String - Accepts only valid Date fields, with either 2 digit or 4 digit years. A DateTime string entered in the format "yyyy/MM/dd HH: mm: ss.00" or "yy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:00". For example, "1997/04/11 12:12:12.00" or "97/04/11 12:12:12.00".
  • Number - A number between 0 and 99 corresponding with the desired windowing year.

Note icon If the year is less than or equal to 1899 and greater than or equal to 100, there is no change to the date.

A DateTime string with a four digit year.

DTSTo2000("1988-12-12 12:12:12", 90) - Returns "2088-12-12 12:12:12" because the window value is greater than the year, and so the year is changed to 20XX.

DTSTo2000("1988-12-12 12:12:12", 85) - Returns "1988-12-12 12:12:12" because the window value is less than the year, and so the year is not changed.

These are examples of a date that are not affected by the function:

  • DTSTo2000("1899/12/12 1:2:3am", 99) - Returns "1899/12/12 1:2:3am".
  • DTSTo2000("100/12/12 1:02:03AM", 99) - Returns "100/12/12 1:02:03AM".

Some databases maintain the year of a date as a two-digit field and so these samples simulate that date field:

  • DTSTo2000("98/12/12 1:02:03AM", 99) - Returns "2098/12/12 1:02:03AM".
  • DTSTo2000("98/12/12 1:02:03", 97) - Returns "1998/12/12 1:02:03AM".
  • DTSTo2000("9/12/12 1:02:03AM", 10) - Returns "2009/12/12 1:02:03AM".
  • DTSTo2000("1/12/12 1:02:03AM", 0) - Returns "1901/12/12 1:02:03AM".
DTSToSeconds(string) This function evaluates the specified string, and converts the Time value to the number of seconds from 00:00:00 (12:00 midnight) to the specified time.
  • string - A String which includes a Date and a Time value.
A Whole number value. DTSToSeconds("2004/06/11 13:42:15") - Returns "49335".
FirstDayOfMonth(Date a) This function returns the first day of the month.
  • a - A Date value.
A Date value. The return value of the following statement is "10/01/2008".


FirstDayOfQuarter(Date a) This function returns the first day of the quarter.
  • a - A Date value.
A Date value. The return value of the following statement is "10/01/2008".


FirstDayOfWeek(Date a) This function returns the first day of the week.
  • a - A Date value.
A Date value. The return value of the following statement is "11/23/2008".


FirstDayOfYear(Date a) This function returns the first day of the year.
  • a - A Date value.
A Date value.

The return value of the following statement is "01/01/2008".


FirstSundayOfMonth(Date a) This function returns the first Sunday of the month.
  • a - A Date value.
A Date value. The return value of the following statement is "11/02/2008".


FirstSundayOfYear(Date a) This function returns the first Sunday of the year.
  • a - A Date value.
A Date value. The return value of the following statement is "01/06/2008".


ForEachDay(Datetime a) This function returns the Date portion of a specified DateTime value.
  • a - A DateTime value.
A Date value. If the DateTime is Dec.25,1999 20:12:50, the return value of the following statement is "12/25/99".

ForEachDay(ToDateTime(1999, 12, 25, 20, 12, 50))

ForEachHalfMonth(DateTime a) If the day in the DateTime is less than 15, this function returns the first day of the month. If the day is more than 15, it returns the 16th day of the month.
  • a - A DateTime value.
A Date value.

If the datetime is Sep.13,1999 12:27:15, the return value of the following statement is "09/01/99".


If the datetime is Oct.18,1999 5:21:22, the return value of the following statement is "10/16/99".


ForEachHalfYear(DateTime a) If the month of a specified DateTime is before July, this function returns Jan.1 of the year; otherwise, it returns July 1 of the year.
  • a - A DateTime value.
A Date value.

If the datetime is May. 28,1999 10:10:25, the return value of the following statement is "01/01/99".

ForEachHalfYear(ToDateTime(1999, 5, 28, 10, 10, 25))

If the datetime is Nov. 15,1998 11:40:23, the return value of the following statement is "07/01/99".

ForEachHalfYear(ToDateTime(1998, 11, 15, 11, 40, 23))

ForEachMonth(DateTime a) This function returns the first day of the month in a specified DateTime value.
  • a - A DateTime value.
A Date value. If the datetime is Sep.24,1999 12:05:56, the return value of the following statement is "09/01/99".


ForEachQuarter(DateTime a) If the month of a specified DateTime is before April, the function returns Jan. 1 of the year. If the month is after April but before July, the function returns April. 1 of the year. If the month is after July but before October, the function returns July. 1 of the year. If the month is after October, the function returns Oct.1 of the year.
  • a - A DateTime value.
A Date value.

If the datetime is Feb.14,1997 2:10:23, the return value of the following statement is "01/01/97".


If the datetime is May. 28,1999 10:10:25, the return value of the following statement is "04/01/99".


If the datetime is Aug. 28,1999 10:10:25, the return value of the following statement is "07/01/99".


If the datetime is Nov. 11,1998 11:40:23, the return value of the following statement is "10/01/98".


ForEachWeek(DateTime a) This function returns the Date of the first day of the week.
  • a - A DateTime value.
A Date value. If the DateTime is Oct. 15,1999 5:15:20 and it is Friday, the return value of the following statement is "10/10/99".

ForEachWeek(ToDateTime(1999, 10, 15, 5, 15, 20))

ForEachYear(DateTime a) This function returns Jan.1 of the year.
  • a - A DateTime value.
A Date value. If the datetime is Aug. 28,1999 10:10:25, the return value of the following statement is "01/01/99".

ForEachYear(ToDateTime(1999, 8, 28, 10, 10, 25))

Hour() This function extracts the hour portion of the current time.   An integer value. If the current time is 8:15:30, the return value of the following statement is "8".


Hour(DateTime a) This function extracts the hour portion of a specified DateTime value.
  • a - A DateTime value.
An integer value. If the datetime is Oct. 15,1999 9:35:22, the return value of the following statement is "9".


Hour(Time a) This function extracts the hour portion of a specified Time value.
  • a - A Time value.
An integer value. If the time is 10:05:26, the return value of the following statement is "10".

Hour(ToTime(10, 5, 26))

IsDate(number or string) This function returns "true" if it can convert the given String or Number value to a valid Date and returns "false" otherwise. A valid Date is any Date between 100-1-1 and 9999-12-31.
  • number - A Number value representing the number of days starting from January 1, 1900. It can be positive or negative, and is truncated if fractional.
  • string - A text string representing a date and many forms can be accepted. If the string is a right Date value and format, the function returns "true", otherwise "false".
A Boolean value.

IsDate(50) - Returns "true" since the number 50 is interpreted as 50 days from Jan. 1, 1900, which is Feb 19, 1900.

IsDate(-50) - Returns "true" since the number –50 is interpreted as 50 days before Jan 1, 1900, which is Nov 11, 1899.

IsDate("Feb 1, 2004") - Returns "true" since the string is a right Date value and there is only one blank between 'Feb' and '1,' and '2004'.

IsDate("2004 - 2 - 19") - Returns "false" since the String format is not right Date format.

IsDate("2003/2/29") - Returns "false" since 2003 is not leap year.

IsDate("2004*2*19") - Returns "false" since the String format is not right Date format.

IsDateTime(number or string) This function returns "true" if it can convert the given Number or String value to a valid DateTime, and returns "false" otherwise.
  • number - A Number value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a DateTime value. It can be positive, negative, or fractional. It is interpreted as a number of days from Jan 1, 1900.
  • string - A String value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a DateTime value. Many forms are accepted. If the given String value and format are right DateTime value and format, the function returns "true", otherwise "false".
A Boolean value.

IsDateTime(15.2) - Returns "true" since the given number argument is interpreted as the DateTime value 1900-01-15 04:48:00.

IsDateTime("Feb 23, 2004 15:23:25") - Returns "true".

IsDateTime("2004-2-23") - Returns "true".

IsDateTime("15:23:25") - Returns "true".

IsTime(number or string) This function returns "true" if it can convert the given Number or String value to a valid Time, and returns "false" if otherwise.
  • number - A Number value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a Time value. It can be positive, negative, or fractional. It is interpreted as units of 24 hours. If the number makes the Time value between 0:0:0: and 23:59:59, the function returns "true", otherwise "false".
  • string - A String value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a Time value. Many forms are accepted. If the String value and the format are right Time value and format, the function returns "true", otherwise "false".
A Boolean value.

IsTime(0.5) - Returns "true" since the given number argument is interpreted as 0.5 units of 24 hours, which is 12:00:00.

IsTime(3.8) - Returns "true" since the given number is interpreted as 3.8 units of 24 hours, which is 19:12:00.

IsTime("8:30:00") - Returns "true" since 8:30:00 is right Time value and format.

IsTime("8 30:00") - Returns "false" since the given string is not right Time format.

IsTime("8:30:62") - Returns "false" since the given string is not right Time value.

Minute() This function returns the minute portion of the current time.   An Integer value. If the current time is 12:41:27, the return value of the following statement is "41".


Minute(DateTime a) This function returns the minute portion of a specified DateTime.
  • a - A DateTime value.
An Integer value. If the datetime is Sep. 21,1997 12:20:25, the return value of the following statement is "20".

Minute(ToDateTime(1997, 9, 21, 12, 20, 25))

Minute(Time a) This function returns the minute portion of a specified time.
  • a - A Time value.
An Integer value. If the time is 8:30:27, the return value of the following statement is "30".


Month() This function adding one returns the current month of the year.   An Integer value, which ranges from 0 to 11. If the current month is September, the return value of the following statement is "8".


Month(Date a) This function extracts the month portion from a specified Date value.
  • a - A Date value.
An Integer value. If the date is June 15,1999, the return value of the following statement is "6".

Month(ToDate(1999, 6, 15))

Month(DateTime a) This function extracts the month portion from a specified DateTime value.
  • a - A DateTime value.
An Integer value. If the date time is July 15, 1999 10:10:10, the return value of the following statement is "7".

Month(ToDateTime(1999, 7, 15, 10, 10, 10))

MonthName(month, abbreviate) This function returns a String name for the specified month.
  • month - A whole number representing the month of the year, with values between 1 and 12, where 1 represents January.
  • abbreviate - An optional Boolean value that indicates if you want to abbreviate the month name. If "true", the function returns the abbreviated month name; otherwise, it returns the full month name.
A String value.

MonthName(4) - Returns String value "April".

MonthName(12, true) - Returns String value "Dec".

MonthName(12, false) - Returns String value "December".

Now() This function prints the current time on a report.   A Time value. If the current time is 1:24:35 in the afternoon, the return value of the following statement is "1:24:35 PM".




  • Quarter()
  • Quarter(Date,Integer)
  • Quarter(Datetime,Integer)
This function returns the quarter for the given date (1 for the first quarter).
  • Date - A Date value.
  • Integer - An Integer value in the range of 1 to 12. It is an optional argument which indicates the beginning month of the first quarter. Specifying the number is useful for fiscal quarter. If you do not specify "b", the default is "1" which means January is the beginning month of the first quarter as same as the calendar quarter.
  • Datetime - A Datestamp value.
An integer value (1, 2, 3, 4).

Quarter() - Return "3" if it is September according to the current system date.

Quarter(ToDate(2006,11,28),4) - Return "3". In this example, the first quarter begins from the 4th month - April, so the 11th month is in the third quarter.

Quarter(ToDateTime(2006,7,15,10,10,10),4) - Return "2".

Second() This function extracts the second portion of the current time.   An Integer value. If the current time is 4:55:03, the return value of the following statement is "3".


Second(Datetime a) This function extracts the second portion of a specified DateTime.
  • a - A DateTime value.
An Integer value. Suppose the datetime is Oct. 15,1999 10:15:17, the return value of the following statement is "17".

Second(ToDateTime(1999, 10, 15, 10, 15, 17 ))

Second(Time a) This function extracts the second portion of a specified time.
  • a - A Time value.
An Integer value. If the time is 7:51:59, the return value of the following statement is "59".

Second(ToTime(7, 51, 59))


This function returns the date selected in the calendar or returns today() when no calendar is available for selecting a date.

The built-in expression Selected Date in Calendar calls this function. You can find the expression in the Template drop-down list in the Calendar dialog box.

  A Date value. If the calendar date is March 12, 2012, the function returns "03/12/2012".
Timer() This function returns the number of seconds elapsed since midnight.   A Number value. If the current time is 9:28:30am, the function returns "34110".
ToDate(number or string) This function uses IsDate(number or string) to check whether the number/string is right or not. If the number/string is right, the function returns a Date value between 100-1-1 and 9999-12-31. If the number/string is wrong, it returns null.
  • number - A value representing the number of days starting from January 1, 1900. It can be positive or negative, and is truncated if fractional.
  • string - A text string representing a date and many forms can be accepted.
A Date value or null.

ToDate(50.5) - Returns "1900-2-19" since fraction is truncated.

ToDate(-50) - Returns "1970-01-01".

ToDate(22222222) - Returns "1970-01-01".

ToDate("2004 2 19") - Returns "2004-2-19".

ToDate("99-5") - Returns "1999-5-1".

ToDate("1999-2-29") - Returns null since 1999 is not leap year.

ToDate(Date a) This function returns the specified date.
  • a - A Date value.
A Date value. If the date is July 15, 1999, the return value of the following statement is "07/15/99".

ToDate(ToDate(1999, 7, 15))

ToDate(Datetime a) This function extracts the date portion of a specified DateTime.
  • a - A DateTime value.
A Date value. If the DateTime is July 15,1999 12:20:30, the return value of the following statement is "07/15/99".

ToDate(ToDateTime(1999, 7, 15, 12, 20, 30 ) )

ToDate(integer d) This function converts the argument d (a millisecond value represents the number of milliseconds that have passed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00.000 GMT) to a date value.
  • d - A millisecond value, a DBField value, or a parameter. It should be a long integer.

Note icon When the millisecond value is larger than 2³², you should use DBField or parameter instead.

A Date value. The return value of the following statement is "01/02/70".


ToDate(integer y, Integer m, Integer d) This function creates a Date value from arguments y, m and d.
  • y - An Integer value indicating year.
  • m - An Integer value indicating month.
  • d - An Integer value indicating day.
A Date value. The return value of the following statement is "07/15/99".

ToDate(1999, 7, 15)

ToDate(integer y, Integer m, Integer d, String timezone) This function creates a Date value from arguments y, m, d, and timezone.
  • y - An Integer value indicating year.
  • m - An Integer value indicating month.
  • d - An Integer value indicating day.
  • timezone - A String value indicating the time zone. For the detailed usage, refer to java.util.TimeZone.
A Date value. The return value of the following statement is "9/27/2018".

ToDate(2018, 9, 27, "GMT")

ToDateTime(number or string) This function use IsDateTime(number or string) to check whether the number/string is right or not. If it is right, the function returns a DateTime value between 100-1-1 and 9999-12-31; otherwise, the function returns null.
  • number - A Number value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a DateTime value. It can be positive, negative, or fractional. It is interpreted as a number of days from Jan 1, 1900.
  • string - A String value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a DateTime value. Many forms are accepted.
A DateTime value or null.

ToDateTime(255.35) - Returns "1900-09-12 08:23:59".

ToDateTime("Jan 3, 2004") - Returns "2004-01-03 00:00:00".

ToDateTime("5:25:26pm") - Returns "2004-02-23 17:25:26" because the current date is 2004-2-23.

ToDateTime("2003-2-29 15:26:25") - Returns null because the given String value is not right DateTime value.

ToDateTime("2004 *2 *29 15:26:25") - Returns null because the given String format is not right DateTime format.

