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Installing the Catalog API

This topic describes how you can install the Catalog API.

When you install Designer, you install the Catalog API at the same time. After installation, you have the following components in <install_root>\lib:

  • report.jar
  • JREngine.jar
  • log4j-core-2.13.3.jar and log4j-api-2.13.3.jar (Jar files used for the Logi Report Engine logging system)
  • sac-1.3.jar (Jar file used for installing the Catalog API with the Design API)
  • ...

You can get the Catalog API class in the archive file report.jar. You need to do the following steps before you can compile and run the program:

  1. Set the class path environment variable. Append the following string to your class path that starts the Catalog API (make sure that the path of the file JREngine.jar is before that of the file report.jar):


  2. In your Java program you must set the licensed user and Design API license key.

    DesignerUserInfo userInfo=new DesignerUserInfo("UID","Design API Key");

  3. Set the reporthome parameter equal to the root path of Designer. You can set this in your environment or with the -Dreporthome argument to your JVM.

Logi Report Server also includes the Catalog API. If you prefer to use the libraries from Server, include the jar file <server_install_root>\lib\JRESServlets.jar in your class path instead of report.jar. You then need to use the Server Design API license key rather than the Design API license key.

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