ToDateTime(date a)  
  • a - A Date value that this function can convert to a DateTime type value.
A DateTime value. ToDateTime(ToDate("2004-2-23")) - Returns "2004-02-23 00:00:00".
ToDateTime(Date a, Time b) This function creates a DateTime value from arguments a and b.
  • a - A Date value.
  • b - A Time value.
A DateTime value. Supposing the date is July 15,1999 and the time is 12:20:30, the return value of the following statement is "1999-07-15 12:20:30".

ToDateTime(ToDate(1999, 7, 15), ToTime(12, 20, 30))

ToDateTime(Integer d) This function converts the argument d (a millisecond value represents the number of milliseconds that have passed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00.000 GMT) to a DateTime value. The function calculating is based on the time zone. You must adjust argument d to reflect your desired time zone.
  • d - A millisecond value, a DBField value, or a parameter. It should be a long integer.

Note icon

  • In this function, you can decide the display format by selecting the format from the Report Inspector. The format of the example above is "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss".
  • When the millisecond value is larger than 2³² (4294967296), you should use DBField, parameter, or assign integers to variables.
A DateTime value.

The time zone is UTC+08:00. The return value of the following statement is "11/9/2016 3:10:17 AM".

Integer i = 1478632217;
Integer j = 1000;

ToDateTime(I * j)

The time zone is UTC+08:00. The return value of the following statement is "1/2/1970 04:00:00 AM".


ToDateTime(Integer y, Integer m, Integer d) This function creates a DateTime value from the arguments y, m, and d.
  • y - An Integer value indicating year.
  • m - An Integer value indicating month.
  • d - An Integer value indicating day.

Note icon In this function, because you only specify year, month, and day, the system outputs "12:00:00" as the default time. Also you can decide the display format by selecting the format from the Report Inspector. The format of the example above is "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss".

A DateTime value. If the date is July 15,1999, the return value of the following statement is "1999-07-15 12:00:00".

ToDateTime(1999, 7, 15)

ToDateTime(Integer y, Integer m, Integer d, Integer h, Integer i, Integer s) This function creates a DateTime value from the arguments y, m, d, h, i, and s.
  • y - An Integer value indicating year.
  • m - An Integer value indicating month.
  • d - An Integer value indicating day.
  • h - An Integer value indicating hour.
  • i - An Integer value indicating minute.
  • s - An Integer value indicating second.
A DateTime value. If the date is July 15,1999 and time is 8:05:30, the return value of the following statement is "1999-07-15 08:05:30".

ToDateTime(1999, 7, 15, 8, 5, 30)

ToDateTime(Integer y, Integer m, Integer d, Integer h, Integer i, Integer s, String timezone) This function creates a DateTime value while converting the time zone from the arguments y, m, d, h, i, s, and timezone.
  • y - An Integer value indicating year.
  • m - An Integer value indicating month.
  • d - An Integer value indicating day.
  • h - An Integer value indicating hour.
  • i - An Integer value indicating minute.
  • s - An Integer value indicating second.
  • timezone - A String value indicating the time zone. For the detailed usage, refer to java.util.TimeZone.
A DateTime value. The return value of the following statement is "10/19/2018 6:23:54 PM".

ToDateTime(2018,10,19,10,23,54, "UTC")

Today() This function returns the current date in a report.   A Date value. If the current date is Oct. 11, 1999, the return value of the following statement is "10/11/99".


ToTime(number or string) This function uses IsTime(number or string) to check whether the number/string is right or not. If the number/string is right, the function returns a Time value between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59; otherwise, it returns null.
  • number - A Number value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a Time value. It can be positive, negative, or fractional. It is interpreted as units of 24 hours.
  • string - A String value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a Time value. Many forms are accepted.
A Time value or null.

ToTime(0.2) - Returns "04:48:00".

ToTime(-0.2) - Returns "19:12:00".

ToTime(50) - Returns "00:00:00".

ToTime("10:34:25") - Returns "10:34:25".

ToTime("2:25pm") - Returns "02:25:00".

ToTime("2004-2-20") - Returns "00:00:00".

ToTime("24:25:23") - Returns "00:25:23".

ToTime("20*23:25") - Returns null since the given String format is not time format.

ToTime(DateTime a) This function extracts the time portion from a specified DateTime value.
  • a - A DateTime value.
A Time value. Supposing the date is July 15,1999 and time is 10:55:45, the return value of the following statement is "10:55:45".

ToTime(ToDateTime(1999, 7, 15, 10, 55, 45 ))

ToTime(Integer t) This function converts the argument t (a millisecond value represents the number of milliseconds that have passed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00.000 GMT) to a Time value.
  • t - A millisecond value, a DBField value, or a parameter. It should be a long integer.

Note icon When the millisecond value is larger than 2³², you should use DBField or parameter instead.

A Time value. The return value of the following statement is "08:00:01".


ToTime(Integer a, Integer b, Integer c) This function creates a Time value from the arguments a, b, and c.
  • a - An Integer value, indicating hours.
  • b - An Integer value, indicating minutes.
  • c - An Integer value, indicating seconds.
A Time value. The return value of the following statement is "10:10:10".

ToTime(10, 10, 10)

ToTime(Integer a, Integer b, Integer c, String timezone) This function creates a Time value from the arguments a, b, c, and timezone.
  • a - An Integer value, indicating hours.
  • b - An Integer value, indicating minutes.
  • c - An Integer value, indicating seconds.
  • timezone - A String value indicating the time zone. For the detailed usage, refer to java.util.TimeZone.
A Time value. The return value of the following statement is "4:20:15 PM".

ToTime(8, 20, 15, "GMT")

WeekdayName(weekday, abbreviate, firstDayOfWeek)


  • WeekdayName(weekday)
  • WeekdayName(weekday, abbreviate)
  • WeekdayName(weekday, abbreviate, firstDayOfWeek)
This function returns a string indicating the name of the specified day of the week.
  • Weekday - The numeric designation for the day of the week.
  • abbreviate - An optional Boolean value that indicates whether you want to abbreviate the weekday name.
  • firstDayOfWeek - An optional number indicating the first day of the week.
    • jrUseSystem - 0 (Use the current system date)
    • jrSunday - 1
    • jrMonday - 2
    • jrTuesday - 3
    • jrWednesday - 4
    • jrThursday - 5
    • jrFriday - 6
    • jrSaturday - 7
A String value.

WeekdayName (2) - Returns String value "Monday".

WeekdayName (1) - Returns String value "Sunday".

WeekdayName (4, true) - Returns String value "Wed".

WeekdayName (4, false) - Returns String value "Wednesday".

WeekdayName (3, true, "jrMonday") - Returns "Wed", since abbreviation is selected and the first day of the week is specified to be Monday.

WeekdayName (3, true, "jrUseSystem") - If the current day is Friday, the function returns "Sun", since the first day of week is specified to the current day, and the third day from Friday is Sunday.

WeekFrom1970() This function computes the total number of weeks from 1970 to the current date.   An Integer value. If the current date is Oct. 13,1999, the return value of the following statement is "1554".


WeekFrom1970(Date, a) This function computes the total number of weeks from 1970 to a specified date.
  • a - A Date value.
An Integer value. Supposing the date is July 8,1995, the return value of the following statement is "1331".

WeekFrom1970(ToDate(1995, 7, 8))

WeekFrom1970(DateTime, a) This function computes the total number of weeks from 1970 to a specified DateTime.
  • a - A DateTime value.
An Integer value. Supposing the DateTime is Jan. 2,1988 10:40:50, the return value of the following statement is "940".

WeekFrom1970(ToDateTime(1988, 1, 2, 10, 40, 50))

WeekOfMonth() This function returns the week of the current month.   An Integer value. If the current date is Oct. 13,1999, the return value of the following statement is "3".


WeekOfMonth(Date a) This function returns the week of the month of a specified date.
  • a - A Date value.
An Integer value. If the current date is Oct. 13,1999, the return value of the following statement is "3".

WeekOfMonth(ToDate(1999, 10, 13))

WeekOfMonth(DateTime a) This function evaluates the week of the month of a specified DateTime.
  • a - A DateTime value.
An Integer value. Supposing the date time is Jan. 20,1999 10:40:50, the return value of the following statement is "4".

WeekOfMonth(ToDateTime(1999, 1, 20, 10, 40, 50))

WeekOfYear() This function returns the week of the current year.   An Integer value. If the current date is Oct. 13,1999, the return value of the following statement is "42".


WeekOfYear(Date a) This function returns the week of the year in a specified date.
  • a - A Date value.
An Integer value. Supposing the date is July 8,1999, the return value of the following statement is "28".

WeekOfYear(ToDate(1999, 7, 8))

WeekOfYear(DateTime a) This function returns the week of the year in a specified DateTime.
  • a - A DateTime value.
An Integer value. Supposing the date time is Feb. 4,1999 10:40:50, tThe return value of the following statement is "6".

WeekOfYear(ToDateTime(1999, 2, 4, 10, 40, 50))

Year() This function returns the current year.   An Integer value. If the current year is 1999, the return value of the following statement is "1999".


Year(Date a) This function extracts the year portion of a specified date.
  • a - A Date value.
An Integer value. Supposing the date is Jan.15,1995, the return value of the following statement is "1995".

Year(ToDate(1995, 1, 15))

Year(DateTime a) This function extracts the year portion of a specified DateTime value.
  • a - A DateTime value.
An Integer value. Supposing the date time is July 15,1988 10:40:50, the return value of the following statement is "1988".

Year(ToDateTime(1988, 7, 15, 10, 40, 50))

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Financial Functions

Function Description Parameter Return Value Example
DDB(cost, salvage, life, period, factor)


  • DDB(cost, salvage, life, period)
  • DDB(cost, salvage, life, period, factor)
This function returns a number specifying the depreciation of an asset for a specific time period, using the double-declining balance method or another method as specified by the factor argument.
  • cost - A Number or Currency that specifies the initial cost of the asset. The value is non-negative and greater than or equal to salvage.
  • salvage - A Number or Currency that specifies the value of the asset at the end of its useful life. The value is non-negative.
  • life - A positive Number that specifies the length of the useful life of the asset.
  • period - A Number that specifies the period for which asset depreciation is calculated. The value is positive and less than or equal to life. The parameter's life and period must have the same units.
  • factor - An optional positive number that specifies the rate at which the balance declines. If omitted, the function applies "2" as the value (double-declining method).
A Number value. Supposing a company purchases a fleet of cars for $560,000, the cars have a lifetime of 12 years and a salvage value of $30,000, you can depreciate them using the double-declining method.

DDB(560000, 30000, 12, 1) - Returns "93333.33". The first year's depreciation is $93,333.33.

DDB(560000, 30000, 13, 5) - Returns "44164.37". The fourth year's depreciation is $44,164.37.

DDB(560000, 30000, 13, 13) - Returns "11605.58". The final year's depreciation is $11,605.58.

FRAccRecTurnover(Number accountReceivable, Number sales, DbDouble numOfDays) This function computes the turnover of the account receivable.
  • accountReceivable - A Double value indicating the account receivable.
  • sales - A Double value indicating the sales.
  • numOfDays - A Double value indicating the number of days.
A Number value.

If the account receivable is 220000.00, the sales value is 450000.00, the number of days is 100, the return value of the following statement is "48.89": FRAccRecTurnover(220000.00, 450000.00, 100)

FRAccRecTurnover(10000,100000,360) - Returns 36 days.

FRCashFlowVsTotalDebt(Number cashFlow,Number totalDebt) This function returns the result of cash flow vs total debt.
  • cashFlow - A Double value indicating the cash flow.
  • totalDebt - A Double value indicating the total debt.
A Number value. If the cash flow is 250000.00, the total debt is 280000.00, the return value of the following statement is "0.89".

FRCashFlowVsTotalDebt(250000.00, 280000.00)

FRCurrentRatio(Number curAssets, Number curLiabilities) This function computes the current ratio.
  • curAssets - A Double value indicating the current ratio.
  • curLiabilities - A Double value indicating the current liabilities.
A Number value. If the current assets are 1800000.00, the current liabilities are 150000.00, the return value of the following statement is "12.00".

FRCurrentRatio(1800000.00, 150000.00)

FRDebtEquityRatio(Number totalLiabilities, Number totalEquity) This function computes the debt equity ratio.
  • totalLiabilities - A Double value indicating the total liabilities.
  • totalEquity - A Double value indicating the total equity.
A Number value. If the total liabilities are 175000.00, the total equity is 215000.00, the return value of the following statement is "0.81".

FRDebtEquityRatio(175000.00, 215000.00)

FRDividendYield(Number dividEnd, Number marketPrice) This function computes the dividend yield.
  • dividend - A Double value indicating the dividend.
  • marketPrice - A Double value indicating the market price.
A Number value. If the dividend is 9.85, the market price is 10.87, the return value of the following statement is "0.91".

FRDividendYield(9.85, 10.87)

FREarningsPerCommonShare(Number netProfit, Number preferredDividend, DbDouble numOfCommonShare) This function computes the earnings of per common share.
  • netProfit - A Double value indicating the net profit.
  • preferredDividend - A Double value indicating the preferred dividend.
  • numOfCommonShare - A Double value indicating the number of common shares.
A Number value. If the net profit is 300000.00, the preferred dividend is 180000.00, the number of common shares is 10000, the return value of the following statement is "12".

FREarningsPerCommonShare(300000.00, 180000.00, 10000)

FREquityVsTotalAssets(Number totalEquity, Number totalAssets) This function returns the result of equity vs. total assets.
  • totalEquity - A Double value indicating the total equity.
  • totalAssets - A Double value indicating the total assets.
A Number value. If the total equity is 215000.00, the total assets are 2200000.00, the return value of the following statement is "0.10".

FREquityVsTotalAssets(215000.00, 2200000.00)

FRGrossProfitMargin(Number grossProfit, Number sales) This function is used to compute the gross profit margin.
  • grossProfit - A Double value indicating the gross profit.
  • sales - A Double value indicating the sales.
Number value. If the gross profit is 350000.00, the sales value is 450000.00, the return value of the following statement is "0.78".

FRGrossProfitMargin(350000.00, 450000.00)

FRInterestCoverage(number cashFlow, number interestExpenses) This function computes the interest coverage.
  • cashFlow - A Double value indicating the cash flow.
  • interestExpenses - A Double value indicating the interest expenses.
A Number value. If the cash flow is 250000.00, the interest expenses are 350000.00, the return value of the following statement is "0.71".

FRInterestCoverage(250000.00, 350000.00)

FRInventoryTurnover(Number inventory, Number sales, Number numOfDays) This function computes the turnover of the inventory.
  • inventory - A Double value indicating the inventory.
  • sales - A Double value indicating the sales.
  • numOfDays - A Double value indicating the number of days.
A Number value. If the inventory is 165000.00, the sales value is 450000.00, the number of days is 100, the return value of the following statement is "36.67".

FRInventoryTurnover(165000.00, 450000.00, 100)

FRNetProfitMargin(Number netProfit, Number sales) This function is used to compute the net profit margin.
  • netProfit - A Double value indicating the net profit.
  • sales - A Double value indicating the sales.
A Number value. If the net profit is 300000.00, the sales value is 450000.00, the return value of the following statement is "0.67".

FRNetProfitMargin(300000.00, 450000.00)

FROperatingProfitMargin(Number operatingProfit, Number sales) This function computes the operating profit margin.
  • operatingProfit - A Double value indicating the operating profit.
  • sales - A Double value indicating the sales.
A Number value. If the operating profit is 380000.00, the sales value is 450000.00, the return value of the following statement is "0.84".

FROperatingProfitMargin(380000.00, 450000.00)

FRPriceEarningsRatio(Number marketPrice, Number earningsPerShare) This function computes the price earning ratio.
  • marketPrice - A Double value indicating the market price.
  • earningPerShare - A Double value indicating the earning per share.
A Number value. If the market price is 10.87, the earning per share is 12, the return value of the following statement is "0.91".

FRPriceEarningsRatio(10.87, 12)

FRQuickRatio(Number curAssets, Number inventories, Number curLiabilities) This function computes the quick ratio.
  • curAssets - A Double value indicating the current assets.
  • inventories - A Double value indicating the inventory.
  • curLiabilities - A Double value indicating the current liabilities.
A Number value. If the current assets are 1800000.00, the inventory is 165000.00, the current liabilities are 150000.00, the return value of the following statement is "10.90".

FRQuickRatio(1800000.00, 165000.00, 150000.00)

FRReturnOnCommonEquity(Number netProfit, Number preferredDividend, Number commonEquity) This function returns the result of return on common equity.
  • netProfit - A Double value indicating the net profit.
  • preferredDividend - A Double value indicating the preferred dividend.
  • commonEquity - A Double value indicating the common equity.
A Number value. If the net profit is 300000.00, the preferred dividend is 180000.00, the common equity is 208000.00, the return value of the following statement is "0.58".

FRReturnOnCommonEquity(300000.00, 180000.00, 208000.00)

FRReturnOnEquity(Number netProfit, Number totalEquity) This function returns the results of return on equity.
  • netProfit - A Double value indicating the net profit.
  • totalEquity - A Double value indicating the total equity.
A Number value. If the net profit is 300000.00, the total equity is 215000.00, the return value of the following statement is "1.40".

FRReturnOnEquity(300000.00, 215000.00)

FRReturnOnInvestedCapital(Number netProfit, Number totalBankDebts, Number totalEquity) This function returns the result of return on invested capital.
  • netProfit - A Double value indicating the net profit.
  • totalBankDebts - A Double value indicating the total bank debts.
  • totalEquity - A Double value indicating the total equity.
A Number value. If the net profit is 300000.00, the total bank debts are 100000.00, the total equity is 215000.00, the return value of the following statement is "0.95".

FRReturnOnInvestedCapital(300000.00, 100000.00, 215000.00)

FRReturnOnNetFixedAssets(Number netProfit, Number netFixedAssets) This function returns the result of return on net fixed assets.
  • netProfit - A Double value indicating the net profit.
  • netFixedAssets - A Double value indicating the net fixed assets.
A Number value. If the net profit is 300000.00, the net fixed assets are 400000.00, the return value of the following statement is "0.75".

FRReturnOnNetFixedAssets(300000.00, 400000.00)

FRReturnOnTotalAssets(Number netProfit, Number totalAssets) This function returns the results of return on total assets.
  • netProfit - A Double value indicating the net profit.
  • totalAssets - A Double value indicating the total assets.
A Number value. If the net profit is 300000.00, the total assets are 2200000.00, the return value of the following statement is "0.14".

FRReturnOntotalAssets(300000.00, 2200000.00)

FV(rate, periods, payment, presentMoney, type)


  • FV(rate, periods, payment)
  • FV(rate, periods, payment, presentMoney)
  • FV(rate, periods, payment, presentMoney, type)
This function returns a number specifying the future value of an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments and a fixed interest rate.
  • rate - A Number that specifies the interest rate per period.
  • periods - A positive Number that specifies the total number of payment periods in the annuity. The units used for specifying the rate and periods must be consistent. For example, if the periods is the number of periods in months, the rate is a monthly interest rate.
  • payment - A Number or Currency that specifies the payment to be made each period.
  • presentMoney - An optional Number or Currency that specifies the present value of a series of future payments.
  • type - An optional Number that specifies when payments are due. Specify "0" if payments are due at the end of the payment period, and "1" if payments are due at the beginning of the period. If omitted, the function applies "1" as the value.
A Number value.

Suppose that you put $1100 per month into a retirement savings plan that pays 6 percent annual interest, compounded monthly. How much will the account be worth after 20 years?

The following example assumes that you make your payments into the plan at the end of the month. Thus, after the first month, your plan would have $1100 in it, since there wouldn't have been enough time for any interest to accrue.

FV(0.06 / 12, 20 * 12, -1100) - Returns "507144.99". So your account will have $507,145. The payment (-1100) is negative since you are paying out the money to the plan.

Suppose that instead, you make your payments at the start of the month:

FV(0.06 / 12, 20 * 12, -1100, 0, 1) - Returns "510786.21" (rounded to the nearest integer). So your account will have $510,786. You will save $3,642 more by depositing at the beginning of the month.

Now suppose that in addition to making payments at the start of the month, you start your plan with an initial deposit of $25,000:

FV(0.06 / 12, 20 * 12, -1100, -25000, 1) - Returns "593541.33" (rounded to the nearest integer). Your account will have $ 593,541 after 20 years.

You can also use the FV function to calculate the future value of a lump sum deposit. For example, if you deposit $25,000 into a plan that pays 6 percent annual interest compounded monthly for 20 years:

FV(0.06 / 12, 20 * 12, 0, -25000) - Returns "82755.12" (rounded to the nearest integer). You would have $82755.12 in your account.

IPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)


  • IPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney)
  • IPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney)
  • IPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)
This function returns a number specifying the interest payment for a given period of an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments and a fixed interest rate.
  • rate - A Number that specifies the interest rate per period.
  • period - A Number that specifies the payment period in the range 1 through periods.
  • periods - A positive Number that specifies the total number of payment periods in the annuity. The units used for specifying the rate, period, and periods must be consistent. For example, if periods is the number of periods in months, the rate is a monthly interest rate, and period specifies a month.
  • presentMoney - A Number or Currency that specifies the present value, or value today, of a series of future payments or receipts.
  • futureMoney - An optional Number or Currency that specifies the future value, or cash balance you want after you've made the final payment. If omitted, the function applies "0" as the value.
  • type - An optional Number that specifies when payments are due. Specify "0" if payments are due at the end of the payment period, and "1" if payments are due at the beginning of the period. If omitted, the function applies "0" as the value.
A Number value.

Suppose that you want to take out a $250,000 loan payable monthly over 15 years at an annual interest rate of 6.5 percent. The following formula returns the amount of interest that you pay in your first loan payment. Note that the monthly interest rate is 0.065 / 12 and the number of months of the loan is 15 * 12.

IPmt(0.065 / 12, 1, 15 * 12, 250000) - Returns the Number value "-1354.17" (rounded to 2 decimals). The value is negative because it represents a payment out from you, whereas the loan amount of $250,000 is positive because it represents a payment in to you.

The following formula returns the amount of interest that you pay in your 97th payment (after 10 years of payments):

IPmt(0.065 / 12, 9*12 + 1, 15 * 12, 250000) - Returns "-701.74" (rounded to 2 decimals). This shows that you would be making progress on the loan at this stage, with less of your monthly payment paying the interest.

IRR(values, guess)


  • IRR(values)
  • IRR(values, guess)
This function returns a number specifying the internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows (payments and receipts).
  • values - A Number or Currency type array that specifies cash flow values. The array must contain at least one negative value (a payment) and one positive value (a receipt). The cash flows must occur at regular intervals such as monthly or yearly.
  • guess - An optional Number value that is estimated to be returned by IRR. If omitted, the function applies "0.1" as the value (10 percent).

Note icon The NPV and IRR functions are related since NPV (IRR (values), values) = 0. That is, the internal rate of return of a sequence of cash flows is the interest rate for which that sequence of cash flows has a net present value of "0". There is no direct formula for the IRR function and so Logi Report calculates the value by iteration. The process depends on the initial guess for the internal rate of return. If the program reports an error, try changing the value of the guess argument to be closer to what you expect the internal rate of return to be.

A Number value. Suppose that you can choose one of two offers: $20,000 now or guaranteed payments of $5,000 after one year, $10,000 after two years and $15,000 after three years. Which is the better offer? One way to quantify this is to calculate the internal rate of return. If you take the second offer, you cannot take the first, which is like experiencing an initial payment of $20,000 followed by the receipts:

inArray = ["-20000", "15000", "-10000", "25000"];

Returns "0.201" (rounded to 3 decimals) or "20.1 percent" interest. With all other things being equal, if you think that 20.1 percent is a good rate of return, you would prefer the second offer.

MIRR(valueArray, financeRate, reinvestRate) This function returns a number specifying the modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows (payments and receipts).
  • valueArray - A Number or Currency type array that specifies cash flow values. The array must contain at least one negative value (a payment) and one positive value (a receipt). The cash flows must occur at regular intervals such as monthly or yearly.
  • financeRate - A Number that specifies the interest rate paid as the cost of financing.
  • reinvestRate - A Number that specifies the interest rate received on gains from cash reinvestment.
A Number value. Suppose that you run a business that makes equipment investments, which results in a loss in the first and fourth years. Your expected annual returns are: -$60,000, $60,000, $45,000, -$50,000, $65,000, $40,000. Your losses are financed at 10 percent while you reinvest your earnings in an account at 6 percent. The modified internal rate of return is:

MIRR([-60000, 60000, 45000, -50000, 65000, 40000], 0.10, 0.06) - Returns "0.1929" (rounded to 4 decimals) or "19.29 percent".

NPer(rate, payment, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)


  • NPer (rate, payment, presentMoney)
  • NPer (rate, payment, presentMoney, futureMoney)
  • NPer (rate, payment, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)
This function returns a number specifying the number of periods for an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments and a fixed interest rate.
  • rate - A Number that specifies the interest rate per period.
  • payment - A Number or Currency that specifies the payment to be made each period. Payments usually contain principal and interest that doesn't change over the life of the annuity.
  • presentMoney - A Number or Currency that specifies the present value, or value today, of a series of future payments or receipts.
  • futureMoney - An optional number or Currency that specifies the future value or cash balance you want after you've made the final payment. If omitted, the function applies "0" as the value.
  • type - An optional cumber that specifies when payments are due. Specify "0" if payments are due at the end of the payment period, and "1" if payments are due at the beginning of the period. If omitted, the function applies "0" as the value.
A Number value.

Suppose that you want a $250,000 loan to buy a house. The interest rate is 6.5 percent and you can afford to pay $3,000 per month. How long a mortgage would you need?

NPer(0.075/12, -3000, 250000) - Returns "118.08" (rounded to 2 decimals) months.

Rather than seeking a loan, suppose that you want to save $500,000 and then buy the house. You can get a 6.5 percent interest rate compounded monthly from your savings plan, and you want to save $3,000 per month. How long would you need to save before you had the required amount of money?

NPer(0.065/12, -3000, 0, 250000) - Returns "68.96" (rounded to 2 decimals) months.

NPV(rate, values) This function returns a number specifying the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows (payments and receipts) and a discount rate.
  • rate - A Number that specifies the discount rate over the length of the period, expressed as a decimal.
  • value - A Number or Currency type array that specifies cash flow values. Negative values represent payments and positive values receipts. The cash flow must occur at regular intervals, such as monthly or yearly.

Note icon The NPV and IRR functions are related since NPV (IRR (values), values) = 0, which means that the internal rate of the return of a sequence of cash flow is the discount rate for which that sequence of cash flow has a net present value of 0.

A Number value. Suppose that someone offers to pay you $15000 after one year, $20000 after two years, $25000 after three years, and $12000 after four years. If the discount rate (the Time value of money) is 6.5 percent, the value of this offer to you today is:

NPV(0.065, [15000, 20000, 25000, 12000])

The formula returns "61741.8". So this scheme is worth $61,741.8 to you today. This is less than the sum of the payments, which is $72000, since you have to wait for this money.

Pmt(rate, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)


  • Pmt(rate, periods, presentMoney)
  • Pmt(rate, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney)
  • Pmt(rate, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)
This function returns a number specifying the payment for an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments, and a fixed interest rate. To find the total amount paid out over the whole loan, multiply the payment per period (the value returned by Pmt) by the total number of periods.
  • rate - A Number that specifies the interest rate per period.
  • periods - A positive Number that specifies the total number of payment periods in the annuity. The units used for specifying the rate and periods must be consistent. For example, if the periods is the number of periods in months, the rate is a monthly interest rate.
  • presentMoney - A Number or Currency that specifies the present value or principal. That is, the amount that a series of payments in the future is worth now.
  • futureMoney - An optional Number or Currency that specifies the future value or cash balance you want after you've made the final payment. If omitted, the function applies "0" as the value.
  • type - An optional Number that specifies when payments are due. Specify "0" if payments are due at the end of the payment period, and "1" if payments are due at the beginning of the period. If omitted, the function applies "0" as the value.
A Number value.

Suppose that you want to take out a $250,000 loan payable monthly over 15 years at an annual interest rate of 6.5 percent. The following formula returns your monthly loan payment. Note that the monthly interest rate is 0.065 / 12, and the number of months of the loan is 15 * 12.

Pmt(0.065 / 12, 15 * 12, 250000) - Returns the Number value "-2177.77" (rounded to 2 decimals). The value is negative because it represents a payment out from you whereas the loan amount of $250,000 is positive because it represents a payment in to you.

Now suppose that the payments are made at the beginning of the month instead of the end (default). Your monthly loan payment is calculated as:

Pmt(0.065 / 12, 15 * 12, 250000, 0, 1) - Returns "-2166.04" (rounded to 2 decimals). Note that your monthly payment is about $11.73 less each month than in the previous example where payments are made at the end of the month.

Now suppose that you know that you'll receive $80,000 in 15 years. In this case, there is no need to fully pay off the loan. You only need to reduce the amount owed to $80,000 after 15 years. Note that the future value is negative since after 15 years you will need to pay out $80,000 to clear the loan. Your monthly loan payment is calculated as:

Pmt(0.065 / 12, 15 * 12, 250000, -80000) - Returns "-1914.22" (rounded to 2 decimals).

PPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)


  • PPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney)
  • PPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney)
  • PPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)
  • rate - A Number that specifies the interest rate per period.
  • period - A Number that specifies the payment period in the range 1 through periods.
  • periods - A positive Number that specifies the total number of payment periods in the annuity. The units used for specifying the rate, period, and periods must be consistent. For example, if the periods is the number of periods in months, the rate is a monthly interest rate, and period specifies a month.
  • presentMoney - A Number or Currency that specifies the present value, or value today, of a series of future payments or receipts.
  • futureMoney - An optional Number or Currency that specifies the future value or cash balance you want after you've made the final payment. If omitted, the function applies "0" as the value.
  • type - An optional Number that specifies when payments are due. Specify "0" if payments are due at the end of the payment period, and "1" if payments are due at the beginning of the period. If omitted, the function applies "0" as the value.
A Number value.
  • Suppose that you want to take out a $250,000 loan payable monthly over 15 years at an annual interest rate of 6.5 percent. The following formula returns the amount of principal that you pay in your first loan payment. Note that the monthly interest rate is 0.065 / 12 and the number of months of the loan is 15 * 12.

    PPmt (0.065 / 12, 1, 15 * 12, 250000) - Returns the Number value "-823.6" (rounded to 2 decimals). The value is negative because it represents a payment out from you whereas the loan amount of $250,000 is positive because it represents a payment in to you.

  • The following formula returns the amount of principal that you pay in your 121st payment (after 10 years of payments):

    PPmt (0.065 / 12, 9*12 + 1, 15 * 12, 250000) - Returns "-1476.03" (rounded to 2 decimals).

    You've made progress on the loan and are paying off more of the principal per payment. This is because less interest can accrue each month since more of the loan is paid off so that your fixed monthly payment is applied more to the principal.

PV(rate, periods, payment, futureMoney, type)


  • PV (rate, periods, payment)
  • PV (rate, periods, payment, futureMoney)
  • PV (rate, periods, payment, futureMoney, type)
This function returns a number specifying the present value of an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments to be paid in the future and at a fixed interest rate.
  • rate - A Number that specifies the interest rate per period.
  • periods - A positive Number that specifies the total number of payment periods in the annuity. The units used for specifying the rate and periods must be consistent. For example, if the periods is the number of periods in months, the rate is a monthly interest rate.
  • payment - A Number or Currency that specifies payment to be made each period.
  • futureMoney - An optional Number or Currency that specifies the future value or cash balance you want after you've made the final payment. I you omit the parameter, the function applies "0" as the value.
  • type - An optional Number that specifies when payments are due. Specify "0" if payments are due at the end of the payment period, and "1" if payments are due at the beginning of the period. If omitted, the function applies "0" as the value.
A Number value. Suppose that you want to buy a condo and can make payments of $1100 twice a month (24 annual payments). If the mortgage rates are 6.5 percent, and you want to pay off the condo in 10 years, what is the maximum loan that you can take out?

PV(0.065 / 24, 10 * 24, -1100) - Returns "193936" (rounded to the nearest dollar).

You can therefore afford a loan of about $194,000. Notice that the payment argument is negative since you are paying out the money each month.

Rate(periods, payment, presentMoney, futureMoney, type, guess)


  • Rate(periods, payment, presentMoney)
  • Rate(periods, payment, presentMoney, futureMoney)
  • Rate(periods, payment, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)
  • Rate(periods, payment, presentMoney, futureMoney, type, guess)
This function returns a number specifying the interest rate per period for an annuity. The units of the return value are consistent with the units of periods. For example, if periods is in months, the rate returned is a monthly interest rate.
  • periods - A positive Number that specifies the total number of payment periods in the annuity.
  • payment - A Number or Currency that specifies the payment that is to be made for each period.
  • presentMoney - A Number or Currency that specifies the present value, or value today, of a series of future payments or receipts.
  • futureMoney - An optional Number or Currency that specifies the future value or cash balance you want after you've made the final payment. If omitted, the function applies "0" as the value.
  • type - An optional Number that specifies when payments are due. Specify "0" if payments are due at the end of the payment period, and "1" if payments are due at the beginning of the period. If omitted, the function applies "0" as the value.
  • guess - An optional Number value estimated to be returned by Rate. If omitted, the function applies "0.1" (10 percent).

Note icon There is no direct formula for the Rate function and so Reports calculates the value by iteration. The process depends on the initial guess for the rate. If the program reports an error, try changing the value of the guess argument to be closer to what you expect the interest rate to be.

A Number value.

An electronics store offers to finance a $12500 television for $560 per month, over 2 years, with no money down. Is this a good deal? The first step in determining this is to figure out what interest rate the store is charging.

Rate(2 * 12, -560, 12500) - Returns "0.00588" (rounded to 5 decimals). Note that periods is "24" months, payment "-560" is negative since monthly payments are being paid, and the present value "12500" is positive since at the start of the loan, $12500 was effectively received (the value of the television). The interest rate returned is a monthly interest rate, since periods is in months.

The next expression calculates the interest rate, expressed as a yearly interest rate and as a percent.

Rate(2 * 12, -560, 12500) * 12 * 100 - Returns "7.06" (rounded to 2 decimals). Thus, the store is charging an effective annual interest rate of 7.06 percent.

SLN(cost, salvage, life) This function returns a number specifying the straight-line depreciation of an asset for a single period.
  • cost - A Number or Currency that specifies the initial cost of the asset.
  • salvage - A Number or Currency that specifies the value of the asset at the end of its useful life.
  • life - A Number that specifies the length of the useful life of the asset. It must not equal 0.
A Number value. Suppose a company purchases a fleet of cars for $560,000. The cars have a lifetime of 12 years and a salvage value of $30,000. The depreciation per year is:

SLN(560000, 30000, 12) - Returns "44166.67". Thus, the depreciation per year is $44,166.67.

SYD(cost, salvage, life, period) This function returns a number specifying the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset for a single period.
  • cost - A Number or Currency that specifies the initial cost of the asset.
  • salvage - A Number or Currency that specifies the value of the asset at the end of its useful life.
  • life - A positive Number that specifies the length of the useful life of the asset.
  • period - A Number that specifies the period for which asset depreciation is calculated. The value is positive and less than or equal to life. The Parameters life and period must have the same units.
A Number value. Suppose a company purchases a fleet of cars for $560,000. The cars have a lifetime of 12 years and a salvage value of $30,000. They are depreciated as follows:

SYD(560000, 30000, 12, 1) - Returns "80000". The first year's depreciation is $81,538.46.

SYD(560000, 60000, 12, 5) - Returns "56000". The fourth year's depreciation is $54,358.97.

SYD(560000, 60000, 12, 12) - Returns "8000". The final year's depreciation is $6,794.87.

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You can use mathematical functions for a variety of mathematics-oriented calculations and operations.

Function Description Parameter Return Value Example
Abs(Integer, a) The function returns the absolute value of an Integer value. If the argument is not negative, it returns the argument; if the argument is negative, it returns the negation of the argument.
  • a - An Integer value.
An Integer value. The return value of the following statements is "3534".

Abs(-3534) and Abs(3534)

Abs(Currency, a) The function returns the absolute value of a Currency value. If the argument is not negative, it returns the argument; if the argument is negative, it returns the negation of the argument will.
  • a - A Currency value.
A Currency value. The return value of the following statement is "$3.67".

Abs($3.67) and Abs($-3.67)

Abs(Number, a) The function returns the absolute value of a Number value. If the argument is not negative, it returns the argumen; if the argument is negative, it returns the negation of the argument.
  • a - A Number value.
A Number value. The return value of the following statements is "2.4785".

Abs(2.4785) and Abs(-2.4785)

atan(Number) The function returns a number specifying the arctangent of the given number parameter. In other words, it returns the angle whose tangent is the given number parameter. This function works in a similar way to the Java Math function with the same name. The range of values returned by atan is between -pi/2 and pi/2 radians.
  • number - A Number value.
A Number value, which is an angle specified in number of radians. atan(1) - Returns an angle of 0.7854 radians (rounded to 4 radians). To convert this angle to degrees, multiply by 180 / pi. For instance, atan (1) * 180 / pi is 45 degrees.
Average(DBField a) The function gets the average value of the values referred to by the argument.
  • a - Values of DBField or formula field. Can be Number or Currency data type.
A Number or Currency value.

Number x = Average(@dbfield)

Number x = Average(@formula)

Currency x = Average(@dbfield)

Currency x = Average(@formula)

Average(DBField a, String groupby) This function gets the average value of values referred to by the argument.
  • a - Values of DBField or formula field. Can be Number or Currency data type.
  • groupby - A constant string to indicate the group-by field name, a field variable grouped by, or a parameter variable grouped by.
A Number or Currency value, which depends on the data type of the first argument respectively.

Number x = Average(@dbfield, @dbfield_groupby)

Number x = Average(@dbfield, @formula_groupby)

Number x = Average(@dbfield, @parameter_groupby)

Currency x = Average(@formula, "group_field")

Currency x = Average(@formula, @formula_groupby)

Currency x = Average(@formula, @parameter_groupby)

Average(Number a[]) This function computes the average of all the values in the array.
  • a - A Number or Currency array.
A Number or a Currency value.

Number x = Average([ 11,12,13,14,15,16 ]) - Returns "13.5".

Number x = Average([ -11, -12, -13, -14, -15, -16 ]) - Returns "-13.5".

Number x = Average([ 11.25,11.26,11.27,11.28 ]) - Returns "11.265".

Number x = Average([ -11.25, -11.26, -11.27, -11.28 ]) - Returns "-11.265".

Currency x = Average([ $5.6, $5.7, $5.8, $5.9 ]) - Returns "5.75".

Currency x = Average([ -$5.6, -$5.7, -$5.8, -$5.9 ]) - Returns "-5.75".

cos(number) The function returns a number specifying the cosine of an angle given in radians. It takes a right-angle triangle, and returns the length of the side adjacent to the specified angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse.
  • number - An angle in number of radians.
A Number value between 1 and -1.

cos(1) - Returns "0.54" (rounded to 2 decimals). This is the cosine of 1 radian.

cos(60 * pi / 180) - Returns "0.5". This is the cosine of 60 degrees. Before taking the cosine, the angle is converted to radians by multiplying by pi / 180.

Count(Array a[ ]) This function computes the number of the values in an array.
  • a - A Double array.
An Integer value.

Count([11.2, 15.4, 13.7, 16.9, 15.2, 14.8, 10.6]) - Returns "7".

Count([-20.4, -26.4, -68.7, -84.1]) - Returns "4".

Count(["George","Paul","George","John","Ringo","John"]) - Returns "6".

Count([11, 15, 13, 16, 15, 14, 10]) - Returns "7".

Count([$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67]) - Returns "6".

Count(DBField a) The function counts the number of values referred to by the argument.
  • a - Values of DBField or formula field.
A Number value.

Number x = Count(@dbfield)

Number x = Count(@formula)

Count(DBField a, String groupby) The function is used to count the number of values referred to by the first argument.
  • a - Values of DBField or formula field.
  • groupby - A constant string to indicate the groupby DBField name, formula name grouped by, or a parameter name grouped by.


A Number value.

Number y = Count(@"Customer Name", @Customers_Region)

Number x = Count(@formula, @formula_groupby)

Number x = Count(@dbfield, @parametger_groupby)

DistinctCount(DBField a) This function computes the number of distinct values referred to by a DBField.
  • a - Values of a DBField or a formula field.
An Integer value. If you build a report about customer order, the return value of the following statement is "19".

DistinctCount(@"Order Date")

DistinctCount(DBField a, String groupby) This function counts the number of distinct values referred to by the first argument.
  • a - Values of a DBField or a formula field.
  • groupby - A constant string to indicate the DBField name, formula name, or parameter name grouped by.
A Number value.

Number x = DistinctCount(@dbfield, @dbfield1)

Number x = DistinctCount(@formula, @formula_groupby)

Number x = DistinctCount(@dbfield, @parameter_groupby)

DistinctCount(Number a[ ]) This function computes the number of distinct values in an array.
  • a - A Number array.
An Integer value. The return value of the following statement is "4".

DistinctCount([1.45, 2.63, 38.1, 1.45, 23.9])

e()     The Mathematical value of e, which is 2.7182818 (if rounded to 7 decimal places).  
exp(Number) The function returns a number specifying "e" (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power. The value of "e" is approximately 2.7182818284590452354. This function works like the Java Math function with the same name. Numeric overflow occurs if the given number parameter is larger than approximately 705.
  • inNumber - Number value that specifies a power.
A number which is the value of e ^ Number.

exp(1.5) - Returns the exponentiation of 1.5, which is approximately "4.4817".

exp(10) - Returns "22,026.47".

integDiv(numbera, numberb) The function returns the integer portion of the value numbera/numberb.
  • numbera - A Number value.
  • numberb - A Number value.
A Whole Number value. integDiv(33, 2) - Returns "16".
log(number) The function returns a number specifying the natural logarithm of a given number. The natural logarithm is the logarithm to the base "e", where "e" is approximately 2.7182818284590452354. If the value of number is less than 0, the function returns "NaN".
  • number - The Number value that you want to calculate on.
The number which is the value of ln(Number).

log(1.5) - Returns "0.406" (rounded to 3 decimals).

log(22026.47) - Returns "10".

Maximum(a[ ]) This function returns the highest value in an array.
  • a - An array, data type can be Number or Integer.
A Number or Integer value, which depends on the data type of the parameter "a".

Maximum([ 22.5, 75.81, 236.47, 56.31, 235.78 ])

Maximum([ 4, 9, 34, 80, 200 ])

Maximum(DBField a) This function picks up the maximum value from the values referred to by the argument.
  • a - Values of a DBField or a formula field.
The return value type is dependent on the data type of the parameter. It may be Number, Currency, String, Date, Time, DateTime, or Boolean.

Number x = Maximum(@dbfield)

Date x = Maximum(@formula)

Currency x = Maximum(@dbfield)

Boolean x = Maximum(@formula)

Maximum(DBField a, String groupby) This function picks up the maximum value from the values referred to by the first argument.
  • a - Values of a DBField or of a formula field.
  • groupby - A constant string to indicate the DBField name, formula, or parameter grouped by.


The return value type is dependent on the data type of the first argument. It may be Number, Currency, String, Date, Time, DateTime, or Boolean.

Time x = Maximum(@dbfield, @dbfield1)

DateTime x = Maximum(@dbfield, @formula_groupby)

String x = Maximum(@dbfield, @parameter_groupby)

Date x = Maximum(@formula, @formula_groupby)

Currency x = Maximum(@formula, @dbfield1)

Currency x = Maximum(@formula, @parameter)

Minimum(a[ ]) This function returns the lowest value in an array.
  • a - An array, data type can be Number or Integer.
A Number or Integer value, which depends on the data type of the parameter "a".

Number x = Minimum([ 2.36, 0.12, 1.25, 0.25 ])

Number x = Minimum([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Integer x = Minimum([ 4, 9, 34, 80, 200 ])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = Minimum(x)

Minimum(DBField a) This function picks up the minimum value from the values referred to by the argument.
  • a - Values of a DBField or a formula field.
The return value type is dependent on the data type of the parameter. It can be Number, Currency, String, Date, Time, DateTime, or Boolean.

Number x = Minimum(@dbfield)

Date x = Minimum(@formula)

Currency x = Minimum(@dbfield)

Boolean x = Minimum(@formula)

Minimum(DBfield a, String groupby) This function picks up the minimum value from the values referred to by the first argument.
  • a - Values of a DBField or a formula field.
  • groupby - A constant string to indicate the DBField name, formula, or parameter grouped by.
The return value type is dependent on the first argument. It may be Number, Currency, String, Date, Time, DateTime, or Boolean.

Time x = Minimum(@dbfield, @dbfield_groupby)

DateTime x = Minimum(@dbfield, @dbfield_groupby)

String x = Minimum(@dbfield, @parameter_groupby)

Date x = Minimum(@formula, @formula_groupby)

Currency x = Minimum(@formula, @dbfield_groupby)

Currency x = Minimum(@formula, @parameter)



  • MRound(Number,Number)
  • MRound(Currency,Number)
  • MRound(Currency,Currency)
This function rounds up (away from zero) if the remainder of the division is greater than or equal to half of the value of the second parameter.

Expression (take MRound(Currency,Number) for example):

MRound(Currency,Number) = Number*(Integer(Currency/Number) + (1 if Remainder(Currency/Number) >=Number/2, otherwise 0)

  • Number - A Number value.
  • Currency - A Currency value.

Note icon Regardless of the positive/negative sign of the second parameter, the result of the function takes the positive/negative sign of the first parameter.

A number value that is a multiple of the second parameter and at the same time is nearest to the first parameter.

MRound(11.0,4.0) - Returns "12.0".

MRound($11.0,-4.0) - Returns "12.0".

MRound($-7.0,$2.0) - Returns "-8.0".

pi()     The Mathematical value of pi, which is 3.1415926 (if rounded to 7 decimal places).  
  • PopulationStdDev(a[ ])
  • PopulationStdDev(DBField field)
  • PopulationStdDev(DBField field, String groupby)
This function computes the population standard deviation of the values referred to by the argument.
  • a - A Number array.
  • field - Values of a DBField or formula field.
  • groupby - A constant string to indicate the DBField, formula, or parameter grouped by.
A Number value.

Number x = PopulationStdDev([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = PopulationStdDev( x)

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield)

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@formula)

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield, @dbfield1)

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield, @"group_field")

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield, @parameter)

  • PopulationVariance(a[ ])
  • PopulationVariance(DBField field)
  • PopulationVariance(DBField field, String groupby)
This function computes the population variance of the values referred to by the argument.
  • a - A Number array.
  • field - Values of a DBField or formula field.
  • groupby - A constant string to indicate the DBField, formula, or parameter grouped by.
A Number value.

PopulationVariance([ 2.5, 4.75, 2.36, 1.25 ])

Number x = PopulationVariance([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = PopulationVariance(x)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@formula)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield, @dbfield_groupby)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield, @formula_groupby)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield, @parameter)

pow(numbera, numberb) The function returns the value of numbera ^ numberb.
  • numbera - A Number value.
  • numberb - A Number value.

pow(2, 4) - Returns "16".

pow(6.2, 5.1) - Returns "10995.060323919315".

random(), random(seed)


  • random()
  • random(seed)
The function returns a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. If seed is equal to 0, Random returns the random number that was returned from the previous call to random. If seed is not supplied or is greater than 0, Random returns the next random number in the internally generated sequence of random numbers. If seed is less than 0, Random uses this value of seed to start a new random number sequence and returns the first value in the sequence. This function is typically used when your formula requires a randomly generated number, for example, statistical calculations or selecting records at random to limit the data in a report.
  • seed - An optional Number value parameter.

Note icon You can call Random without ever starting a new random number sequence by specifying a negative seed parameter. If you do so, an internal seed is generated using the system clock. The reason to start a new random number sequence by calling Random with a negative seed parameter, and then making subsequent calls to Random without a parameter (or with a positive parameter) is that the report can look exactly the same every time when you preview it. In other words, it enables you to use random numbers, but to return a reproducible result.

A Number value.

random() - Returns "0.673411041443785".

random(123) - Returns "0.06300625845328678".

random(0) - Returns "0.06300625845328678".

random(-122223) - Returns "0.3291484275937213".

Remainder(Integer a, Integer b) This function evaluates the remainder after numerator has been divided by a denominator.
  • a - An Integer value.
  • b - An Integer value.
An Integer value.

Remainder(7, 9) - Returns "7".

The following formula can distinguish odd numbers and even their backgrounds:

if(Remainder(@"CustomerID",2)==0) then
return "0xffcc99"
return "0xccffff"

Round(Number a) This function returns the integer portion after a specified number has been rounded.
  • a - A Double value.
An Integer value. The return value of the following statement is "3.00".


Round(Number a, Integer b) This function rounds to a specified scale determined by argument b for Double value a.
  • a - A Double value.
  • b - A Scale value.
A Number value. The return value of the following statement is "2.46".

Round(2.4576, 2)

Round(Number a, Integer b, Integer c) This function rounds to a specified scale determined by argument b and a specified rounding mode determined by argument c for Double value a.
  • a - A Number value to be rounded.
  • b - The rounded scale.
  • c - The rounding mode.
A Number value. The return value of the following statement is "2.03".

Round(2.021, 2, 0)

Round(Number a, Integer b, String c) This function rounds to a specified scale determined by argument b using the rounding mode c.
  • a - A Number value to be rounded.
  • b - The rounded scale.
  • c - The rounding mode.

Note icon The digits of the decimal fraction of the rounded number must be bigger than the scale specified in the formula.

A Number value.

The return value of the following statement is "123.457".

Round(123.4567, 3, 'UP')

  • RunningAvg(field_variable);
  • RunningAvg(field_variable, groupby);
This function takes the average of all the numerical values in a field on running records. For more information about the arguments, return type, and examples, see Average().      
  • RunningCount(field_variable);
  • RunningCount(field_variable, groupby);
This function takes a total count on running records of the values in a field. For more information about the arguments, return type, and examples, see Count().      
  • RunningDistinctCount(field_variable);
  • RunningDistinctCount(field_variable, groupby);
This function takes a total count of all the distinct fields in a report on running records. For more information about the arguments, return type, and examples, see DistinctCount().      
  • RunningMaximum(field_variable);
  • RunningMaximum(field_variable, groupby);
This function finds the largest numerical value in a field on running records. For more information about the arguments, return type, and examples, see Maximum().      
  • RunningMinimum(field_variable);
  • RunningMinimum(field_variable, groupby);
This function finds the smallest numerical value in a field on running records. For more information about the arguments, return type, and examples, see Minimum().      
  • RunningSum(field_variable);
  • RunningSum(field_variable, groupby);
This function sums up all the numerical values in a field on running records. For more information about the arguments, return type, and examples, see Sum().      
sgn(data) This function returns the sign value of the given number (whose value is data). If data is greater than 0, it returns "1"; if data is less than 0, it returns "-1"; if data is equal to 0, it returns "0".
  • data - The value you want to know the sign of.
1, 0 or -1.

sgn(2) - Returns "1".

sgn(-23) - Returns "-1".

sgn(0) - Returns "0".

sin(number) This function returns a number specifying the sine of an angle given in radians. It takes a right-angle triangle, and returns the length of the side opposite to the specified angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse.
  • number - An angle in number of radians.
A Number value between -1 and 1.

sin(1) - Returns "0.84" (rounded to 2 decimals). This is the sine of 1 radian.

sin(60*pi/180) - Returns "0.87" (rounded to 2 decimals). This is the sine of 60 degrees. Before taking the sine, the angle is converted to radians by multiplying by pi/180.

sqr(number) This function returns the square root of a given number. If the value of the number is less than "0", it returns "NaN". It is designed to work like the Java Math function of sqrt().
  • number - A Number value greater than or equal to 0.
A Number value.

The return value of the following statement is "10".


  • StdDev(a[ ])
  • StdDev(field)
  • StdDev(field, groupby)
This function computes the standard deviation of the values referred to by the argument.
  • a - A Number array.
  • field - Values of DBField or formula field.
  • groupby - A constant string which indicates the DBField, formula, or parameter grouped by.
A Number value.

Number x = StdDev([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = StdDev( x)

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield)

Number x = StdDev(@formula)

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield, @dbfield1)

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield, @formula_groupby)

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield, @parameter)

  • Sum(Number a[ ])
  • Sum(Integer a[ ])
  • Sum(Currency a[ ])
  • Sum(DBField field)
  • Sum(DBField, String groupby)
This function computes the sum of all the values referred to by the argument.
  • a - A Number, Integer or Currency array.
  • field - Values of DBField or formula field.
  • groupby - A constant string which indicates the DBField, formula, or parameter grouped by.
The return value type is dependent on the parameter. It can be Number, Integer, or Currency.

Number x = Sum([1, 2, 3.0, 4.5, 45, 67])

Number x[6] = [1, 2, 3.0, 4.5, 45, 67];
Number y = Sum(x)

Currency x = Sum([$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67])

Currency x[] = [$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67];
Currency y = Sum(x)

Number x = Sum(@dbfield)

Number x = Sum(@formula)

Number x = Sum(@dbfield, @dbfield_groupby)

Number x = Sum(@dbfield, @formula_groupby)

Number x = Sum(@dbfield, @parameter)

Currency x = Sum(@dbfield)

Currency x = Sum(@formula)

Currency x = Sum(@formula, @dbfield_groupby)

Currency x = Sum(@formula, @formula_groupby)

Currency x = Sum(@formula, @parameter)

tan(number) This function returns a number specifying the tangent of an angle given in radians. It takes a right-angle triangle, and returns the length of the side opposite the specified angle divided by the length of the side adjacent to the angle.
  • number - An angle in the form of number of radians.
A Number value.

tan(1) - Returns "1.5574" (rounded to 4 decimals). This is the tangent of 1 radian.

tan(45 * pi / 180) - Returns "1.0". This is the tangent of 45 degrees. Before taking the tangent, the angle is first converted to radians by multiplying it with pi/180.

ToBinary(Integer a) This function changes a specified integer to its binary form.
  • a - An Integervalue.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "1011".


ToHex(Integer a) This function returns the HEX form of a specified value.
  • a - An Integer value.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "20".


ToInt(number a) This function changes a specified number to an Integer.
  • a - A Number value.
An Integer value. The return value of the following statement is "100".


ToOctal(Integer a) This function returns the octal form of a specified value.
  • a - An Integer value.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "64".


Truncate(Number a) This function returns a number by truncating the decimal portion.
  • a - A Double value to be truncated.
A Number value. The return value of the following statement is "25.00".


Truncate(Number a, Integer b) This function returns a number by truncating the number at the decimal point. The number is truncates to the decimal place indicated by argument b, and the function returns a fractional number.
  • a - A Double value to be truncated.
  • b - A Double value indicating the number of the decimal places.
A Number value. The return value of the following statement is "25.430".

Truncate(25.432, 2)

  • Variance(Number a[ ])
  • Variance(Currency a[ ])
  • Variance(DBField field)
  • Variance(DBField field, String groupby)
This function computes the variance of all the values referred to by the argument.
  • a - A Number array.
  • field - Values of DBField or formula field.
  • groupby - A constant string which indicates the DBField, formula, or parameter grouped by.
A Number value.

Number x = Variance([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = Variance(x)

Number x = Variance(@dbfield)

Number x = Variance(@formula)

Number x = Variance(@dbfield, @dbfield_groupby)

Number x = Variance(@dbfield, @formula_groupby)

Number x = Variance(@dbfield, @parameter)

Critical icon When using the Math functions, if you assign a field to a variable, for example "x", the variable "x" loses the characteristic of representing a group of values. The following formulas are then incorrect.

  • Number x = @dbfield;
    Number y = Average(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.
  • Number x = @dbfield;
    Number y = PopulationStdDev(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.

Rounding Mode

The parameter c in the function Round(Number a, integer b, integer c) is used to represent the following different seven rounding modes, which you can specify as an integer between 0 and 6.

  • ROUND_UP = 0
    Rounding mode to round away from zero. Always increments the digit prior to a non-zero discarded fraction. Note that this rounding mode never decreases the magnitude of the calculated value.
  • ROUND_DOWN = 1
    Rounding mode to round towards zero. Never increments the digit prior to a discarded fraction (that is, truncates). Note that this rounding mode never increases the magnitude of the calculated value.
    Rounding mode to round towards positive infinity. If the value is positive, behaves as for ROUND_UP; if negative, behaves as for ROUND_DOWN. Note that this rounding mode never decreases the calculated value.
    Rounding mode to round towards negative infinity. If the BigDecimal is positive, behave as for ROUND_DOWN; if negative, behave as for ROUND_UP. Note that this rounding mode never increases the calculated value.
    Rounding mode to round towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round up. Behaves as for ROUND_UP if the discarded fraction is >= .5; otherwise, behaves as for ROUND_DOWN. Note that this is the rounding mode that most of us were taught in grade school.
    Rounding mode to round towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round down. Behaves as for ROUND_UP if the discarded fraction is > .5; otherwise, behaves as for ROUND_DOWN.
    Rounding mode to round towards the "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case, round towards the even neighbor. Behaves as for ROUND_HALF_UP if the digit to the left of the discarded fraction is odd; behaves as for ROUND_HALF_DOWN if it's even. Note that this is the rounding mode that minimizes cumulative error when applied repeatedly over a sequence of calculations.

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String Functions

Function Description Parameter Return Value Example
Asc(Char a) This function evaluates the ASCII value of the first character of the argument.
  • a - A Char value.
An Integer value. The return value of the following statement is "97".



This function returns the size of a message in the appropriate unit.

If the parameter is less than 1024, the result is in bytes; if the parameter is between 1024 and 1048576, the result is in kilobytes; otherwise, the result is in megabytes.

  • byte - the size of a message in bytes.
A String value.

ByteToText(1000) - Returns "1000 bytes".

ByteToText(251561) - Returns "245 KB".

ByteToText(10000000) - Returns "9 MB".

ByteToText(25454464) - Returns "24 MB".

Chr(Integer a) This function returns a single character string associated with the ASCII value passed as the argument.
  • a - An Integer value.
A String value.

Chr(99) - Returns "c".

Chr(123) - Rerurns "{".

ExchGetId (address) This function begins by determining whether the address is in X500 or X400 format. Once this has been ascertained, the function then determines the ID.

If the field is in X500 format, the function extracts the last instance of the "CN=" code (not case sensitive); if the field is in the X400 format, the function extracts the SMTP or MS Ids.

Note icon The fields must follow the address type standards for the functions to operate them.

  • address - The address of sender/recipient (String data type).
A String value.

ExchGetID("/o=Jinfonet/ou=LOGIREPORT /cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=ESPRESSO/cn=Fredt") - Returns "Fredt".

ExchGetID("c=US ;a= ;p=Jinfonet; o=apps-wga;") - Returns "".

ExchGetID("c=US; a= ;p=Jinfonet;o=apps-wga;dda:ms=com/logireport/Jenny") - Returns "com/logireport/Jenny".

ExchGetOrganization(address) This function begins by determining whether the address is in X500 or X400 format. Once this has been ascertained, the function then determines the Organization Name.

If the field is in X500 format, the function extracts the last instance of the "/O=" code (not case sensitive); if the field is in the X400 format, the function extracts the instance of the "P=" code (not case sensitive).

Note icon The fields must follow the address type standards for the functions to operate on them.

  • address - The address of the sender/recipient (String data type).
A String value.

ExchGetOrganization("c=US ;a= ;p=Jinfonet; o=apps-wga; dda:ms=com/Jinfonet/Jenny") - Returns "Jinfonet".

ExchGetOrganization("c=US ;a= ;p=Jinfonet; o=apps-wga;") - Returns "Jinfonet".

ExchGetPath(path) This function returns the container information in an address field.

If the address type is X500, the function returns all of the information from the first instance of the "CN=" code until the last instance of the "CN=" code; if there is only one instance of the "CN=" code, the function returns NULL. If the address type is X400, the function returns all "OU*=" codes (residing between the "P=" and "O=" codes). If the address starts with "DDA:", the function returns all information after the "DDA:" code. If the field is blank, the function returns "UNKNOWN ADDRESS".

  • path - The address of sender/receiver (String data type).
A String value.

ExchGetPath("/o=Jinfonet/ou=LOGIREPORT /cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=ESPRESSO/cn=Fredt") - Returns "cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=ESPRESSO".

ExchGetPath("c=US; a= ; p=LOGIREPORT; ou1=Jenny; ou2=LOGIREPORT; o=apps-wga;") - Returns "ou1=Jenny; ou2=LOGIREPORT".

ExchGetpath("DDA:MS=LOGIREPORT/JENNY/logireport") - Returns "MS=LOGIREPORT/JENNY/logireport".

ExchGetSite(address) The function begins by determining whether the address is in X500 or X400 format. Once this has been ascertained, the function then determines the Site Name.

If the field is in X500 format, the function extracts the last instance of the "/OU=" code (not case sensitive); if the field is in the X400 format, the function extracts the instance of the "O=" code (not case sensitive).

Note icon The fields must follow the address type standards for the functions to operate on them.

  • address - The address of sender/recipient (String data type).
A String value.

ExchGetSite("/o=Jinfonet/ou=LOGIREPORT/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=ESPRESSO/cn=Fredt") - Returns "LOGIREPORT".

ExchGetSite("c=US; a= ;p=Jinfonet;o=apps-wga;") - Returns "apps-wga".

ExtractString(String origin, String start, String end) This function evaluates an origin string and returns the first occurrence of a String that starts with the Start String and ends with the End String (the End String is excluded). If the function cannot find the End String, it returns the string that starts with the Start String till its end.
  • origin - A String value.
  • start - A String value.
  • end - A String value.
A String value.

ExtractString("one day after that day", "d", " ") - Retunrs "day".

ExtractString("one day after that day", "d", "c") - Returns "day after that day".

ExtractString("The rain in Spain falls on the plain","rain", "plain") - Returns "rain in Spain falls on the".

filter(inString, searchString)


  • filter(inString, searchString)
  • filter(inString, searchString, include)
  • filter(inString, searchString, include, compare)
This function is designed to search the string in the specified strings. It searches an array of strings for a specified string, and returns the strings in an array.
  • inString - An array of string which you want to find the search string from.
  • searchString - A String which you want to search for.
  • include - An optional Boolean value indicating whether to return substrings that include or exclude searchString. If include is True, the function returns the subset of the array that contains searchString as a substring; if include is False, it returns the subset of the array that does not contain searchString as a substring. If omitted, the function applies the value "True".
  • compare - An optional Number value indicating the kind of string comparison to use. "0" means to perform a comparison that is case sensitive; "1" means to perform a comparison that is case insensitive. If omitted, the function performs a case sensitive comparison.
Array of String values. Suppose that inString = [ "abc", "Abc", "abcdfg", "asdfabc", "sdfdfd"], searchString = "abc":

filter(inStrings, searchString) - Returns "["abc", "abcdfg", "asdfabc"]".

filter(inStrings, searchString, true) - Returns "["abc", "abcdfg", "asdfabc"]".

filter(inStrings, searchString, false) - Returns "["abc"]".

filter(inStrings, searchString, true, 0)]"asdfabc", "abcdfg", "abc" - Returns "[".

filter(inStrings, searchString, true, 1) - Returns "["abc", "Abc", "abcdfg", "asdfabc"]".

filter(inStrings, searchString, false, 1) - Returns "["abc", "Abc"]".

string inString[]=["John","Paul","George","Ringo"];
- This formula can search strings which include the word "o" and use comma to separate them.

InStr(String a, String b) This function returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another. If the function cannot find String a in String b, it returns "-1".
  • a - A String value to be sought.
  • b - A String value to be searched.
An Integer value.

InStr("my", "he is my brother") - Returns "6".

InStr("our", "she is my mother") - Returns "-1".

The following formula can convert number format to dollars and cents pattern:

String value = toText(@Price, "####.##", 2, "", ".");
integer dot = InStr(".", value);

if (dot >= 0)
return ToWords(ToNumber(left(value, dot)), 0) + " dollars "
+ToWords(ToNumber(mid(value, dot + 1)), 0) + " cents";
return ToWords(ToNumber(value), 0) + " dollars";

InStr(Number a, String b, String c) This function returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another, starting at the position specified by argument a. If the function cannot find String c in String b, it returns "-1".
  • a - An Integer value that is the character position in String b where the search is to begin.
  • b - A String value to be searched.
  • c - A String value to be sought.
An Integer value.

InStr(3, "he is my brother", "my") - Returns "6".

InStr(3, "he is my brother", "our") - Returns "-1".



  • join(stringArray)
  • join(stringArray, delimiterString)
The function returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.
  • stringArray - A String array containing substrings to be joined.
  • dimiterString - An optional String used to separate the substrings in the returned string. If omitted, the function applies the space character (" "). If the delimiter is a zero-length string (" "), the function concatenates all items in the list with no delimiters.
A String value. Assume that the stringArray list in the examples consists of the following three elements, Welcome, Use, and Logi Report:

join(list) - Returns the string "Welcome Use Logi Report".

join(list, ", ") - Returns the string "Welcome, Use, Logi Report".

LastIndexOf(String a, String b) This function returns the position of the last occurrence of one string within another, if the function cannot find String b in String a, it returns "-1".
  • a - A String value to be searched.
  • b - A String value to be sought.
An Integer value.

LastIndexOf("avcievmgbvi","v") - Returns "9".

LastIndexOf("avcievmgbvi","n") - Returns "-1".

LastIndexOf(Integer a, String b, String c) This function returns the position within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring, searching backward starting at the position specified by argument a. If the function cannot find String c in String b, it returns "-1".
  • a - An Integer value that is the character position in String b where the search is to end.
  • b - A String value to be searched.
  • c - A String value to be sought.
An Integer value.  
Left(String a, Number b) This function returns a substring that contains the specified number of characters from the left side of a string.
  • a - A String value.
  • b - A Number value indicating the number of characters to be extracted from String a.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "he is".

Left("he is my father", 5)

Length(String a) This function returns the number of characters in a String.
  • a - A String value.
An Integer value. The return value of the following statement is "16".

Length("she is my mother")

LooksLike(String a, String b) This function enables you to locate field values using standard DOS wildcards ( "?" is a wildcard for a single character and "*" is a wildcard for any number of characters). It does this by comparing a String to a mask which contains one or more wildcards. The function returns "True" if the string matches the mask, and "False" if the string does not match the mask.
  • a - A String value to be compared to the mask.
  • b - A String that provides a mask for comparing the value in String a.
A Boolean value.

LooksLike("he is my brother", "he is my brother and friend") - Returns "False".

LooksLike("he is my brother", "he is my brother") - Returns "True".

LooksLike("George Peck", "G?orge*") - Returns "True".

LowerCase(String a) This function returns a String that contains all lowercase letters converted from String a.
  • a - A String value.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is this is "her book".

LowerCase("This is HER book")

Mid(String a, Integer b) This function returns a number of characters from a specified position of a String.
  • a - A String value to be extracted.
  • b - An Integer value indicating the position of the first character to be extracted.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "my father".

Mid("he is my father", 6)

Mid(String a, Integer b, Integer c) This function returns a specified number of characters from a specified position of a String.
  • a - A String value to be extracted.
  • b - An Integer value indicating the position of the first character to extract.
  • c - An Integer value indicating the number of characters to be extracted from String a.
A String value.

Mid("he is my father", 9, 6) - Returns "father".

The following formula can convert a DBField string from a normal horizontal pattern to a vertical pattern:

Integer ln,i;
String str1;
for (i=1;i<ln ; i=i+1)
str1=str1 + mid(@col, i, 1) + "\n";
return str1;

NumericText(String a) This function is used to test if the content of the string is a Number.
  • a - A String value to be tested.
A Boolean value.

NumericText("she is my mother") - Returns "False".

NumericText("123456") - Returns "True".

Picture(String a, String b) This function prints a string or values in a string in a predetermined format.
  • a - A String value to be formatted according to the picture format.
  • b - A String value representing the way you want the characters in the string to be printed.
A String value.

Picture("Brother", "XxXXxxx Tom") - Returns "Brother Tom".

Picture("He Tom", "xx is") - Returns "He is Tom".

Picture("8007733472", "Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx") - Returns "Phone: (800) 773-3472".




The function capitalizes the first letter in a text string and any other letter that follows a character other than a letter, and converts all other letters to lowercase letters.
  • String - A text string.
A String value.

ProperCase('LINDA FONG') - Return "Linda Fong".

ProperCase("123Michael's") - Return "123Michael'S".

ProperCase("2-cent's worth") - Return "2-Cent'S Worth".

ProperCase('76BudGet') - Return "76Gudget".

ReplaceString(inString, searchString, replaceString, startPosition, count, compare)


  • ReplaceString(inString, searchString, replaceString)
  • ReplaceString(inString, searchString, replaceString, startPosition)
  • ReplaceString(inString, searchString, replaceString, startPosition, count)
  • ReplaceString(inString, searchString, replaceString, startPosition, count, compare)
The function returns a String in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times. As an option, you can also specify a location in the string where the replacing process begins from (returns a string starting from that position). This function is typically used in a string to systematically replace one substring with another.
  • inString - A String containing substring to replace.
  • searchString - A substring being searched for.
  • replaceString - The replacement substring.
  • startPosition - An optional Number indicating the position within inString where the substring search is to begin from. If omitted, the function applies "1" as the value.
  • count - An optional Number of substring substitutions to be performed. If omitted, the function applies the default value "-1", which means make all possible substitutions.
  • compare - An optional Number indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating substrings. "0" means to perform a comparison that is case-sensitive; "1" means to perform a comparison that is case-insensitive. If omitted, the function performs a case-sensitive comparison .

Note icon The return value of the replace function is a String, with the specified substring replacements made, beginning at the position specified by startPosition, and endings at the end of the inString string. It is not a start to finish copy of the original string.

A String value. Assume that inStrings = "abc Abc abcdfg asdfabc sdfdfd", searchString = "abc", replaceString = "ABC":

ReplaceString(inStrings, searchString, replaceString) - Returns "ABC Abc ABCdfg asdfABC sdfdfd".

ReplaceString(inStrings, searchString, replaceString, 5) - Returns "abc Abc ABC dfg asdfABC sdfdfd".

ReplaceString(inStrings, searchString, replaceString, 0) - Returns "ABC Abc ABCdfg asdfABC sdfdfd".

ReplaceString(inStrings, searchString, replaceString, 0, 0) - Returns "abc Abc abcdfg asdfabc sdfdfd".

ReplaceString(inStrings, searchString, replaceString, 0, 1) - Returns "ABC Abc abcdfg asdfabc sdfdfd".

ReplaceString(inStrings, searchString, replaceString, 0, -1,1) - Returns "ABC ABC ABCdfg asdfABC sdfdfd".

ReplaceString(inStrings, searchString, replaceString, 0, -1, 0) - Returns "ABC Abc ABCdfg asdfABC sdfdfd".

ReplicateString(String a, Integer b) This function replicates the string in String a the number of times specified by b.
  • a - A String value to be replicated.
  • b - An Integer value indicating the number of times that String a is to be replicated.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "Stop! Stop! Stop!".

ReplicateString("Stop!", 3)

Right(String a, Integer b) This function extracts the specified number of characters in String a from the right side.
  • a - A String value to be extracted.
  • b - An Integer value indicating the number of characters to be extracted from String a.
A String value.

The return value of the following statement is "mother".

Right("She is my mother", 6)

Soundex(string) The function evaluates a text string and returns a four-character value that symbolizes the way the string sounds. Use this function whenever you want to locate records based on two or more field values that are spelled differently yet sound alike. You can also use this function to find customer names that have been misspelled.
  • string - One of two or more strings that sound alike.
Text string.

Soundex("Jinfonet") - Returns "J515".

if (Soundex("George") == Soundex("gorge")) then
"Sound the same"
"Different sound"
- Returns "Sound the same".

Space(Integer a) This function returns a String value that contains a specified number of spaces.
  • a - An Integer value indicating the number of spaces.
A String value.


StrCmp(String a, String b) This function is used to compare two strings. It returns positive if String a is greater than String b, returns "0" if String a is equal to String b, and returns negative if String a is less than String b.
  • a- A String value.
  • b- A String value.
An Integer value.

StrCmp("He is Tom", "I am student") - Returns "-1"

StrCmp("He is Tom", "He is Tom") -Returns "0".

StrCmp("I am student", "He is Tom") - Returns "1".

StringSplit(inString, delimiterString, count, compare)


  • stringSplit(inString)
  • stringSplit(inString, delimiterString)
  • stringSplit(inString, delimiterString, count)
  • stringSplit(inString, delimiterString, count, compare)
This function takes a String that contains a number of substrings, breaks it up into a specified number of substrings and returns an array containing the substrings.
  • inString - A String expression containing substrings and delimiters.
  • delimiterString - An optional String character used to identify substring limits. If omitted, the function applies the space character (" ") as the delimiter. If the delimiter is a zero-length string, the function returns a single-element array containing the entire inString string.
  • count - An optional Number value of substrings to be returned. "-1" means to return all substrings. If omitted, the function applies "-1" as the value.
  • compare - An optional Number indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating the delimiter string. "0" means to perform a comparison that is case-sensitive; "1" means to perform a comparison that is case-insensitive. If omitted, the function performs a case-sensitive comparison.

Note icon If count c, is less than the total number of substrings in inString, then the function returns at most "c" substrings as elements in the resultant array. The last element in the array is a concatenation of the substring and all the remaining substrings.

Array of String values. Assume that inString = "Welcome use Logi Report":

StringSplit(inString) - Returns [ "Welcome", "use", "Logi Report"].

StringSplit(inString, "use") - Returns [ "Welcome", "Logi Report"].

StringSplit(inString, " ", 2) - Returns [ "Welcome", "use Logi Report"].

strReverse(inString) This function reverses the string. It returns a String in which the character order of inString is reversed. If inString is a zero-length string (" "), the function returns a zero-length string.
  • inString - A String whose characters are to be reversed.
A String value.

strReverse("abc") - Returns "cba".

strReverse("false") - Returns "eslaf".

toLongString(String a) This function converts a string to a long string.
  • a - A String value.
A LongString value. The return value of the following statement is "aa".

LongString a=toLongString("aa");
string b="bb";
if (b > toString(a)) then
return a
return toLongString(b);

ToNumber(Currency a) This function converts a Currency to a Number.
  • a - A Currency value.
A Number value.

ToNumber($4.32) - Returns "4.32".

ToNumber($4.68) - Returns "4.68."

ToNumber(String a) This function converts a specified string to a Number.
  • a - A Char value.

Note icon In this function, the format of the string should be [#] or [#].[#]. If you specify a character string as the argument, the return value is "NULL".

A Number value.

The return value of the following statement is "123.00".


toString(LongString a) This function converts a long string to a string.
  • a - A LongString value.
A String value.

The return value of the following statement is "aa".

LongString a=toLongString("aa");
string b="bb";
if (b > toString(a)) then
return a
return toLongString(b);

ToText(Bit a) This function converts a Bit value to a String, either "true" or "false".
  • a - A Bit value.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "false".


ToText(Currency a) This function converts a Currency value to a String.
  • a - A Currency value to be converted.
A String value. he return value of the following statement is "$123.45".


ToText(Currency a, String b) This function converts a Currency value to a String.
  • a - A Currency value to be converted.
  • b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "$123.45".

ToText($123.45, "$##0.00")

ToText(Currency a, String b, Integer c) This function converts a Currency value to a String.
  • a - A Currency value to be converted.
  • b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "$123.5".

ToText($123.456, "$##0.00", 1)

ToText(Currency a, String b, Integer c, String d) This function converts a Currency value to a String.
  • a - A Currency value to be converted.
  • b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
  • d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "$1*234.57".

ToText($1234.57, "$#,###.000", 2, "*")

ToText(Currency a, String b, Integer c, String d, String e) This function converts a Currency value to a String.
  • a - A Currency value to be converted.
  • b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
  • d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.
  • e - A single character string indicating to be used as the decimal separator.
A String value.

ToText($4567.123, "$#,##0.00", 3, "," , ".") - Returns "$4,567.123".

ToText($4567.123, "$#,##0.00", 1, "&", "*") - Returns "$4&567*1".

ToText(Currency a, Integer c) This function converts a Currency value to a String.
  • a - A Currency value to be converted.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "$123.46".

ToText($123.4567, 2)

ToText(Currency a, Integer c, String d) This function converts a Currency value to a String.
  • a - A Currency value to be converted.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
  • d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "$1,234.57".

ToText($1234.567, 2, ",")

ToText(Currency a, Integer c, String d, String e) This function converts a Currency value to a String.
  • a - A currency value to be converted.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
  • d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.
  • e - A single character string indicating to be used as the decimal separator.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "$1,234.57".

ToText($1234.567, 2, ",", ".")

ToText(Date a) This function converts a Date value to a String.
  • a - A Date value.
A String value. Suppose the date is July 15,1999, the return value of the following statement is "15-Jul-99".


ToText(Date a, String b) This function converts a Date value to a String.
  • a - A Date value.
  • b - A String that defines how to format the Date value in a.
A String value. Suppose the date is July 15,1999, the return value of the following statement is "15-Jul-99".

ToText(ToDate(1999,7,15), "dd-MMM-yy")

ToText(DateTime a) This function converts a DateTime value to a String.
  • a - A DateTime value to be converted.
A String value. Suppose the date is July 15,1999 and time is 7:42:51, the return value of the following statement is "15-Jul-99 7:42:51 AM".


ToText(DateTime a, String b) This function converts a DateTime value to a String.
  • a - A DateTime value to be converted.
  • b - A String that defines how to format the DateTime value in a.
A String value. Suppose the date is July 15,1999 and time is 7:42:51, the return value of the following statement is "07-15-99 7:42:51".

ToText(ToDateTime(1999,7,15,7,42,51), "MM-dd-yy h:mm:ss")

ToText(DateTime a, String b, String c) This function converts a DateTime value to a String.
  • a - A DateTime value to be converted.
  • b - A String that defines how to format the DateTime value in a.
  • c - A String to be used as a label for A.M. (morning) hours.
A String value. Suppose the date is July 15,1999 and time is 7:42:51, the return value of the following statement is "15-Jul-99 7:42:51 AM".

ToText(ToDateTime(1999,7,15,7,42,51), "dd-MMM-yy h:mm:ss a", "AM")

ToText(DateTime a, String b, String c, String d) This function converts a DateTime value to a String.
  • a - A DateTime value to be converted.
  • b - A String that defines how to format the DateTime value in a.
  • c - A String to be used as a label for A.M. (morning) hours.
  • d - A String to be used as a label for P.M. (evening) hours.
A String value.

Suppose the date is Oct. 7,1999 and time is 7:42:51, the return value of the following statement is "07-Oct-99 7:42:51 AM".

ToText(ToDateTime(1999,10,7,7,42,51), "dd-MMM-yy h:mm:ss a", "AM", "PM")

Suppose the date is Oct. 7,1999 and time is 18:42:51, the return value of the following statement is "07-Oct-99 6:42:51 PM".

ToText(ToDateTime(1999,10,7,18,42,51), "dd-MMM-yy h:mm:ss a","AM", "PM")

ToText(Integer a) This function converts an Integer value to a String.
  • a - An Integer value to be converted.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "456".


ToText(Integer a, String b) This function converts an Integer value to a String.
  • a - An Integer value to be converted.
  • b - A String value indicating the format for displaying the value in argument a.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "456".

ToText(456, "###")

ToText(Integer a, String b, Integer c) This function converts an Integer value to a String.
  • a - An Integer value to be converted.
  • b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "456.00".

ToText(456, "###", 2)

ToText(Integer a, String b, Integer c, String d) This function converts an Integer value to a String.
  • a - An Integer value to be converted.
  • b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
  • d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "1,234.00".

ToText(1234, "#,###", 2, ",", ".")

ToText(Integer a, String b, Integer c, String d, String e) This function converts an Integer value to a String.
  • a - An Integer value to be converted.
  • b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
  • d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.
  • e - A single character string indicating the character to be used as the decimal separator.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "1,234.00".

ToText(1234, "#,###", 2, ",", ".")

ToText(Integer a, Integer c) This function converts an Integer value to a String.
  • a - An Integer value to be converted.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "123.00".

ToText(123, 2)

ToText(Integer a, Integer c, String d) This function converts an Integer value to a String.
  • a - An Integer value to be converted.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
  • d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "1,234.00".

ToText(1234, 2, ",")

ToText(Integer a, Integer c, String d, String e) This function converts an Integer value to a String.
  • a - An Integer value to be converted.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
  • d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.
  • e - A single character string indicating the character to be used as the decimal separator.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "12,345.00".

ToText(12345, 2, ",", ".")

ToText(Number a) This function converts a Double value to a String.
  • a - A Double value to be converted.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "123.456".


ToText(Number a, String b) This function converts a Double value to a String.
  • a - A Double value to be converted.
  • b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "1236.46".

ToText(1236.456, "###0.00")

ToText(Number a, String b, Integer c) This function converts a Double value to a String.
  • a - A Double value to be converted.
  • b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "123.46".

ToText(123.456, "###.00", 2)

ToText(Number a, String b, Integer c, String d) This function converts a Double value to a String.
  • a - A Double value to be converted.
  • b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
  • d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "1,234.57".

ToText(1234.567, "#,###.000", 2, ",")

ToText(Number a, String b, Integer c, String d, String e) This function converts a Double value to a String.
  • a - A Double value to be converted.
  • b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
  • d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.
  • e - A single character string indicating the character to be used as the decimal separator.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "1,234.57".

ToText(1234.567, "#,###.000", 2, ",", ".")

ToText(Number a, Integer c) This function converts a Double value to a String.
  • a - A Double value to be converted.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "123.46".

ToText(123.456, 2)

ToText(Number a, Integer c, String d) This function converts a Double value to a string.
  • a - A Double value to be converted.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
  • d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "1,234.6".

ToText(1234.567, 1, ",")

ToText(Number a, Integer c, String d, String e) This function converts a Double value to a String.
  • a - A Double value to be converted.
  • c - The number of decimal places to be converted.
  • d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.
  • e - A single character string indicating the character to be used as the decimal separator.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "1,234,57".

ToText(1234.567, 2, "," , ",")

ToText(String timezone, Date a) This function converts a Date value to a String.
  • timezone - A String value indicating the time zone. For more information, see java.util.TimeZone.
  • a - A Date value.
A String value. Suppose that today is 2018.09.27, the return value of the following statement is "26-Sep-18".

Date d = today();

ToText("GMT", d);

ToText(String timezone, Date a, String pattern) This function converts a Date value to a String.
  • timezone - A String value indicating the time zone. For more information, see java.util.TimeZone.
  • a - A Date value.
  • pattern - A String value that defines how to format the Date value in a.
A String value. Suppose that today is 2018.09.27, the return value of the following statement is "2018/09/26".

ToText("GMT", today(), "yyyy/MM/dd")

ToText(String timezone, Datetime a) This function converts a DateTime value to a String.
  • timezone - A String value indicating the time zone. For more information, see java.util.TimeZone.
  • a - A DateTime value.
A String value. Suppose that the current date time is 2018.09.27 5:07:37 PM, the return value of the following statement is "27-Sep-18 9:07:37 AM".

ToText("GMT", CurrentDateTime())

ToText(String timezone, Datetime a, String pattern) This function converts a DateTime value to a String.
  • timezone - A String value indicating the time zone. For more information, seejava.util.TimeZone.
  • a - A DateTime value.
  • pattern - A String value that defines how to format the DateTime value in a.
A String value. Suppose that the current date time is 2018.09.27 5:07:37 PM, the return value of the following statement is "2018/09/27 09:07:37".

ToText("GMT", CurrentDateTime(), "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss")

ToText(String timezone, Datetime a, String pattern, String am) This function converts a DateTime value to a String.
  • timezone - A String value indicating the time zone. For more information, see java.util.TimeZone.
  • a - A DateTime value.
  • pattern - A String value that defines how to format the DateTime value in a.
  • am - A String to be used as a label for A.M. (morning) hours.
A String value. Suppose that the current date time is 2018.09.27 5:07:37 PM, the return value of the following statement is "2018/09/27 09:07:37 AM".

ToText("GMT", CurrentDateTime(), "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss a","AM")

ToText(String timezone, Datetime a, String pattern, String am, String pm) This function converts a DateTime value to a String.
  • timezone - A String value indicating the time zone. For more information, see java.util.TimeZone.
  • a - A DateTime value.
  • pattern - A String value that defines how to format the DateTime value in a.
  • am - A String to be used as a label for A.M. (morning) hours.
  • pm - A String to be used as a label for P.M. (evening) hours.
A String value. Suppose that the current date time is 2018.09.27 5:07:37 PM, the return value of the following statement is "2018/09/27 09:07:37 AM".

ToText("GMT", CurrentDateTime(), "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss a","AM", "PM")

ToText(String timezone, Time a) This function converts a Time value to a String.
  • timezone - A String value indicating the time zone. For more information, see java.util.TimeZone.
  • a - A Time value.
A String value. Suppose that the current time is 5:07:37 PM, the return value of the following statement is "9:07:37 AM".

ToText("GMT", CurrentTime())

ToText(String timezone, Time a, String pattern) This function converts a Time value to a String.
  • timezone - A String value indicating the time zone. For more information, see java.util.TimeZone.
  • a - A Time value.
  • pattern - A String value that defines how to format the Time value in a.
A String value. Suppose that the current time is 5:07:37 PM, the return value of the following statement is "09:07:37".

ToText("GMT", CurrentTime(), "HH:mm:ss")

ToText(String timezone, Time a, String pattern, String am) This function converts a Time value to a String.
  • timezone - A String value indicating the time zone. For more information, see java.util.TimeZone.
  • a - A Time value.
  • pattern - A String value that defines how to format the Time value in a.
  • am - A String to be used as a label for A.M. (morning) hours.
A String value. Suppose that the current time is 5:07:37 PM, the return value of the following statement is "09:07:37 am".

ToText("GMT", CurrentTime(), "hh:mm:ss a", "am")

ToText(String timezone, Time a, String pattern, String am, String pm) This function converts a Time value to a String.
  • timezone - A String value indicating the time zone. For more information, see java.util.TimeZone.
  • a - A Time value.
  • pattern - A String value that defines how to format the Time value in a.
  • am - A String to be used as a label for A.M. (morning) hours.
  • pm - A String to be used as a label for P.M. (evening) hours.
A String value. Suppose that the current time is 5:07:37 PM, the return value of the following statement is "09:07:37 am".

ToText("GMT", CurrentTime(), "hh:mm:ss a", "am", "pm")

ToText(Time a) This function converts a Time value to a String.
  • a - A Time value.
A String value. Suppose the time is 12:40:30, the return value of the following statement is "12:40:30 PM".


ToText(Time a, String b) This function converts a Time value to a String.
  • a - A Time value to be converted.
  • b - A String that defines how to format the value in a.
A String value. Suppose the time is 08:48:58, the return value of the following statement is "8:48:58".

ToText(ToTime(8,48,58), "h:mm:ss")

ToText(Time a, String b, String c) This function converts a Time value to a String.
  • a - A Time value to be converted.
  • b - A String that defines how to format the value in a.
  • c - A String to be used as a label for A.M. (morning) hours.
A String value. Suppose the time is 8:48:58 in the morning, the return value of the following statement is "8:48:58 AM".

ToText(ToTime(8,48,58), "h:mm:ss a", "AM")

ToText(Time a, String b, String c, String d) This function converts a Time value to a String.
  • a - A Time value to be converted.
  • b - A String that defines how to format the value in a.
  • c - A String to be used as a label for A.M. (morning) hours.
  • d - A String to be used as a label for P.M. (evening) hours.
A String value.

Suppose the time is 08:48:58, the return value of the following statement is "8:48:58 AM".

ToText(ToTime(8,48,58), "h:mm:ss a", "AM", "PM").

Suppose the time is 21:49:59, the return value of the following statement is "9:49:59 PM".

ToText(ToTime(21,49,59), "h:mm:ss a", "AM", "PM").

ToWords(Currency a) This function converts a Number field value or the result of a numeric calculation to words.
  • a - A Currency value to be converted into words.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is three and "15/100".


ToWords(Currency a, Integer b) This function converts a Number field value or the result of a numeric calculation to words.
  • a - A Currency value to be converted into words.
  • b - An Integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be converted. This argument is optional.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is three and "5/10".

ToWords($3.45, 1)

ToWords(Integer a) This function converts a Number field value or the result of a numeric calculation to words.
  • a - An Integer value to be converted into words.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "twenty and xx/100".


ToWords(Integer a, Integer b) This function converts a Number field value or the result of a numeric calculation to words.
  • a - An Integer value to be converted into words.
  • b - An Integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be converted. This argument is optional.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "three and x/10".

ToWords(3, 1)

ToWords(Number a) This function converts a Number field value or the result of a numeric calculation to words.
  • a - A fractional number to be converted into words.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "ten and 12/100".


ToWords(Number a, Integer b) This function converts a Number field value or the result of a numeric calculation to words.
  • a - A Number value to be converted into words.
  • b - An Integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be converted. This argument is optional.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "three and 1/10".

ToWords(3.14, 1)

Translate(String a) This function searches for the NLS translation of current field value in the bound data mapping file. For an illustrate example, see Built-in Functions for NLS.
  • a - A String to which a corresponding data mapping file can be bound.
A String value. It is the NLS translation of the field value if a data mapping file is bound to it and the NLS translation can be found, or null if the string is null, or the string itself when the corresponding NLS translation cannot be found in the data mapping file or the file cannot be found. The return value of the following statement is "美国" and the locale is China if the language of the data mapping file bound to it is Chinese and it contains the mapping: ["USA", "美国"].

Translate(@country), where @country has the value "USA".

Translate(String a, String b) This function accesses the corresponding data mapping file dynamically according to the language selected from the language drop-down list on the NLS language toolbar and searches for the NLS translation of String b in the data mapping file. For an illustrate example, see Built-in Functions for NLS.
  • a - A String to which a corresponding data mapping file can be bound.
A String value. It is the NLS translation of the field value if a data mapping file is bound to it and the NLS translation can be found, or null if the string is null, or the string itself when the corresponding NLS translation cannot be found in the data mapping file or the file cannot be found. The return value of the following statement is "美国" and the locale is China if the language of the data mapping file bound to it is Chinese and it contains the mapping: ["USA", "美国"].

Translate("mapping_file_country", "USA")

Translate("mapping_file_country", @country), where @country has the value "USA".

Trim(String a) This function removes the leading and the trailing spaces from string arguments.
  • a - A String value.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "he is a boy".

Trim("he is a boy")

TrimLeft(String a) This function removes the spaces on the left side of the string.
  • a - A String value to be trimmed.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is" he is a boy".

TrimLeft("he is a boy")

TrimRight(String a) This function removes the spaces on the right side of the string.
  • a - A String value to be trimmed.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "he is a boy".

TrimRight("he is a boy")

UpperCase(String a) This function converts all letters in string a to uppercase letters.
  • a - A String value.
A String value. The return value of the following statement is "HE IS A BOY".

UpperCase("he is a boy")

Val(String a) This function reads a string containing numbers (for example, address, phone, or social security number), and converts them to a decimal value. The function stops reading when it finds the first character in the string.
  • a - A String value.
A Number value. The return value of the following statement is "63,550,513.00".



You need to pay attention to the following when using this function:

  • The value string must be in quotes.
  • Soundex works only with values that begin with the same letter. For example, Soundex returns the same value for Chris and Cris C620 but not for Kris K620. Soundex creates a code based on the first character in the string plus three characters based on the following:
    • Non-alpha characters like numbers and punctuation become -1.
    • The characters "a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "y", "h", and "w" are ignored (except when they are the first character in the original string).
    • The characters "b", "f", "p", and "v" become 1.
    • The characters "c", "g", "j", "k", "q", "s", "x", and "z" become 2.
    • The characters "d" and "t" become 3.
    • The character "l" becomes 4.
    • The characters "m" and "n" become 5.
    • The character "r" becomes 6.
  • If the resulting code is only two or three characters long, Soundex uses zeros to fill it out to four characters. For example, in the name Lauren, only "L", "r", and "n" are translated (Lrn), so the resulting Soundex code becomes L650.
  • If the resulting code is more than four characters long, Soundex ignores all characters after the fourth character. For example, in the name Patrick, "P", "t", "r", "c", and "k" can be translated (Ptrck), but the resulting Soundex code is only four characters P362.

ToText(Time a, String b, String c, String d)

You need to pay attention to the following when using this function:

  • When converting a Double value, Currency value or an Integer value to a String, you can use the following special characters as format in argument b:
    0A digit 
    *A digit, zero shows as a star.Cannot mix "0", "*", and "_" in same format.
    _A digit, zero shows as a space.Cannot mix "0", "*", and "_" in same format.
    #A digit, zero shows as absent. 
    .Placeholder for decimal separator. 
    ,Placeholder for grouping delimiter.Shows the interval to be used.
    ;Separates formats.Positive and negative.
    -If there is no explicit negative sign, "-" is prefixed."0.00" -> "0.00;-0.00"
    %Divided by 100 and shows as percentage. 
    XAny other characters can be used in the prefix or suffix. 
  • Time format syntax: You can specify the time format by means of a String time pattern. In this pattern, all ASCII letters are reserved as pattern letters, which are defined as the following:
    Gera designatorTextAD
    Mmonth in yearText & NumberJuly & 07
    dday in monthNumber10
    hhour in am/pm (1~12) Number12
    Hhour in day (0~23)Number0
    mminute in hour Number30
    ssecond in minuteNumber55
    Eday in weekTextTuesday
    Dday in yearNumber189
    Fday of week in monthNumber2 (2nd Wed in July)
    wweek in yearNumber27
    Wweek in monthNumber2
    aam/pm markerTextPM
    khour in day (1~24)Number24
    Khour in am/pm (0~11)Number0
    ztime zoneTextPacific Standard Time
    ' escape for text  
    ''single quote  

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Other Functions

Function Description Parameter Return Value Example
Choose(Integer, Array) This function returns a value from the array based on the value of Integer. For example, if integer is 0, it returns the first element in the array; if index is 1, it returns the second element in the array.
  • Integer - A Number or numeric expression that specifies the index of the element. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is the number of available elements minus 1. If it is out of bounds, the function returns no value.
  • Array - An array that contains all the available elements to choose from. All elements must be of the same type. A choice can be any simple type (Number, Currency, String, Boolean, Date, Time, or DateTime), or range type (Number Range, Currency Range, String Range, Date Range, Time Range, or DateTime Range), but it may not be an array.
A value from the element in the given array. The type of the return value is the same as the type of the element.

Choose(1,["Poor","Fair","Good","Excellent"]) - Returns "Fair".

Choose(2,["1 to 10","11 to 20", "21 to 30"]) - Returns "21 to 30".

Choose(2,[1,2,3,4,5,6]) - Returns "3".

Choose(2,[Todate('1998/5/4'),ToDate('1999/5/5'),ToDate('1996/5/6')]) - Returns "5/6/96".

currentBurstingSchema() This function returns the names of the applied bursting schemas in the current report. When isRunBursting() returns "false", the return value of currentBurstingSchema() is "NULL".   A String value. If you apply two bursting schemas to the current report: VP and Manager, the return value of the following statement is "VP,Manager".


eqv(booleanx, booleany)

This function returns a Boolean value of booleanx eqv booleany,

  • if x = true and y = true, returns "true".
  • if x = true and y = false, returns "false".
  • if x = false and y = true, returns "false".
  • if x = false and y = false, returns "true".
  • booleanx - A Boolean value.
  • booleany - A Boolean value.
A Boolean value.

eqv(true, true) - Returns "true".

eqv(true, false) - Returns "false".

GetInfo(String) This function gets information of a given key in the global level information container of the Information Bus.
  • String - A String indicating the information in the container.
A String value. If you want to get information containing a key-value pair, TestKey, and TestValue, use the following statement:

GetInfo("TestKey") - Returns "TestValue".

getLanguage() This function returns the language name of the locale that the current running task is based on.   The return value is either the empty string or a lowercase ISO 639 code. When the locale is set to en_US, the return value of the following statement is "en".


getLocale() This function returns the language and locale name that the current running task is based on.   A string value containing language and locale information, for example, country. When the locale is set to en_US, the return value of the following statement is "en_US".


GetOrgInfo(String) This function gets information of a given key in the organization level information container of the Information Bus that the current user can access.
  • String - A String indicating the information in the container.
A String value. If you want to get information containing a key-value pair, TestKey, and TestValue, use the following statement:

GetOrgInfo("TestKey") - Returns "TestValue".

getSecurityContext() This function returns a Security Context object, which provides the method get() to get the Security Context instance from Designer or Server.   A DbSecurityContext object. Import userClass from "UserFunction";
userClass.getData(getSecurityContext(), @country, …);
getSystemTimezone() This function returns the time zone ID of the runtime environment.   A String value.

When the runtime time zone is GMT-0500, the following statement returns GMT-0500:


GetUserInfo(String) This function gets information of a given key in the user level information container of the Information Bus that the current user can access.
  • String - A String indicating the information in the container.
A String value. If you want to get information containing a key-value pair, TestKey, and TestValue, use the following statement:

GetUserInfo("TestKey") - Returns "TestValue".

getValueTimezone(Date) This function returns the value-level time zone ID of a Date value.
  • Date - A Date value.
A String value.

The following statement returns GMT-0500:

getValueTimezone(ToDate("2020-10-10 GMT-05:00"))

getValueTimezone(DateTime) This function returns the value-level time zone ID of a DateTime value.
  • Datetime - A DateTime value.
A String value.

The following statement returns GMT-0500:

getValueTimezone(ToDateTime("2020-10-10 15:30:45 GMT-05:00"))

getValueTimezone(Time) This function returns the value-level time zone ID of a Time value.
  • Time - A Time value.
A String value.

The following statement returns GMT-0500:

getValueTimezone(ToTime("15:30:45 GMT-05:00"))

isAll(Array) This function checks whether the value of the specified parameter is "ALL".   A Boolean value. When the parameter PEndDate supports multiple values and its value is set to "All", the following statement returns "true".


isCountry(String) This function compares the specified parameter with that of the country setting of JVM based on default locale. The specified string must be an uppercase 2-letter ISO 3166 code.   A Boolean value.

If getLanguage() returns "zh", isCountry("CN") returns "true".

If getLanguage() return "en", isCountry("CN") returns "false".

IsNoRecord() This function tells whether a report has returned a record or not. If the report has no value returned, the function returns "True"; otherwise "False".

You cannot apply a formula that calls this function to queries, and this formula only takes effect when laying out the report which contains it.

  A Boolean value. When using this function, you should refer to a DBField to identify whether this formula is a record level formula so that Logi Report Engine can calculate it when fetching the record. For example,

@"Customers_Customer ID";
    return "There is no data"
    return "Total number of records="+@"Count_Customer Name5"

In this example, if no data is returned, Logi Report displays the tip "There is no data" is displayed; If data is returned, Logi Report display the total number of records.

IsNull(DBfield a) This function tells whether a specified value (especially the value of a DBField) is null or not. If the value is Null, the function returns "True"; otherwise "False".
  • a - A specified value especially a value of a DBField.
A Boolean value.

The return value of the following statement is "False": IsNull(2.5)

If you build a report about customer order, suppose one of the values of the field "Shipped" is Null, the return value of the following statement is "True": IsNull(@shipped)

The following formula can summarize the Grand Total while ignoring the null value or no-record column:

Integer Total=0;
if (!isnull(@grandTotal))
Total= Total+@grandTotal;

isNumeric(inString) This function returns a Boolean value if inString is a math number string.
  • inString - A String type value.
A Boolean value.

isNumeric("true") - Returns "false".

isNumeric("false") - Returns "false".

isNumeric("1234") - Returns "true".

isNumeric("122 322323") - Returns "false".

isRunBursting() This function returns "true" if the current report is running based on a bursting schema; else returns "false".   A Boolean value.

If you schedule a bursting report to run based on a bursting schema, the return value of the following statement is "true": isRunBursting()

If a bursting report is scheduled to run a normal result, the return value of the following statement is "false": isRunBursting()

Next(DBfield a) This function returns the next value of the current DBField.
  • a - A DBField value.
A DBField value. Suppose you build a report about customer orders. If you use this function on "Ship Date" and insert it into the detail panel, when you run the report, you can see Logi Report displays the next records after each record according to the following statement:

Next(@"Ship Date")

Next(DBfield a, Integer b) This function returns the next Nth record decided by the argument b.
  • a - A DBField value.
  • b - An Integer value.

Critical icon Due to some implementation limitation, the argument b cannot be equal to or larger than 2.

A DBField value.

Suppose you build a report about customer orders. If you use this function on "Ship Date" and set the argument b as "1", when you run the report, you can see Logi Report displays the next first record after each record according to the following statement.

Next(@"Ship Date", 1)

nextMember() This function is used in the custom aggregation expression to locate the next member of a group or detail object.


Suppose that a group or detail object contains x members (confined to all parent groups' current members) and the custom aggregation is executed on the ith member, if "i = x", this function cannot locate any member. A member of a group or detail object. When a detail object contains these members: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and the custom aggregation is executed on 20, the following expression returns "30".


nextMember(n) This function is used in the custom aggregation expression to locate the next nth member of a group or detail object.


  • n - An integer starting from 1.

Suppose that a group or detail object contains x members (confined to all parent groups' current members) and the custom aggregation is executed on the ith member, if "i + n > x", this function cannot locate any member.

A member of a group or detail object. When a detail object contains these members: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and the custom aggregation is executed on 20, the following expression returns "50".


nextMember(n, start) This function is used in the custom aggregation expression to locate the next nth member after the member specified in the start parameter.


  • n - An integer starting from 1.
  • start - A constant member of a group or detail object such as "USA", FIRSTMEMBER, and LASTMEMBER.
  • FIRSTMEMBER - Always locates the first member of a group or detail object.
  • LASTMEMBER - Always locates the last member of a group or detail object.

Suppose that a group or detail object contains x members (confined to all parent groups' current members), when start is the jth member, if "j + n > x", this function cannot locate any member.

A member of a group or detail object. When a detail object contains these members: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, the following expression returns "50".


openBinFile(string a) This function opens an image file which is saved in your file system according to the specified path. It enables user access to the computer file system and possibly passwords which may cause security issue, so if you have security concerns, you can disable the function by setting propertyenable_openBinFile to "false" in the file in <install_root>\bin. After you disable using the function, the function returns null but is still available in the Formula Editor for reference.
  • a - A String value which indicates the full path of the image file.
The return value is a binary image file. Suppose you have an image file photo1.gif which is saved in the following directory c:\images. The following example will open this image file.


openBinURL(string a) This function opens an image file according to the specified URL. It enables user access to the computer file system and possibly passwords which may cause security issue, so if you have security concerns, you can disable the function by setting enable_openBinURL to "false" in the file in <install_root>\bin. After you disable using the function, the function returns null but is still available in the Formula Editor for reference.
  • a - A String value which indicates the URL of the image file.
A binary image file. Suppose you have an image file in the following URL The following example will open this image file Pic1.gif.


openTxtFile(string a) This function opens a text file which is saved in your file system according to the specified path. It enables user access to the computer file system and possibly passwords which may cause security issue, so if you have security concerns, you can disable the function by setting enable_openTxtFile to "false" in the file in <install_root>\bin. After you disable using the function, the function returns null but is still available in the Formula Editor for reference.
  • a - A String value which indicates the full path of the text file.
A long varchar value. Suppose you have a text file in the following directory C:\LogiReport\Designer. The following example opens this text file report.ini.


openTxtURL(string a) This function opens a text file according to the specified URL. It enables user access to the computer file system and possibly passwords which may cause security issue, so if you have security concerns, you can disable the function by setting enable_openTxtURL to "false" in the file in <install_root>\bin. After you disable using the function, the function returns null but is still available in the Formula Editor for reference.
  • a - A String value which indicates the URL of the text file.
A long varchar value. Suppose you have a text file at the following URL The following example will open the text file report.ini.


Prev(DBfield a) This function returns the previous value of the current DBField.
  • a - A DBField value.
A DBField value. Suppose you build a report about customer orders. If you use this function on "Ship Date" and insert it into the detail panel, when you run the report, you can see Logi Report displays the previous records after each record according to the following statement.

Prev(@"Ship Date")

Prev(DBfield a, Integer b) This function returns the previous Nth record decided by the argument b.
  • a - A DBField value.
  • b - An Integer value.

Critical icon Due to some implementation limitation, the argument b cannot be equal to or less than -2.

A DBField value. Suppose you build a report about customer orders. If you use this function on "Ship Date" and set the argument b as 4, when you run the report, you can see that Logi Report displays the previous 4th record before each record according to the following statement.

Prev(@"Ship Date", 4)

prevMember() This function is used in the custom aggregation expression to locate the previous member of a group or detail object.


Suppose that a group or detail object contains x members (confined to all parent groups' current members) and the custom aggregation is executed on the ith member, if "i = 1", this function cannot locate any member. A member of a group or detail object. When a detail object contains these members: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and the custom aggregation is executed on 20, the following expression returns "10".


prevMember(n) This function is used in the custom aggregation expression to locate the previous nth member of a group or detail object.


  • n - An integer starting from 1.

Suppose that a group or detail object contains x members (confined to all parent groups' current members) and the custom aggregation is executed on the ith member, if "i - n < 1" , this function cannot locate any member.

A member of a group or detail object. When a detail object contains these members: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and the custom aggregation is executed on 40, the following expression returns "10".


prevMember(n, start) This function is used in the custom aggregation expression to locate the previous nth member before the member specified in the start parameter.
  • n - An integer starting from 1.
  • start - A constant member of a group or detail object such as "USA", FIRSTMEMBER, and LASTMEMBER.
  • FIRSTMEMBER - Always locates the first member of a group or detail object.
  • LASTMEMBER - Always locates the last member of a group or detail object.

Suppose that a group or detail object contains x members (confined to all parent groups' current members), when start is the jth member, if "j - n < 1", this function cannot locate any member.

A member of a group or detail object. When a detail object contains these members: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, the following expression returns "30".


PutInfo(String a, String b) This function puts or replaces information of a given key in the global level information container of the Information Bus.
  • a - A String indicating the information in the container.
  • b - A String value.
No return value. If you want to put information containing a key-value pair, TestKey, and TestValue, use the following statement:

PutInfo("TestKey", "TestValue")

PutOrgInfo(String a, String b) This function puts or replaces information of a given key in the organization level information container of the Information Bus that the current user can access.   No return value. If you want to put information containing a key-value pair, TestKey, and TestValue, use the following statement:

PutOrgInfo("TestKey", "TestValue")

PutUserInfo(String a, String b) This function puts or replaces information of a given key in the user level information container of the Information Bus that the current user can access.
  • a - A String indicating the information in the container.
  • b - A String value.
No return value. If you want to put information containing a key-value pair, TestKey, and TestValue, use the following statement:

PutUserInfo("TestKey", "TestValue")

RemoveInfo(String) This function removes information of a given key in the global level information container of the Information Bus.
  • String - A String indicating the information in the container.
No return value. If you want to remove information containing a key named TestKey, use the following statement:


RemoveOrgInfo(String) This function removes information of a given key in the organization level information container of the Information Bus that the current user can access.
  • String - A String indicating the information in the container.
No return value. If you want to remove information containing a key named TestKey, use the following statement:


RemoveUserInfo(String) This function is used to remove information of a given key in the user level information container of the Information Bus that the current user can access.
  • String - A String indicating the information in the container.
No return value. If you want to remove information containing a key named TestKey, use the following statement:


reportName() This function returns the current report name.   A String value. If the current report name is Employee Information List, the return value of the following statement is "Employee Information List".


Switch(Boolean[], Array) The elements in the two parameters corresponding with each other. This function evaluates the elements in the first parameter from left to right, and returns element associated with the first element to evaluate to True. For example,

Switch([1, 2, 3], [a, b, c])

If 1 is true, the function returns "a"; if 2 is true, it returns "b"; if 3 is true, it returns "c".

  • Boolean[] - A Boolean type array, which contains the elements to be evaluated.
  • Array - An array, which contains all the available values that may be returned.
One of the elements of the parameter array. The type of the return value is the same as the element in the array. Insert the following function into the detail panel of a report,

Switch([@"Customers_Customer ID"< 5, @"Customers_Customer ID" > 50,true],["small", "large", "medium"])

  • If Customer ID < 5 is true, returns "small".
  • If Customer ID >50 is true, returns "large".
  • If 5 < Customer ID < 50 (true), returns "medium".
toBool(number or currency) This function returns "True" if the parameter is positive or negative but not 0, and returns "False" if the parameter is 0. Can be either a Number, Currency value, or expression. A Boolean value. toBool(@Discount) - Returns "False" if the discount is 0; otherwise, returns "True".
toNumber(Boolean) This function returns "1" if the parameter is True, and returns "0" if the parameter is False.   1 or 0.

toNumber(True) - Returns "1".

toNumber(False) - Returns "0".

xor(booleanx, booleany) This function returns a Boolean value of booleanx Exclusive OR booleany.
  • If x = true and y = true, returns "false".
  • If x = true and y = false, returns "true".
  • If x = false and y = true, returns "true".
  • If x = false and y = false, returns "false".
  • booleanx - A Boolean value.
  • booleany - A Boolean value.
A Boolean value.

xor(true, true) - Returns "false".

xor(true, false) - Returns "true".

xor((@"Customer ID"<=20),(Remainder(@"Customer ID", 2) == 0));

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